“Innate alien? Acquired alien? ”

Zhang Fan looked at the cold man in front of him in surprise, and couldn’t help

muttering, saying

“That’s your!”

When the words fell, Zhang Fan suddenly jumped up, his eyes were so cold that people couldn’t see the kind appearance before.

He punched out, and the rolling thunder and lightning followed, and when he looked at it, he looked like a thunder dragon.


Bang bang!

The air exploded under that lightning, forming an arc of gas!

Suddenly, the cold man didn’t even have a chance to backhand, and was directly swallowed by Lei Long.


Immediately afterwards, there was a mournful sound, as if he was being tortured.

In the blink of an eye, the cold man foamed at the mouth, his whole body flashed with thunder and lightning, and his body was pitch black and smoking black.

I saw that Zhang Fan walked to the cold man with light steps, and said slowly:

“When I see you in the worst situation, I tell you that I belong to the acquired alien”

“Ahem… Sure enough…”

When the cold man heard this, he coughed violently, and then stood up shakily.

Although he looked miserable, he didn’t suffer much internal injury at all.

He knew that all this was the result of Zhang Fan’s remaining hand, and he saw him saying to Zhang Fan

“I’ve seen people who will grow up.”

As soon as these words came out, he admitted Zhang Fan as the president of the Tianxia Society.

Then, looking at Zhang Fan with a hoarse grin, he asked: “Elder, your acquired power is too powerful, I didn’t analyze what kind of power it is!” ”

Because in the Inhuman realm, Inhumans are divided into two categories – Inborn and Acquired

Innate aliens can be used at birth and transform them into mental power.

The acquired alien is the practice of cultivation exercises, guiding out the innate qi in one’s own body.

But congenital or acquired, these two are not superior.

Many powerful Inhumans are cultivated the day after tomorrow, but there are high and low factions between Inhumans.

Zhang Fan looked at the cold man in surprise, and smiled indifferently: “Demon power”

“Demonic powers? Sounds so domineering? ”

The cold man lowered his head and muttered the word in his mouth.

And Feng Zhenghao stood up at this time, his glasses flashed a trace of essence, looked at everyone in the audience, and asked loudly:

“Which of you still opposes Zhang Fan to the position of president?”

“No more… No more…%”

“President Zhang Fan is so young and young, he has such strong strength, I am convinced.”

“I’ve seen people who will grow up…”

Suddenly, everyone bowed down to Zhang Fan, sincerely acknowledging Zhang Fan’s position as president.

However, at this moment, a very discordant voice sounded.

“Haha… I’m going to object, does this count? ”

“Yes, you have to count Lao Gu!”

I saw two figures appear at the door of the conference hall, making a sound that seemed to be innocuous.

The strange thing is that although the sound is small, it can clearly reach everyone’s ears.

When everyone saw the two figures, their faces were full of panic and panic, and they said in shock

“This is ‘Thunder Smoke Cannon’ Gao Ning, and ‘Bane Root Miao’ Shen Chong, why did the two of them come?”

“This… This…… How could the guards let them in? ”

The people of the all-sex organization are called demon people by the inhuman world, just because they do not follow the rules, and killing people is commonplace.

In particular, the all-sexual four-maniac is famous in the Inhuman world.

Therefore, the sudden sight of the arrival of the ‘Thunder Smoke Cannon’ Gao Ning and the ‘Bane Seedling’ Shen Chong made them feel a little timid in their hearts.

I saw the ‘Thunder Smoke Cannon’ Gao Ning walked in with a smile, and the finger-sized pitch-red coffin in his hand smiled at Feng Zhenghao:

“President Feng Zhenghao… Oh no…… No, you are not the president now, I heard that you will change the president in the world. ”

“So, I didn’t know what I was coming, and I brought you a gift.”

Saying that, the coffin in his hand was thrown towards Feng Zhenghao, “Please laugh!” ”

“Well… Well…”

Feng Zhenghao’s face was full of anger, so angry that he said three times in a row, and the moment he was about to rush up, he was patted on his shoulder by Zhang Fan, and said with a strange smile:

“Why be angry, since the gift he gave, of course, you must accept it, otherwise it seems that the world will be stingy.”

The next moment, when I saw Zhang Fan flying up, stretching out his palm to grab the pitch-red coffin, I heard Feng Zhenghao’s anxious voice.

“Don’t… Be careful with his twelve labor formations. “

However, as if he hadn’t heard it, Zhang Fan directly held the coffin in his hand and smiled at Gao Ning

“Bald donkey thanks, I’ll buy you a coffin at the next provincial meeting.”


‘Thunder Smoke Cannon’ Gao Ning’s face was originally still smiling, but after suddenly hearing Zhang Fan’s words, his face was extremely ugly. ’

After Zhang Fan’s words, it was as if he said that the coffin was bought for himself, how did this not make Gao Ning hate.


However, Gao Ning’s face returned to normal in a blink of an eye, and he exhaled a deep breath and said with a smile

“Chairman Zhang, it’s really a grin, but my brother, Bane Root Miao, also has a big gift for you.”

Then, the bane root miao gently lowered his eyes, and the innate energy burst out, and he said coldly:

“Usury – Dance of Devils”

PS: Kneel for great support from readers! Kneel and beg readers for great support! Kneel and beg to hide from great support!

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