But between Jin Qi and Sally stunned, Elder Zhihou had already rushed over, and the staff in his hand swept away suddenly and called towards the two of them.

Sally dodged and retreated to the back, while Jin Qi wrapped his right arm around his staff, then stretched his left arm, and another elastic fist hit Elder Zhi Monkey.

"Jin Qi, don't attack him!

Sally saw Jin Qi's actions and quickly reminded.

However, it was too late, Jin Qi punched Elder Zhi Monkey in the abdomen, and Elder Zhi Monkey took the punch again, and then Jin Qi felt a huge pain in his abdomen.

Jin Qi covered his stomach, took two steps back, looked at Elder Zhihou, and said:

"How can I fight this? Every time I attack, it will bounce back to myself.

Elder Zhihou had a smug smile on his face, and his mouth kept making murmurs, as if he was mocking them for "three five three".

However, Jiang Yihe and Qin Yi were fighting hard against the female wise monkey with rock ability.

The ice sword in Qin Yi's right hand suddenly stabbed the female wise monkey, but the female wise monkey turned into a rock surface at the position where the ice sword was stabbed. Ring, cut off.

Then Qin Yi stabbed the ice sword in his left hand towards the mother wise monkey, the mother wise monkey tilted its head to the side, and then a rock fist, slammed into Qin Yi's chest again.

Qin Yi quickly activated his mind power and summoned the 'Ice Armor.


A loud bang.

The rock punch hit Qin Yi's chest, and the ice armor on the chest was cracked. Then Qin Yi also retreated several steps under the huge force.

And at this time, Jiang Yihe's wormhole appeared behind the female wise monkey. Obviously, the female wise monkey had something to expect. Before Jiang Yihe burrowed out of the wormhole, he suddenly turned around and punched Jiang Yihe with a rock fist. call.

Jiang Yihe was so frightened that he hurried back into the wormhole.

At this time, another sky blue light circle appeared in the distance, and Jiang Yihe drilled out from it.

"This guy shouldn't understand us, right?

Qin Yi frowned slightly, looked at Jiang Yihe, and said.

"Judging from the previous situation, it should be incomprehensible. 35

Jiang Yihe looked at Qin Yi and replied.

"This guy's reaction is extremely sensitive. All our attacks can be blocked by him using the rock surface in time. He wants to cause serious damage to him, unless it affects his judgment."

Qin Yi thought for a moment and said.

"I have a way.

Jiang Yihe gave Qin Yi a serious look and said.

Afterwards, Jiang Yihe leaned the dark golden ring in his hand into the void, and a sky-blue light circle appeared beside him immediately, and then Jiang Yihe drilled into it.

In the next second, Jiang Yihe's wormhole appeared beside the female wise monkey, Jiang Yihe drilled out of it, and then punched the mother wise monkey.

A contemptuous smile appeared on the mother's face, and immediately opened a rock skin at Jiang Yihe's fist position.

However, what he did not expect was that Jiang Yihe's move was a feint at all, and Jiang Yihe took advantage of this opportunity to meet his gaze.

Then Jiang Yihe launched a 'mental bombardment' on him.

The female wise monkey only felt that her brain was blank, and then stood in place.

"Qin Yi, right now!"

Jiang Yihe shouted hurriedly.

Hearing Jiang Yihe's shout, Qin Yi immediately stepped forward and stabbed the mother wise monkey's chest with a sword.

Sure enough, this time, the female wise monkey did not use the rock surface to defend itself. At this time, he was still controlled by Jiang Yihe's mental bombardment, and his brain was still blank.

Qin Yi stabbed the mother wise monkey's chest with a sword, and the mother wise monkey only woke up at this time, he looked down at the wound on his chest, and then made a hysterical corner.

This strange cry caught the attention of the male wise monkey in the distance, and at this moment he looked at the female wise monkey with a look of grief in his eyes.

From that expression, it is not difficult to see that the female wise monkey and the male wise monkey seem to be a couple.

Then the wise monkey went crazy and ran towards Qin Yi and the others.

Qin Yi saw Gongzhi Monkey's speed getting faster and faster, and then turned into a white light and hit him.

Qin Yi hurriedly summoned an ice shield to block it in front of him.

"Boom! 35

With a crisp sound, the ice shield was smashed to pieces.

The Gongzhi Monkey continued to collide with Qin Yi. At the critical moment, Qin Yi hurriedly summoned the 'Ice Armor' on his body.

Gongzhi monkey hit Qin Yi's body, Qin Yi's body surface cracked immediately, and then the Gongzhi monkey took Qin Yi's body and slammed into an orange tree behind...

Qin Yi propped his heels on the ground, trying to resist this speed, but when he couldn't resist, he was hit by the gongzhi monkey on the orange tree trunk. Qin Yi hit him.

This punch is so powerful that even if there is an ice armor attached to the surface of the body, if it is hit by this punch, it will definitely be seriously injured.

At this moment, a poker card flew in and shot on Gongzhi Monkey's fist.

The poker card was more than half in, Gongzhi Monkey frowned, obviously this blow caused him pain, and then he relaxed the strength of his hand.

Qin Yi raised his knees and slammed into his abdomen, Gongzhi Monkey's body was immediately beaten into a bow shape and retreated backwards.

At this time, Qin Yi, Lei Jun, Jiang Yihe, and Luxi surrounded Gongzhi Monkey in the middle. The Gongzhi Monkey's eyes were full of anger, and he couldn't stop scanning the surrounding people with his eyes.

Obviously, the death of the mother wise monkey has dealt a great blow to him, and at this moment he could not wait to tear Qin Yi and the others to pieces.

Qin Yi glanced at the rest of the group and said, "Let's go together."5

Several others also nodded.

Then Qin Yi transformed into an ice sword with both hands and rushed up quickly.

Lei Jun shouted loudly, his muscles swelled to a terrifying degree, and he strode forward.

Carrying the iron rod, Luxie also rushed up.

Jiang Yihe opened a 4.8 wormhole beside him, and the next second, the wormhole appeared next to Gongzhi Monkey, and then Jiang Yihe drilled out of it.

Faced with attacks from four directions, the male wise monkey was not afraid at all, and when the four of them rushed to his side, he suddenly crouched down, and then only heard a 'poof' sound, and he seemed to have farted.

I saw his whole body, suddenly filled with a large green gas.

Originally, Qin Yi and the others planned to besiege and win, but unexpectedly the Gongzhi monkey farted at that time. Before they could understand what was going on, they immediately felt a stench.

This fart is really too meaty. Qin Yi and the others have never smelled such a smelly gas before. The smell directly made them give up the attack, and instantly felt a huge sense of nausea.

Qin Yi and the others covered their noses, took many steps back, and began to vomit violently.

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