Ji Yange’s Strength! (1/1)
At this time, Wen Ning looked at Ji Yange’s spirit fire dragonfly and said, “Ji Yange, you are not bad, this spirit fire dragonfly has become like this.”
At this time, Ji Yange said with a smile: “Just kidding, my strength has always been very strong, but you have never let me fight.”
And at this time Liu Cong also found that his You Tianhe would definitely not be able to take advantage of the spirit fire dragonfly.
That’s why You Tianhe was brought back directly, and then Liu Congcai said to Ji Yange: “Well, I’m not your opponent.”
“I admit defeat in this game.” Liu Cong said.
Liu Cong admits defeat, so there is no need for Ji Yange to continue the fight, and Ji Yange also said happily: “Hmph, now you know that I’m good, don’t you?”
“Hmph, I told you that you are not my opponent. You still didn’t believe it, but now you do.”
“I’m telling you now that I know about it, but to be honest, I don’t think about anything else right now.”
“I’m just thinking about one question, why do you guys always think we are bad guys?” Ji Yan~Ge asked.
And Liu Congcai said: “There is no way, this is the case here in the civilian area, please understand.”
“Okay, to express my apologies, here is a green bamboo leaf, which is a special product of Qingzhu Mountain. I heard that there is a B-level royal beast on Qingzhu Mountain,”
“If you want to find this little guyIf so, then it seems that you can find it with these green bamboo leaves. In short, there is not much else to say. ”
“This thing seems to be able to get some B-level beasts. Anyway, you can try it. Just take it as my apology for misunderstanding you.” Liu Cong said.
After hearing Liu Cong’s words, Wen Ning also nodded and said, “Since you have said so, then I promise you.”
“But I’m curious, where did you get this green bamboo leaf?”
And Liu Congcai said: “I got this green bamboo leaf by accident when I went to Qingzhu Mountain. Someone told me about it.”
“I don’t know if it’s true, but you are all travelers anyway, so you won’t suffer a lot if you stop by to see it,” Liu Cong said.
After hearing Liu Cong’s words, Wen Ning also nodded.
Then Wen Ning said to Liu Cong: “Your daughter is very talented, you should send her to study, only in this way can she become a real beast master.”
“Thank you for your kindness. I’m already handling this matter. I wanted to surprise my daughter before, so I didn’t tell her.” Liu Cong said.
Hearing Liu Cong’s words, Wen Ning was completely at ease at this time. Now that Liu Cong has already handled this matter for his daughter, there is no need to talk about the rest.
After all, Wen Ning also knows that there are some things that you don’t need to worry about. Thinking of this, Wen Ning nodded and said: “Then I wish you all good luck, we are leaving now.”
After finishing talking, Wen Ning and the three of them left here directly.
After returning to the urban area, the four of them also happily ate a meal. In the middle of the meal, Xu Zhenghai suddenly said to Wen Ning: “Wen Ning, I think I have to leave.”
“You want to go?” Wen Ning thought he heard it wrong, so he said, “Stop joking, where are you going if you’re fine?” Zhang.

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