The stars chase the wind and horses! (1/1)
If the spirit fire dragonfly unleashed all its attacks, could his beast, the black-armored giant crocodile, still be able to hold up?
He Jian of the He family was smug, as if his giant black armored crocodile was invincible, but Ji Yange looked at He Jian and laughed wickedly.
He Jian suddenly appeared in front of Ji Yange and the others, and he was so provocative to the Ji family. He had to let Spirit Fire Dragonfly teach the black armored crocodile a lesson.
Black armor defense?
“Three Four Three” In front of the powerful flame of the spirit fire dragonfly, the black armored giant crocodile can’t resist it all the time.
“Linghuo dragonfly, use the strongest flame!”
“Break the defense of the black armored crocodile for me!”
I saw that Ji Yange suddenly started giving orders to the spirit fire dragonfly again, the spirit fire dragonfly wanted to kill the black armored crocodile for a long time, so more flames of it have appeared.
Especially after the Spirit Fire Dragonfly used the flame to descend, He Jian and many of his subordinates who were not far away had already started to retreat very far.
After all, He Jian knew very well in his heart that if he didn’t step back with his subordinates now, wouldn’t he be burned to death by the flame of the spirit fire dragonfly?
“What a strong flame, I was almost in danger!”
“But my black armored crocodile should still be able to withstand it!”
He Jian still said confidently, but soon He Jian of the He family was dumbfounded, because his beast-fighting black-armored giant crocodile was not what he thought.
The black armored crocodile had nothing to do with it before, but when He Jian looked at it now, He Jian was completely stunned.
“Do not!”
“Why can’t the black armor defense of the giant black armored crocodile resist the flame of the spirit fire dragonfly?”
“I do not believe!”
He Jian looked at the scene in front of him in despair and said, but Wen Ning and the Ji family beastmaster beside him were already laughing at He Jian at this moment.
How he laughed at Wen Ning and the others before, and how Wen Ning laughed at He Jian now.
Not only He Jian is now afraid of the spirit fire dragonfly, but the beastmasters behind him are also like this. If they were to deal with the spirit fire dragonfly now, I am afraid they would not dare.
Similarly, there are some guards in the He family who are standing behind He Jian now.
The black-armored giant crocodile began to scream violently. Without the black-armored giant black-armored crocodile, it is simply a garbage beast.
He was completely ignored by the spirit fire dragonfly, and even if he was attacked by the fire dragonfly again, He Jian’s beast-guarded black-armored giant crocodile might die…  
“The black armored crocodile, hurry up and come back to me!”
“Since the spirit fire dragonfly is so powerful, how could I still attack you?”
“When I He Jian is a fool?”
He Jian is still very cunning. When he met Ji Yange and the others in the Forest of Ghosts today, he was slapped in the face by Ji Yange’s imperial beast.
Although He Jian was extremely embarrassed at this time, He Jian still had to save his own life, even the subordinates behind him, He Jian of the He family would not let them die.
Just as the black armored crocodile returned to He Jian, He Jian ordered the black armored crocodile and his subordinates, and then wanted to disappear in front of Ji Yange.
“Come with me!”
“We’ll deal with them next time!”
He Jian gave an order, and his subordinates began to flee quickly.
This scene has been seen by Wen Ning and Ji Yange. If someone else, Ji Yange can still let it go, but it is a pity that He Jian belongs to the He family, and Ji Yange will not let He Jian go no matter what. .

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