Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 39: Nanyang's Sorrow, Enemy Traces

"Li Xiang, what area are we currently in?"

Qin Hao asked as he lit a fire and grilled a piece of meat from the tail fin of a giant whale.

The meat here is the most tender and delicious part of the giant whale.

Moreover, the energy is abundant, enough to ensure Qin Hao's consumption.

Li Xiang deliberately took a large piece of it and saved it, just in time to share it with everyone.

Li Xiang, who was swallowing heavily, quickly wiped his mouth, took out the metal box and put it away.

A topographic map was projected, and with the sound of a machine running, the signal automatically positioned itself and locked their current location.

"Captain, we are now in our ninth area, which is still two intervals away from the eleventh area we are responsible for."

Qin Hao took off the roasted sizzling and oily whale meat and looked at the map.

After a while, he raised his hand and pointed, landing on a raised hill: "We have to get here before tonight."

Li Xiang looked at the distance between that location and his current location, and felt a sense of absurdity in his heart: "Captain, this location is our original planned route for the day. Is it too late to arrive before evening?"

"Did the original plan include that we would tame a group of abyss ghost wolves as mounts?" Qin Hao asked.

Li Xiang looked at the abyss ghost wolves that surrounded them in a circle.

The tall and steady man had a look of embarrassment on his face and scratched his head: "No."

"Now that our mobility is sufficient, our most important goal now is to reach our area as soon as possible, and then clear the obstacles to welcome the invasion of enemy warriors."

"The tide of sea monsters may come at any time, and we can't delay it."

Qin Hao said lightly.

"This... I understand." Li Xiang nodded solemnly.

After swallowing the giant whale meat in several mouthfuls, he crossed his legs and adjusted his breathing.

Qin Hao took a look and came to the Wolf King.

The Wolf King lowered his head and roared a few times, his front feet constantly digging at the ground, and a look of uneasiness flashed in his eyes.

Qin Hao threw most of the whale meat left in his hand to the Wolf King.

The Wolf King caught it doubtfully. Although he didn't know what the human in front of him was thinking, his stomach was already ravenous after running for so long.

The powerful white and tender meat of the giant whale is really a huge temptation for it!

So it swallowed the piece of meat in a few mouthfuls, and even licked the corners of its mouth.

"Is it delicious?"

Qin Hao asked, patting the Wolf King's forehead.

The Wolf King nodded.

"As long as you help me this time, this kind of meat tube will be enough."

The wolf king's green eyes narrowed, he slowly took a few steps back and glanced at his group.

Qin Hao understood what it meant and said directly: "Don't worry, I won't treat your tribe badly either."

The Wolf King immediately looked up to the sky and roared.

The wolves behind him started howling.

This huge movement startled everyone.

Li Xiang and Le Na thought that the wolves were about to riot, and they were nervously on guard.

Qin Hao smiled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, I have reached a friendly agreement with the Wolf King, and the wolves will fully assist us in our actions."

"A deal reached?"

Li Xiang looked blankly at the wolf king who obediently allowed Qin Hao to touch him.

Is this still the cruel and violent Abyss Ghost Wolf?


"Report, the flag is functioning normally and the signal connection is smooth!"

Qin Hao clicked on his personal terminal, and sure enough, it showed that the signal was connected to the rear headquarters.

A two-dimensional map appeared, with several green highlighted dots appearing on it.

These green dots are the lit flags.

As they moved forward at full speed, the other teams were also catching up.

Putting away the terminal, Qin Hao jumped to the top of the Wolf King, "Let's go!"

When Qin Hao led the crowd to charge continuously.

The atmosphere in the rear base operations hall was somewhat stagnant.

First row, in the third screen.

The bright red earth is particularly eye-catching.

This is the static information screen returned by the connection completion flag ten minutes ago.

It stands to reason that with the signal connection of the flag, the base signal will be connected to the team and access the real-time broadcast screen.

This is true for the rest of the screens.

However, this screen alone is particularly special.

The picture freezes on one scene.

The range of the flag signal is ten miles, and it is impossible for this team to travel such a long distance in a short period of time.

Therefore, there is only one case.

That means this team has encountered an unexpected event!

Moreover, it is the kind where everyone loses.

Suddenly, General He, who had been silent all this time, glanced at the corner of the screen inadvertently.

Then, suddenly stopped!

"Lower right corner of the screen, zoom in ten times!" General He pointed at the screen and ordered.

The operator started working immediately.

The picture was instantly enlarged ten times and then sharpened.

Half of the fingers were buried in the blood and mud, with only a small fingernail exposed.

Xu Longxiao's aura surged, and his pupils shrank suddenly as he looked at the half finger.

After a long while, he took a long breath and said in a deep voice: "Send an obituary to Nanyang City, Nanyang team, all members of the Nanyang team performed heroically in this battle!"

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly stagnated.

Everyone stood up silently and saluted!

After a few breaths, Colonel Xu Long's low shout suddenly echoed in the hall:

"Which team is currently closest to Nanyang Team?"

"The report is from the Sichuan South Team."

"Inform Chuan Nan and order them to change their route and go to find out the reason why the Nanyang team was wiped out."

"Boss, why do you want to keep this flag? If you destroy it, can't you sneak in quietly?"

A team of tall, blond and blue-eyed figures stood in the distance, looking at the flag stuck in the blood with a smile.

The captain was a two-meter-tall strong man with black skin like rock, covered with rough grains.

"No, no, no."

The black captain shook his finger and said in fluent foreign language: "My dear brother Andre, you don't understand the enemy."

"This flag is like bait, and the monkeys of the flower-growing family like to express their comradeship the most. They will definitely send people to check it out, and all we have to pay is to wait a little longer."

"Wait a little longer, and you can get an extra merit. Isn't it worth being happy?"

The black man's thick lips parted, revealing a creepy smile.

"The monkeys have an old saying, called... called..."

The black man hesitated for a moment, and kept recalling.

"Kill two birds with one stone." The subordinate said.

"Oh yes, thank you, Brother Mensa, we killed two birds with one stone."

The black man snapped his fingers.

All his subordinates immediately showed admiring eyes: "The boss is really powerful, he can easily kill two teams of flower-growing monkeys. Following the boss is really the luckiest decision I have ever made in my life!"

"Haha, yes, the boss has participated in two Nansha missions, his knowledge is beyond our reach!"

The subordinates praised him.

The black captain couldn't help but smile extremely comfortably.

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