Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 16 Assassination time, harvest time

Qin Hao finished the takeaway that had just arrived and took a shower.

Then he sat cross-legged in the middle of the room and recalled the basic mental method taught in school.

This is a simple method to adjust the qi and blood, and the effect is not strong.

However, it can also speed up his practice.

Now for him, time is life!



As time passed.

Qin Hao's chest was filled with the sound of wind and thunder!

His whole body, as he inhaled, expanded a little bit visibly.

And as this breath was exhaled.

The expanded muscles tightened instantly!

Like steel bars condensed together, the lines were clear!

Qin Hao suddenly opened his eyes and clenched his fists in surprise!

"I didn't expect that this serious practice could even speed up the practice of qi and blood!"

Looking at the time, only one hour had passed.

He actually had a sense of qi in his body!

This is simply impossible in the eyes of others!

Because he only used the most basic mental method of practice!

I have never heard of anyone who has cultivated a sense of Qi through this!

"If you change to a stronger technique, plus the bonus of talent, then the effect will not be..."

Qin Hao's heart began to beat violently.

As expected of Saitama's talent, it is really terrifying!

Qin Hao was amazed, and then he devoted himself to cultivation again.



I don't know how long it took.

Qin Hao, who was practicing, suddenly felt his body tense, and the hair on his back stood up!

Without hesitation, Qin Hao pressed forward!


A bullet flew past his scalp.

The burning sensation caused Qin Hao's heart to contract sharply!


The bullet instantly shot into the wall, directly penetrated the wall, leaving a hole of dozens of centimeters!

Looking at this terrifying power, Qin Hao's back was covered with cold sweat: "The Bai family dared to use anti-material weapons?"

Ordinary thermal weapons can't do this kind of power!

Only those firearms that target armor can do it!

And this kind of high-intensity weapon has always been strictly prohibited by the Operations Department from being used in the city!

Isn't the Bai family afraid of being suppressed by the Operations Department?

At this time.

The sound of broken window glass just sounded.

Looking at the two large French windows on the wall, his whereabouts were completely exposed!

Can't stay here!

Qin Hao rolled on the ground and kicked the door open to go to the corridor.

At this time, a knife light slashed down along the door frame!

Qin Hao shrank suddenly, dragged a chair from the side and smashed it!


The chair immediately broke into pieces.

The knife light kept chasing after him!

Feeling the coolness on his back, Qin Hao knew that the sniper in the distance was aiming at him again!

With his body, he could never resist the attack of anti-material weapons!

"Then... kill you!!"

Qin Hao groaned, and kicked his feet suddenly!

The floor shattered.

A white wave suddenly rolled up around Qin Hao, and the air was compressed to the extreme at the tip of his fist!

Then, it exploded!


It was like a heavy hammer hitting!

The long sword in front of the swordsman broke into several pieces.

Qin Hao's fist penetrated directly into his chest!

His internal organs were crushed into dregs by the exploding air cannon!

The swordsman's body suddenly stopped, staring at the cold boy in front of him in disbelief: "How... is it possible..."

Around his body, wind spiritual power just appeared and quickly dissipated.

The sixth realm grandmaster, killed with one punch!

Bang bang!

Two bullets shot into the floor.

Only a few centimeters away from Qin Hao's heels!

Qin Hao seemed unaware, wiping the blood on his fist and turning around grimly, his eyes locked on the top of the building across a distance of nearly a thousand meters!

The bullet came from that direction.

Without saying a word, Qin Hao quickly left the room.

At this time, the residents of other rooms slowly opened their doors to see what was going on.

"Report, the target sniper failed, and No. 6 is also dead."

On the top of the building, a sniper wrapped in a black tights reported unwillingly.

As expected, a furious voice came from the intercom.

The sniper was helpless.

He never thought that an eighteen-year-old child could react to the speed of the Gauss sniper!

It is clear that this thing is more than enough to deal with the fifth-level Fierce Wind Eagle!

You know, the Fierce Wind Eagle is the tyrant in the sky, and its ultimate speed exceeds the speed of sound!

How could a guy who didn't even master the spiritual energy and relied on the strength of the flesh escape the killing of this weapon?

It's just a ghost!

But after listening to the instructions from the other side.

He no longer hesitated and hurriedly packed up.

The sniper failed, and his companion died.

He must look for the next opportunity.

Fortunately, the assassination arranged by the family is not just this time.

Even if that kid has ten lives, it is definitely not enough to die!

However, when he just put on his backpack and prepared to leave,

A thin figure was already waiting at the only exit, quietly looking at him.

"How could it be so fast?"

The sniper's heart skipped a beat.

He looked back at the target in disbelief.

The distance was nine hundred and eighty-seven meters and two.

However, in less than a minute, the other party actually came to him?

Moreover, this was a rooftop of a thirty-story building!

"Can this guy... fly?"

The sniper slowly raised his hands, preparing to say something to delay time.

However, a strong wind came.

Qin Hao appeared in front of him as if teleporting, and stretched out five fingers, grabbing his head like a clamp.

Panic instantly hit his heart: "Wait..."



His head was instantly crushed!

"Number Five, why are you still standing there? Quickly retreat to the third sniper killing point!"

An angry shout came from the sniper's waist.

Looking at the communicator.

Qin Hao picked it up and pressed the switch:

"Wait for me."

The other side instantly became quiet.

After a few seconds, a deep voice replaced the previous person:

"You are Qin Hao, right? Come to my Bai family now to surrender, and my Bai family may give you a lighter sentence. After all, you are also a talent..."

"I will come."

Qin Hao said again, then turned off the communicator signal, took out the battery and put it in his pocket.

This thing is specially made and worth a lot of money.

In addition to this, Qin Hao was also very concerned about the backpack next to him.

After opening the zipper, there was indeed the sniper rifle used to kill him.

It was one and a half meters long, with a muzzle as thick as a child's arm.

There was also the iconic energy-gathering slot in the middle of the gun.

"Gauss CJ6 anti-material/beast sniper cannon, the market price is 38 million, and it is very difficult to get."

"It's worth it that I opened the three-door formation to find you."

Qin Hao curled his lips, picked up the backpack and left here directly.

And in the command base in the distance.

Bai Shao, the head of the Bai Family Security Group, who was nearly two meters tall, put down the communicator and looked at his men around him coldly:

"You all heard what he said, how arrogant! If we can't keep him today, how can my Bai Family still have the face to stand in southern Sichuan?"

"Everyone, take action immediately! I want him to know how terrible the consequences of offending my Bai Family are!"

"I want him to know that the Bai Family cannot be humiliated!"

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