Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 92 Abnormal Sea Water, Natural Disasters Subsided? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

May 5, 2021

Today is the day predicted in the official lunar shift analysis report, when tidal gravity will surge again and the oceans will completely submerge the continents.

Li Hao also wakes up early to get ready for the arrival of the ocean era.

However, left waits right, etc.

By the afternoon, the sea still didn't move at all.

It wasn't until he saw a new post on the Doomsday Forum that Li Nose noticed that the sea water seemed to have stagnated after the basin."

Not to mention flooding the entire continent, even Shanhai City has not been able to flood.

If something is abnormal, it is a demon.

The abnormality of the sea water made Li Hao feel a little uneasy in his heart, and he had a faint sense of foreboding.

"Let's see if there's anything official there."

In order to find out why the sea suddenly became abnormal, Li Hao immediately asked Jarvis to enter the official server and "query" the relevant information.

However, officials also seem to be somewhat confused about the situation.

Today's lunar deflection sub-"603" analysis report does not really explain the reason, the specific cause seems to be under investigation.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

Seeing that even the official did not know the specific reason, Li Hao frowned.

It's so perverse.

I thought that today was the day when Blue Star entered the ocean age.

Who would have thought that the sea suddenly stopped rising.

This feeling of not going up and down is uncomfortable.

Just like being sentenced to death, the period before the death penalty is the most tormenting.

Always in a state of worry and fear.

As a result, it was hard to wait for the moment of execution, but suddenly said that he would kill again another day.

This feeling is simply not sour.

Although Li Hao has always maintained a calm and calm attitude towards the arrival of the ocean era.

But in the face of the sea water that suddenly became abnormal, Li Hao also had a black eye and felt very "uncomfortable".

"No, I have to see what's going on in this sea?!"

Thinking like this, Li Hao took out the stealth hovering drone he had bought earlier from the storage room and thought about walking outside the shelter.

Open the "hatch" of the armor of the top shell of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

The completely invisible stealth levitating drone was released.

Later, Li Hao returned to the shelter, watching the picture transmitted by the stealth suspension drone on the remote control display, while controlling the stealth suspension drone to fly in the direction of the sea water fifty miles away from Shanhai City.

As a black technology produced in the Doomsday Black Technology Mall, the control and movement radius of this stealth suspension drone reaches a speed of 120 miles per hour is also quite amazing.

After less than ten minutes of flight, the camera of the stealth suspension drone showed the traces of seawater.

Until the wee hours of this morning, this was just a basin.

Today, it is covered by endless sea water and has become part of the ocean.

Take control of a stealth hovering drone and walk around the ocean.

"Strange! Why is the sea so calm today?!"

Looking at the image screen transmitted by the stealth suspension drone on the display screen of the remote control, Li Hao's heart was also full of doubts.


Today's sea water is very wrong.

The calm is excessive, there are no big waves at all.

You know, when the sea water hit the mainland before, it was high after wave, surging to the extreme.

The momentum is ferocious.

"Won't the sea rise again, and the ocean era won't come?!"

Seeing this, Li Hao couldn't help but flash this thought in his heart.


He quickly dismissed this unreliable idea.

Because, in the official lunar shift analysis report just "borrowed" today, the deflection of the moon is still continuing, and there is no sign of stopping.

In this case, the tidal gravity of the blue star will definitely continue to increase.

In other words, the arrival of the ocean era is inevitable.

"Since the arrival of the ocean era is inevitable, then the stagnation and calm of the sea in front of us are obviously only temporary, maybe it is still a precursor to some catastrophe...

Although he didn't know the reason for the sudden stagnant and calm of the sea, Ji Hao also quickly raised his vigilance in his heart.

He decided not to recover the stealth suspension drone for the time being, and directly let it levitate above the boundary between sea water and land, and continue to transmit images of seawater.

May 6, 2021

According to the image images transmitted by the stealth suspension drone, the sea still shows no signs of rising today, on the contrary, there is a faint trend of "retreating".

Seeing that the situation seemed to be developing in a good direction, Li Hao's heart did not relax in the slightest, but became more vigilant.

Borrowing the investigation report of the official server again, I still found nothing.

However, the news of the stagnation of the sea for two consecutive days has brought a little hope to many people.

Perhaps the oceanic disaster is over.

However, the chaos and war in Shanhai City have not stopped much,

After all, no one dares to guarantee that the marine natural disaster has subsided, and the sea will never rise forever.

May 7, 2021

According to the image transmitted by the drone, the sea retreated nearly ten miles.

It seems that the marine natural disaster really shows signs of subsidence...........

Therefore, the news of the end of the marine disaster spread in the Doomsday Forum.

And there are more and more people who believe.

Affected by this news, the armed conflicts around the sea ark in Shanhai City have decreased a lot.

But Li Hao, who knew that the deflection of the moon never stopped, never believed that the marine disaster would really subside.

On the contrary, the more abnormal the sea water, the more he felt that the wind and rain were coming.

May 8, 2021

Shelter, inside the living room.

Li Hao and Zhao Xueshi's three daughters are sitting on the sofa, watching the video of the sea water on the satellite TV in front of them.

This is the result of Li Hao asking Jarvis to transfer the camera signal of the stealth hovering drone to satellite TV.

On the TV screen, you can clearly see that the sea water seems to be at low tide, constantly "receding"

"Angkor, is this marine disaster over?"

Sitting in Li Hao's arms, Zhao Xueshi looked up at Li Hao and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Zhao Xueqi and Zhao Xuehua also turned their eyes to Li Hao, their eyes were also full of curiosity and questions.

"Probably not! The waters of low tide now may be a harbinger of a major ocean catastrophe. ”

After a moment of silence, Li Hao replied.

Although it is only speculation, it is also well-founded.

These days, he asks Jarvis to "borrow" the official lunar deflection analysis report every day.

The conclusion has never changed.

All the while, the lunar deflection continues, and the ocean era is bound to come.

Then the current scene contrary to the conclusion is obviously a big problem.

Among the 4.5 speculations in Li Hao's mind, the probability of precursors of marine natural disasters is the largest.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the abnormal flow of the sea in front of you.

Hearing Li Hao's words, Zhao Xueshi's third daughter was also surprised.

After being surprised, Zhao Xueshi's third daughter also chose to believe what Li Hao said.

After all, they know Li Hao's "magic" (with the high-tech of a fully automatic multifunctional mechanical building octopus).

Since Li Hao said so, this receding tide is certainly not so simple.

Zhao Xueshi's three daughters have Li Hao's "reminder", and they are still vigilant against the low tide water.

And those people in the outside world are different.

For three days, the sea continued to "recede"

Seeing this, almost the vast majority of people believe that the marine natural disaster has really stopped and subsided.

The tense nerves in my heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

The Doomsday Forum was filled with cheers.

Most of the battles around the Sea Ark in Shanhai City disappeared in an instant.

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