Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 86 Invasion Of The Official Server, Lunar Offset Analysis Report【Please Subscribe, Please Cu

Jarvis: "No problem! My initial data Curry has tens of millions of built-in driving information for various large mobile vehicles, and although the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter is much larger than a normal submarine, it is not much different from the driving point of view. ”

"However, the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter currently lacks a radar system, and I can't detect and perceive the outside world! According to the data calculations, when driving mobile in this case, there is a high probability of collision. ”

Hearing this, Li Hao was not disappointed either.

This is to be expected.

Today's submarine-type mobile marine shelter is like a disabled person, with a brain (artificial intelligence) and hands and feet (nuclear-powered vector engines), but without the eyes (radar), the "perception organ".

In this "blind" situation, blindly moving around is obviously an extremely dangerous thing.

"It seems that it is necessary to buy radars as soon as possible, otherwise the shelter will not be able to move at all."

Li Hao shook his head and opened the system panel to check his remaining points balance.

【Point balance】~: 2560 points

"After buying the primary artificial intelligence and nuclear-powered vector engine, I only have 2,000 points left in more than 100,000 points."

The shipborne primary artificial intelligence costs 61,080 points, and the nuclear-powered vector engine costs 42,000.

The sum of the two directly turns his six-digit 105,640 points into a four-digit 2560 points.

It seems that it is far from the more than 30,000 points required to purchase a super pulse array detection radar, and it is not even enough for a fraction of the back

According to the speed of point accumulation on weekdays, it is estimated that it will take at least nearly twenty days to obtain this point.

"However, I completed the power system and operating system of the shelter today, and these two survival performances should be able to settle at least 15,000 points tomorrow."

"Coupled with the more than 2,000 points left in me, then the more than 30,000 points that are far from purchasing the Super Pulse Array detection radar should be only half, that is, 17,000 points.

"In this way, it only takes about ten days to take down the super pulse array detection radar."

Li Hao's brows furrowed slightly.

Still a little slow.

Ten days is too long.

Who knows if the rapidly rising sea water in these ten days will directly rush to Shanhai City.

"If you want to get more points quickly, you need more survival performance, and the better the survival performance, the more survival points you settle daily."

"So is there anything I can do now that is relevant to my survival?"

Li Hao pondered.

Although he wants more points, the survival events he can do so far seem to be all done.

Now the shelter is self-sufficient and there is almost nothing missing.

He paid attention to the rising waters of the disaster information about his survival every day.

Regarding the renovation of the shelter, he also did a good job.

It really seems that there is nothing to do.

"Wait, actually, there is."

As if thinking of something, Li Hao turned his gaze to Jarvis.

"Jarvis, can you sneak into the official server and steal designated files through satellite signals?"

Li Hao asked.

Jarvis: "Yes! However, you can only hack into servers connected to satellite signals, and you cannot hack servers that are not connected to the Internet, and keywords are required to steal specific files. ”

"Enough! Jarvis, secretly hacking into official servers, steals files with keywords called lunar deflection.

Li Hao ordered without hesitation.

That's right, he wanted to use Jarvis' data capabilities to obtain official secret documents and figure out the details of the lunar shift.

This will not only increase the survival performance settlement event, but also give him a deeper understanding of the current disaster situation.

Kill two birds with one stone.

With Li Hao's orders, Jarvis also got to work.

Through a small integrated signal base station inside the shelter, it is connected to the official communication satellite.

He then used it as a springboard to start secretly hacking into the official server.

As an epoch-making artificial intelligence life, Jarvis' data capabilities are extremely powerful.

With Bluestar's current computer technology, almost no firewall can stop it, or even detect Jarvis's intrusion.

A minute later.

Jarvis: "The invasion was successful, and the file with all the keywords named lunar offset was copied and stolen."

......... Ask for flowers.....................

The voice fell, and folders appeared on the huge display of the control console.

There are hundreds of them.

"Retrieve files in these files that have a recent record of modifications."

Li Hao ordered again.

He believes that the official will never ignore the lunar deflection, and there will be professionals every day who will continue to record the data parameters of the exploration satellite for the lunar deflection and analyze the consequences of its occurrence.

In this way, the date of the folder's modification record must also be recent.

As long as he finds a file with a recent record of modifications, he will definitely find what he needs.

The voice fell.

Jarvis quickly completed the search.

On the large display, only two folders were eventually left.


A report called Lunar Offset Parameter Recording and a Daily Lunar Offset Analysis Estimation Report.

The date of modification is all today.

"Found it!"

Looking at the two folders, Li Hao had a smile on his face.

Have Jarvis open both folders.

After a few glances, Li Hao closed the folder called Lunar Offset Parameter Records.

As a non-professional, he couldn't understand these complicated parameters or what they represented.

It is also for nothing to see.

Might as well just look at the daily lunar shift analysis estimate.

After reading this analysis and estimation report, Li Hao also has a deeper understanding and grasp of the current disaster.

"According to this analysis report, the current lunar deflection is already quite serious, and in five days there will be an increase in tidal gravity, when the sea level rise rate will accelerate by a large margin, and the sea water will directly flood the coastal area and sweep inland."

"However, fortunately, Shanhai City is located at the end of the inland area, even if the sea rises again, it will take at least fifteen days to arrive, and if it is completely submerged, it will take longer..."


ps: This chapter is a new chapter, recently the results of this book have become a lot better, the data is also better, the author is full of motivation to write, thank you book friends for supporting 0 all the way

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