"Otherwise, I'm afraid these people won't leave at all, let alone return to their lair."

After a moment of silence, Li Hao suddenly thought of a way.

Calling No. 1, Li Hao spoke out his plan.

He asked No. 1 to drive out with a few clone warriors, driving off the left side of the road in front of the shelter into the distance, and making a circle back.

After receiving the order, No. 1 took a few clone warriors with him, and then set off.

The radiation-proof snowmobile drove out of the underground garage again.

Then turn left and speed away.

Looking at the display panel of the stealth suspension drone, Li Hao found that the three people in the supermarket also made a move after watching the radiation-proof snowmobile leave.

One of them quickly ran downstairs, apparently to go back and report the situation.

"Finally going back to the lair?!"

Li Hao showed a smile on his face and controlled the stealth hovering drone to quietly follow.

The man drove the car, but did not notice that there was a "tail" behind the leather drum.

10 minutes later.

The man finally stopped in front of a humble five-story building.

"It seems that this is their lair!"

Li Hao controlled the stealth hovering drone, followed the monitor Pi Drum, and entered the small building with dignity.

The scenes inside instantly all appeared on the display in Li Hao's hand.

Follow along the way.

Come to the fourth floor of the small building.

Li Hao found that there are quite a few people here.

Carefully counting, there were more than twenty people, all of them adult strong men.

Not only that, but these people are also wearing police bulletproofs.

There are also explosion-proof shields, submachine guns, military trolls ...

The equipment looks very well equipped and complete.

"These people are so well equipped? It won't be a robbery of the official Capture Bureau, right?! ”

Li Hao's face was also a little surprised.

No matter how they came about, these people were definitely the strongest of all the thug gangs he had met so far.

This equipment is comparable to armed enforcers in peacetime.

"But fortunately, these people don't seem to have heavy weapons."

"There should be no problem in all the battle clones in the shelter to "eat" them all. ”

Knowing the power of this gang of thugs, Li Hao did not have the slightest panic in his heart.

This strength is still within his range.

However, out of caution, Li Hao did not rush to end the probe.

And follow the monitor to a small room on the fourth floor.

Enter this room.

The monitor was about to report intelligence to a tough middle-aged man: "Brother Biao, someone drove out of that shelter just now..."

"It seems that this tough middle-aged man is the boss of this gang."

"I wonder what this man wants to do to my shelter?"

Li Hao guessed in his heart, and the movements of his hand did not stop.

Control the stealth hovering drone to fly upwards, making sure it will not be touched by the opening and closing doors, and then let it stop.

I didn't know that an invisible "eye" was staring at him, and the young man and the tough middle-aged man were still talking.

"Recently, the people of that shelter have started going out frequently, are they trading with other shelters?"

After listening to the report of his subordinates, Wei Biao also had a guess in his heart.

However, in his opinion, these are all minutiae.

No matter why the people in that shelter go out so often.

As long as the surveillance points laid out by his subordinates are not discovered.

On the contrary, the people in the shelter often went out, which was a good thing for him.

After all, in general, the person who goes out is a combatant in a shelter.

These people are not in shelters, and it is much easier for them to attack.

"You go back and tell the third man, let him try to find out the rules of the people in that shelter going out recently."

"As long as all the explosives in Dafei are made, find a good man, blow open the door of that shelter, and take down that shelter completely..."

Wei Biao spoke.


Upon being instructed, the young man immediately turned and walked out, apparently to return to the surveillance point in the supermarket.

And Li Hao will naturally not continue to operate stealth suspension drones to keep up.

His purpose is this old nest.

"Dynamite? Blow open the door of the shelter?! ”

Through the stealth suspension drone, listening to the conversation between the two just now, Li Hao's heart was also condensed.

This stuff is no joke.

The greater the amount, the more powerful it is.

With the current gate of the shelter, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand the explosion of a large number of explosives.

If Li Hao hadn't detected this information in time, the door of the shelter would have been blown open by this group.

Battle clones may also have a lot of casualties.

After all, the new version of the radiation protection life support suit can not block the powerful shock wave generated by the explosion of a large number of explosives.

"But now that you know the hole cards of this gang, then it will be easy to do next."

Looking at the tough middle-aged man on the display, Li Hao showed a sneer on his face.

He already had a plan in his mind to completely annihilate this gang of thugs.

Seeing that the room calmed down and could not get more information, Li Hao controlled the stealth hovering drone, flew out along the open door.

What comes quietly, and what goes without a trace, like entering a no-man's land.

Flying along the roof, Li Hao searched the entire fourth floor with a stealth hovering drone, and found no room where explosives were made.

"The manufacture of explosives such a dangerous item, even if you are sure, you need to be very careful, you will not put it in a crowded place, otherwise someone accidentally lights an open flame or interferes with the production staff, the explosive explodes, and all the people on this floor have to be cool."

"Come to think of it this way, the place where explosives are made should not be on the fourth floor."

"And the matter of making explosives is very important to this group, and it must be protected layer by layer, so the manufacturing place should obviously be the safest place in this small building..."

As if thinking of something, Li Hao's eyes lit up.

Isn't the safest place in this small building the fifth floor above the fourth floor or the roof above the fifth floor?!

To enter these two places, you must pass through the fourth floor and break through these heavily armed thugs.

It's not the safest place.

With an inference in mind, Li Hao immediately controlled the stealth hovering drone, flew along the stairs, directly upstairs.

After some exploration, nothing was found on the fifth floor.

Subsequently, Li Hao controlled the stealth suspension drone and went directly to the rooftop.

"Found it! It should be here! ”

Looking at the small room on the rooftop where people came in and out, Li Hao directly let the stealth hovering drone fly in quietly.

Sure enough.

There are a lot of chemical equipment in this room.

A leather-clad young man with a bullet hole in his left ear is following certain steps, either extracting or fusing the materials inside the glass tubes.

The result is a can of liquid-like things.


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