Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 47 Manufacture Of Low-Level Gene Chips

The next day, early in the morning.

Wake up.

Li Hao felt that his bruise seemed much better.

It doesn't hurt as much as yesterday.

As for the exhaustion caused by yesterday's rushing and toiling, it was even more swept away.

"It seems that the previous fitness exercises still have an effect."

Li Hao smiled lightly.

You know, he didn't have this resilience before.

Every time you work for one day, you will almost certainly feel sore the next day.

However, this time, except for the pain in the bruise, he did not feel the slightest discomfort in other places.

This is clearly a benefit of being physically strong.

Getting up from bed, Li Hao yawned and opened the system's task log as usual.

[Doomsday Survival (long-term mission), today's mission reward settlement completed.] 】

【Survival performance】:

You complete the daily maintenance of the underground shelter with +50 points

I got the news of three vegetable seeds that you don't have yet, and today is the day you agreed to trade with netizens, and you went out to Gyeongsan County with your clone subordinates for +100 points

When you come to the agreed trading place, you find that something is wrong, the shelter where the netizens who agreed to trade are invaded, and everyone is spared, and the points are +100

Unwilling to do nothing, you use the tactical tracking skills of Clone No. 1 to chase down those invaders with +100 points

Through a series of tracking methods, you successfully kill the gang of thugs who burned and looted, successfully recovered the vegetable seeds you needed, and obtained quite a few extra living materials, +1000 points

You successfully bring the vegetable seeds back to the Sanctuary, the system task is completed, and you get the Biogene Editing Table, giving the Sanctuary the ability to make bioengineered creations and genetic technology products, +2000 points


You eat three meals a day, steadily consume energy, and maintain a balanced body nutrition. +20 points

You go into a deep sleep, refreshed, and the physical energy consumed yesterday is fully restored. +30 points

[Congratulations to the host for earning 3500 points.] 】

"3500 points."

Seeing this number, Li Hao had a smile on his face.

Taking a closer look at the settlement panel, he found that he obtained a biological gene editing table, which gave the shelter the ability to manufacture bioengineering creations and genetic technology products, which allowed him to earn a lot of points.

Combined with some other survival performances, this leads to the number of 3500.

"Coupled with the points accumulated before, it is more than enough to buy low-level gene chip drawings."

After a hasty wash, Li Hao walked with excitement towards the biological laboratory where the clone manufacturing capsule was placed.

Step into a biology lab.

After Li Hao found a spot, he opened the system inventory and took the biogene editing table out of it.

Next second.

A rectangular black machine four meters long and three meters high appeared in front of Li Hao's eyes.

It looks like an extremely sophisticated assembly line manufacturing table, with several advanced silver-white robotic arms on the left and a transparent glass jar like a large Petri dish on the right, filled with blue liquid.

The whole looks full of a sense of tall technology.

【Biological Gene Editing Desk】

Owner: Li Hao

[Currently has bioengineering drawings]: None

【Function】:Gene analysis, gene replication, gene editing, gene synthesis.......

[Introduction]: A certain biotechnology creation, containing quite efficient biological gene editing technology, can freely synthesize and edit all kinds of biological genes, only need to provide bioengineering drawings, can directly manufacture and synthesize most of the bioengineering creations and gene technology products.

"It's time to buy low-level gene chip drawings."

Li Hao connected the power cord that came with the biogene editing station to the shelter's power supply network.

Subsequently, open the system mall and buy the low-level gene chip drawings.

Points - 10000.

Buying this drawing technology, Li Hao suddenly only has 2600 points.

Taking the low-level gene chip drawings out of the system inventory, Li Hao discovers that in addition to various technical drawings, there is also a tube of things that resemble biological flesh and blood.

After reading the "manual", Li Hao also knew the role of this tube of "flesh and blood".

This is a specially cultured genetically engineered creation, and it is also the initial "raw material" for the manufacture of low-level gene chips.

After figuring out how to use it, Li Hao opened the transparent glass jar resembling a large petri dish on the right side of the biological gene editing table and put this tube of "flesh and blood" into it.

Then, all these technical data are put into the drawing scanning device on the left.

Start the biogene editing station.

About a minute later, Li Hao noticed a chip-like logo on the display of the biogene editing station.

Click in.

It is precisely the manufacturing option for low-level gene chips.

Without hesitation, Li Hao directly chose to manufacture three copies.

Airplanes! ~

The green light of the biogene editing table lights up to indicate that manufacturing has begun and is working.

Two minutes later.

The exit of the biogene editing table automatically pops open.

Three "white chips" the size of a child's fingernail appeared.

Of course, it is not so much a chip as a slightly strange piece of meat.

However, if you take a closer look at it with a magnifying glass, you will find that the surface of this piece of meat is covered with various sophisticated biological circuits.

Li Hao put away all three low-level gene chips and put them in a box.

Walking out of the biology laboratory, Li Hao walked towards the room of Zhao Xueqi's three sisters.

Last night, he deliberately used some sleep aid gas to make the three sisters of Zhao Xueqi sleep deeper.

Under the action of these sleep aids, even a tiger will sleep darkly and have no perception of the outside world.

Therefore, they have not yet got up and are still asleep.

Of course, these sleep aids are harmless to the human body and are often used in the medical field to help people with insomnia get high-quality sleep.

Enter the bedroom of Zhao Xueqi's three sisters.


The three sisters of Zhao Xueqi hugged each other and slept peacefully.

A big smile on his face.

As if dreaming something.

The whole picture looks very "beautiful".

"Calculate the time, the effect of sleep aid gas is about to pass."

Coming back to his senses from the scene in front of him, Li Hao shook his head and quickened his movements.

The three low-level gene chips were taken out of the box and placed on the white foreheads of the three sisters of Zhao Xueqi.

I saw that these three low-level gene chips emitted green light, and they began to "dissolve" in vain, integrating into the heads of Zhao Xueqi's three sisters.

This is a special way of implanting low-level gene chips.

To be precise, it is the characteristic of the raw material for making low-grade gene chips.

One-time dissolution recombination!

After a special biotechnological treatment, the chip dissolves into particles that drill into the inside of the target's skull for reorganization.

It's just a one-off.

After integration, this characteristic will disappear completely, which means that the chip cannot come out on its own in the same way.

This process will not cause any harm to the living body.

"It's done."

Glancing at the three sisters Zhao Xueqi, who were still asleep, Li Hao cleaned up all traces and walked out of their room.


ps: New book asks for data

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