Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 45 Biological Gene Editing Station [New Book Seeking Everything]

Snowflakes flew when they came.

When I went back, the wind was calm.

In such rare "good weather", the speed of radiation-proof snowmobiles is also much faster than when they came.

All the way.

There were no people who blocked the way and robbed, and there were no other changes.

Return from the highway to the outskirts of Shanhai City's East District.

Li Hao returned to his sanctuary.

Drive radiation-resistant snowmobiles and pick-ups into underground garages,

Li Hao and several clones took all the gains from this trip to the storage room of the shelter to sort them out.

Take off your radiation protection support suit and special body armor.

Li Hao, who had been busy all day, cooked a bowl of noodles for himself for the first time as a late-night snack for dinner.

After filling his internal organs, Li Hao began to process the harvest of the trip.

There is no need to talk about food, drinks, and other icing on the cake.

The most important thing is the black technology rewards obtained for completing system tasks.

Taking the three vegetable seeds back to the sanctuary, he had already collected a hundred and one different vegetable seeds in his hands.

More than 100 kinds of vegetable seeds required for [vegetable seed collection].

Open the inventory.

Sure enough.

【Vegetable Seed Collection】The reward for completing the task has arrived.

It was a boxy-looking, extremely sophisticated black instrument.

【Biological Gene Editing Desk】

Owner: Li Hao

[Currently has bioengineering drawings]: None

[Introduction]: A certain biotechnology creation, containing quite efficient biological gene editing technology, can freely synthesize and edit all kinds of biological genes, only need to provide bioengineering drawings, can directly manufacture and synthesize most of the bioengineering creations and gene technology products.

"Free editing of biological genes?!"

Li Hao's pupils shrank.

Even if he is just an ordinary person who only knows some common sense about biology, he also knows how difficult it is to freely edit biological genes.

I am afraid that no one or country in the world can do it.

"This level of biogenetic technology should not be a problem for manufacturing gene agents and gene chips, right?!"

As if thinking of something, Li Hao's eyes lit up.

If he was right, the value and importance of this biological gene editing table was not at all under the super 3D printer bed worth 300,000 points that he had purchased with a discount of 1% off the mall before.

In other words, this thing should be a copy of the super 3D printer bed, just for industry, is the core of industrial manufacturing, one is suitable for biological genes, is the core of biological manufacturing.

As long as there are bioengineering drawings, whether it is gene chips, gene agents, and genetic organisms that can spray plasma in the mouth, they can be easily manufactured using the biological gene editing table.

Thinking of the gene chips that can control human thinking in science fiction movies and the gene agents that can strengthen human functions to the genetic limit, Li Hao's heart is suddenly hot.

Opening the Doomsday Tech Mall of the system, Li Hao immediately began to look for relevant bioengineering drawings.

After a while of sifting, Li Hao quickly found his goal.

Biological thinking control chip drawing!

Planet-level biogenetic potion drawings!

【Biological thinking control chip drawing】

【Introduction】: The bioengineering drawings derived from genetic thinking engineering are extremely inexpensive and can quietly and permanently tamper with the thinking that controls most carbon-based life.

Price: 568,000 points

【Planet-level biological gene agent drawing】

[Introduction]: Bioengineering drawings derived from genetic transcendence engineering, taking this planet-level biological gene agent, low-level carbon-based life will undergo a super life transition and become planet-level life (Note: life is as long as 10,000 years, and one blow is enough to smash the continental shelf)

Price: 999,000 points

"It's really scary! Unfortunately it's too expensive"

Looking at these two awesome goods, Li Hao couldn't help but sigh a little, shook his head, and died for the time being.

Although he wanted both of them.

But "wallet" really does not allow ah!

Hundreds of thousands of points at every turn.

For a long time to come, it will be difficult for him to scrape together so many points.

Out of sight, out of heart.

Excluding all these "high-grade goods", Li Hao sifts again, selects bioengineering drawings, and pulls them to the bottom.

Only then did he finally find a biogenetic technology product that he can currently afford.

Low-level microchip drawings!

Low-level gene potion drawings!

These two items are super low-end versions of the previous two "high-end goods".

It's in the same vein.

【Low-level gene chip drawing】

[Introduction]: Bioengineering drawings derived from biogenetic engineering, after implantation, can monitor and control the target, once the target has an adverse action on the chip owner, the chip will automatically release the biological current, interrupt its nerve control over the body, so that the target is instantly paralyzed.

Price: 10,000 points

【Drawings of low-grade gene agents】

【Introduction】: Bioengineering drawings derived from genetic evolution engineering, taking this gene agent, can completely stimulate the gene potential of low-level carbon-based life and push the body function to the genetic limit.

Price: 21900 points

"Sure enough, the more high-tech things are, the more expensive they are, and I still have to wait two more days to buy these two lowest-grade bioengineering commodities."

A wry smile appeared on Li Hao's face.

He now only has 9100 points.

Even low-level gene chip drawings cannot be bought.

As for the low-level gene potions, the points lacking are even more.

"Let's buy low-grade gene chip drawings first!"

"The points required for the drawings of low-grade gene potions are a bit different, and I don't urgently need low-grade gene potions, so it doesn't matter if I buy them later."

Li Hao pondered silently.

These two things, he will definitely buy.

It's just a matter of priority.

For now, it is most appropriate to buy low-level gene chip drawings first.

Both from an integral point of view and from a practical point of view.

After all, he is not short of force at the moment.

No matter how effective the low-grade genetic potion is, it is impossible for people to become superhumans and resist bullets.

Low-level gene chip drawings are much more practical.

Being able to help him control other people.

You know, the apocalypse is ill-willed.

Although he took in the three sisters of Zhao Xueqi, he did not think that the three sisters of Zhao Xueqi could pose any big threat to him, but it was good to be able to take another insurance.

As long as this low-level gene chip is implanted, the implanter can no longer disadvantage him.

In this way, he can also be completely relieved.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to truly accept the three sisters of Zhao Xueqi in his heart.

It is for this reason that it is precisely for this reason.

Even if they got along these days, Zhao Xueshi, one of the three sisters of the Zhao family, had vaguely expressed good feelings for him, but he did not accept it, or pretended to turn a blind eye.

"That's it."

Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

In the aftermath of the global catastrophe, he felt insecure and had a hard time trusting others.

This low-level gene chip solved his trust problem with others.


ps: New book asks for data

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