Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 31 Quick Fight, Quick Kill [New Book For Everything]

"Let's take a look at the situation first, if it's really that group of roadblock robbers..."

Li Hao's eyes showed a cold light.

If you want to rob him, I'm afraid it's not a dream.

Although he is now only accompanied by four clone warriors, after updating his equipment, he has a double defense, and unless he has a sniper rifle, he cannot penetrate it at all.

Everyone is fully armed, coupled with their own terrifying combat literacy, it is not enough to kill hundreds of people.

Therefore, there was no worry in his heart.

Taking out the binoculars in the truck's locker, Li Hao took a closer look at the anomalies that appeared ahead.

Sure enough.

Among the piled up vehicles of the crash, he found a modified van that was dark on the outside, but was actually almost intact.

There were many people inside, and there seemed to be five or six people.

"It seems that these cars piled up in the middle of the road are the handiwork of these people!"

"However, this group of roadblock robbers should not be only five or six people, according to the previous No. 1 judgment on the traces of the car accident scene, this group of roadblock robbers is at least fifteen or more."

"It seems that there should be many people who have not come, and they are behind."

With speculation, Li Hao decided to make a quick decision and solve these five or six obstacles first.

Have a clone warrior guard a nuclear battery heavy-duty truck.

Li Hao, with No. 1 and two other clone fighters, quietly walked towards the car accident zone in front of him with an M19 assault rifle.


High-speed intersection, in the pile of vehicles in a car accident.

A few young men in radiation protection suits sat in a modified van disguised as an abandoned car, chatting while secretly observing the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck in the distance.

"There are dead people's car accident vehicles all around, and the real diaphragm should be obscure!"

"What should the diaphragm do?! Your psychological quality is still not good! These dead people were robbed by us when they were alive, what wind and waves can they turn over when they die, you are completely psychological, and your heart is weak. ”

"Exactly! What is there to be afraid of, people are not ruthless and unstable, Ah Fei, your courage still has to practice well, otherwise how can you follow Brother Da Long to do a big career?! ”

"Brother A Bing, do you say that we can really follow Brother Da Long to establish a big force in the last days of this dog day and become a human being?"

"Of course! Now the times are different, the global disaster has come, the government itself is overwhelmed, where there is still air traffic control us, as long as we follow the big dragon brother well, become the elder of the big force, when the time comes to eat fragrant and drink spicy, want to play what beautiful woman does not! ”

Several people chatted quietly, with longing in their eyes.

I can't wait to be able to follow Brother Da Long to achieve a career immediately.

After all, if it is not for the sake of becoming a human being, eating fragrant and drinking spicy, who wants to come out and mix black.

And now that the times have changed, they have also seen the hope of becoming a human being with Brother Da Long, and naturally they will not work hard.

Seeing that several of his subordinates were chatting more and more, Ah Bing scolded with a smile: "You guys pay attention, these gossip will be talked about later, don't mess things up." ”

"Don't worry! Brother A Bing, this is not the first time for us, those people don't want to escape our palms. ”

Several people said confidently.

And right now.

Holding a telescope to observe the people around, he suddenly spoke: "That big truck seems to be coming!!" ”

"However, that big truck seems to have stopped suddenly, so it won't be that it found us, right?!"

Hearing this, the faces of the others changed, and they immediately picked up the telescopes they had at hand to observe the situation.

"Probably not! We are hiding in a pile of abandoned vehicles, and those people can find it?! ”

"Be careful, don't let those people run, otherwise Brother Da Long will blame him, and we will be miserable by then."

"Walk around! Take the guys down and see. ”

Discovering that there was an accident in the plan, Ah Bing shouted and ordered.

However, several people took up arms and were just about to step out of the car door.

Next second.

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots rang out, and the heads of the two unlucky bastards sitting on the outermost part of the van directly had a big hole in their heads.

Red and white flowed all over the place.

"Groove! Someone attacked..."

However, before he finished speaking, several bullets flew in, accurately hitting several younger brothers around him.

As soon as these people realized what was happening, their heads were directly pierced by bullets.

"Grass! Grass! Grass! ”

Seeing that all his subordinates rushed to the street in an instant, Ah Bing cursed with horror on his face, and quickly opened the car door to escape.


This is obviously also a great luxury.

The moment he rushed out of the car door, two bullets pierced his knee with incomparable accuracy, causing him to fall to his knees weakly and lose the ability to escape forever.

Behind the fence of the highway.

Li Hao stood up without any fluctuations on his face.

For clone warriors, solving these guys who have not undergone professional training is simply killing chickens with a cow knife.

Not to mention, this is still in the case of mental calculation and unintentional calculation.

No, in less than 5 seconds, the gang all rushed to the street.

If he hadn't asked to keep one person for questioning, I'm afraid he would have been killed all in an instant.

Walking into the waste car pile with 3 clone warriors, Li Hao looked at Ah Bing, who was lying on the ground and wailing, with an indifferent expression, and said, "Nice to see you, what do you want to say to me?!" ”

"For example, why are you blocking the road with abandoned vehicles here?!"

"Say you! A group of bitches raised sneak attack labor!! ”

Covering his knees, Ah Bing gritted his teeth and spoke.

His eyes were full of resentment.

"Huh! What's the difference! Do you think you can deal with us, and the end result is not the same, I just made the process a little faster, so that you can die without fear and pain. ”

Li Hao shook his head and sighed.

However, although he was telling the truth, Ah Bing obviously didn't think so, and was immediately cursed in anger, greeting the eighteenth generation of ancestors who cursed Li Hao and others.

Hearing this, Li Hao didn't care.

This incompetent fury of the defeated man meant nothing to him.

He just wanted to know now whether these people had a purpose and whether they were specifically targeting him.

Not wanting to talk nonsense, Li Hao simply pointed the muzzle of the assault rifle at Ah Bing's head and asked calmly: "You guys are blocking the road with abandoned vehicles, are you specifically rushing at me?" ”

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