Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 26 Expansion Of The Underground Garage

"That's right! It's time for the underground garage to be expanded. ”

"Otherwise, if you keep putting the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck on the ground, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be buried in the snow."

Because nuclear-powered heavy-duty trucks are too huge, the existing underground garage simply cannot fit it.

Therefore, Li Hao is placed directly in the yard on the ground.

Thinking of this, after setting the super 3D printer bed to automatically produce a new version of the radiation protection life support suit, Li Hao put on the new version of the radiation protection life support suit and walked quickly towards the outside of the shelter.

On the ground.

The sky is obscured by dark clouds and there is no sunlight in sight.

Snowflakes are still falling like a downpour.

There was a chill in the air.

However, after wearing the new version of the radiation protection life support suit, Li Hao did not feel anything.

The temperature inside the protective suit has been maintained at 26 degrees, which is not affected by external factors at all.

"The expansion of the underground garage has to be done faster!"

Coming to the place where the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck was parked before, Li Hao shook his head slightly as he looked at the heavy-duty truck that was slowly covered in snow and only a silhouette remained.

In a few days, the nuclear-powered heavy-duty truck in front of you will turn into a small snowy mountain.

At that time, it will not be easy to dig it out of the thick snow.

Come to think of it.

Li Hao's mood to expand the underground garage has become even more urgent.

Return to the underground shelter.

Li Hao takes out a small automated excavator used to dig underground shelters before the end of the day from the tool warehouse.

The excavation efficiency of this black technology prop is extremely high.

It was used to expand the underground garage, which simply served perfectly.

Save time and effort.

In order to save trouble, Li Hao decided to expand the surface of the underground garage to 1,500 square meters at one time, with a height of more than 4 meters.

This area is enough to accommodate hundreds of vehicles, and the height is also high enough to accommodate "big guys" like heavy-duty trucks.

Confirming the requirements for this expansion, Li Hao spent another 100 points to customize a construction drawing of the underground garage at the system.

Then, against the drawings, start drying.

A small automated excavator expands the underground space, while Li Hao takes clone warriors to carry cement and steel stored in the underground garage to reinforce the newly expanded underground space.

After the initial reinforcement was completed, the support columns were poured according to the construction drawings, as well as the induction lights and garage door were arranged.

Finally, use the black technology bought in the mall - cement dryer to quickly dry and harden all cement.

After such a busy call, the originally narrow underground garage has been transformed into a new one, and the area has expanded by nearly ten times.

The overall color has also changed from gray to black, which looks much thicker and stronger than before.

The garage door has changed from a large iron door to a heavy and hard memory alloy door, and an intelligent control system is added to access the console database of the underground shelter, which can identify the faces and fingerprints of people who have permission to enter the garage.

"Such a large underground garage should be enough for a long time in the future."

"It is possible to drive a nuclear battery heavy-duty truck out of the yard on the ground."

Li Hao smiled with satisfaction and asked No. 1 to drive the heavy-duty truck to the underground car Curry.

He then went back to the underground shelter to wash and eat, ready to rest.

It's so busy that it's 10 p.m.

It's almost time to go to bed.


December 26, 2020

It's getting colder.

Today's temperature is 10 degrees lower than yesterday.

However, Li Hao, who is hiding in a shelter, still maintains his original rhythm of life, almost unaffected by the increasingly cold weather, leisurely eating braised noodles while on the net.

But with the arrival of the super cold snap, the network signal is getting worse and worse.

Now it has dropped to tens of kits per second.

But fortunately, it can be used in the end, and it has not been completely broken.

While communicating with other netizens, Li Hao thought about all the big flaws of his refuge that needed to be solved.

Thinking of danger in times of peace is an immutable truth.

In terms of energy, the shelter is fully self-sufficient with man-made oil manufacturing technology and small high-energy petroleum power generation base stations.

Even if the power consumption of the shelter is a hundred times higher, it will not be used up.

In terms of water sources, Shanhai City is very rich in groundwater resources, and it has not yet been polluted, so there is no shortage of pure water resources in underground shelters.

When it comes to food, not to mention.

The food pantry of the shelter also stores more than 3,000 pounds of food.

In addition, the vegetable planting room he opened up is also approaching maturity.

No matter what, there will be no shortage of food in the shelter.

After thinking about it, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that his own shelter is still developing well.

As long as there are no problems in these aspects, the shelter is as stable as Mount Tarzan.

As for the minor problems in other aspects, it is enough to slowly check and fill in the gaps at that time.

Thinking like this, Li Hao stopped thinking about it and continued to chat and fart with others on official forums.


Right now.

The backstage of his official forum suddenly had a prompt.

Li Hao clicked in and found that someone had initiated a trading chat with him through his post asking for chicken and duck seedlings.

"Could it be that this person has chicken and duck seedlings in his hand ready to strike?"

With the hope of completing the task, Li Hao quickly clicked into this chat message.


PS: The new book begs for everything

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