Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 227 Strange Sea Territory, Kingdom Of Mutant Plants? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

"This is a good deal!"

Li Hao's eyes were excited and he nodded excitedly.

I was extremely satisfied with the appearance of this mech.

Compared to the underwater fighter mech, the kind of mecha that looks like cannon fodder at first glance.

Or is this boss template more 'suitable' for him.

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately felt as if he had obtained a new land car.

I can't wait to test drive.

It is similar to the activation and control mode of the underwater fighter mech.

After some operations in the cockpit of the titan-type biological mech, Li Hao completed the start-up of the mech very smoothly.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a medium-level mecha, and the pressure transmitted by the neuron synchronization device is at least a hundred times stronger than that of an underwater fighter mech."

"If you want to operate and move this mech, the nerve pressure will continue to multiply geometrically."

"If I hadn't completed a life transition evolution, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to use this mecha..."

In the cockpit of the titan-type biological mech, Li Hao silently felt the nervous pressure he was currently under, and thought to himself.

This mecha is not for ordinary people at all.

If a normal person enters the cockpit of this mecha and tries to activate it, I am afraid that he will be crushed by this nerve synchronization pressure in an instant and become a vegetative person.

Even he, the genetic evolutionary, the new human, feels a little overwhelmed.


With his nerve strength, he quickly adapted.

Complete the neural synchronization pressure brought by this mech.

Under the connection of the neuron synchronization device, Li Hao only felt that this giant mecha had become his body, and a sense of power that was far stronger than the previous pilot underwater fighter mecha suddenly surged into his heart.

Under such a sense of power, it seems that with a raised hand, everything around it can be easily destroyed.

Subconsciously punch it.


A large hole of more than twenty meters suddenly appeared in the wall of this independent hangar, which was made of energy-absorbing alloy.

"This attack power is a bit outrageous!"

Li Hao's face also showed a look of amazement.

You know, this is an energy-absorbing alloy.

Such a large piece of energy-absorbing alloy is enough to absorb and withstand the bombardment of high-yield missile heads.

Even if the underwater fighter mech wanted to destroy this wall, it would take at least ten minutes.


He controlled this titan-type creature mecha, but with just one punch, he could hammer it so easily and punch a big hole.

This power is simply not too terrifying.

"Jarvis, estimate the power explosion of this mecha........"

Seeing this, Li Hao spoke.

Give Jarvis access to the Titan-type biomech control background.

He was also very curious about how powerful this mech was.

Authorized, Jarvis immediately mobilized the computing power resources of the superbiological computer and began to extrapolate and estimate the obtained mecha parameters.

After about a few seconds.

Jarvis: "According to the estimation of the mecha parameters, the power of this titan-type biological mech exploded from eight million tons to about twelve million tons, more accurate data, more relevant tests are needed........"

"At least 8 million tons of power?!"

"No wonder, I can punch an energy-absorbing alloy wall out of a hole!"

Li Hao's face was also full of amazement.

You know, a mountain of hundreds of meters weighs only tens of millions of tons.

In other words, the power of this titan-type creature mech is enough to move a mountain peak hundreds of meters high.

One punch down, equivalent to the weight of a mountain peak concentrated in a thick fist of more than twenty meters concentrated eruption!!

That power is naturally leveraged.

"It seems that this mech model is named Titan, which is really appropriate."

"This kind of power, coupled with the Titan Hammer that comes with this mecha, in close combat, I am afraid that even the Sea King Behemoth will be easily hammered to death!"

Thinking of this picture, Li Hao is even more looking forward to the follow-up driving test of this mecha.

After cooperating with Jarvis to complete other basic tests of this body, Li Hao immediately opened the exit of the independent hangar and drove the huge mech towards the bottom base.

Get out of the stand-alone hangar.

Into the sea.

Li Hao immediately starts the engine system of the body.


An imperceptible hum sounded.

Thirty-six groups of super biodynamic engines start instantly.

Majestic and furious energy light flames gushed out.

The moment the titan-type bio-mech began to enter the violent acceleration mode.

100 km.......



In less than thirty seconds, Li Hao drove the speed of sound.

And this is far from the limit.

In order to test the speed of this body on the seabed, Li Hao directly let thirty-six super biodynamic engines run at full power.


The speed of the titan-type biomech climbed to twice the speed of sound: ............

Under such a rapid speed, the surrounding scenery seemed to turn into a streamer, and quickly retreated.

Under the perspective and reaction nerves of normal people, it is impossible to make any effective control and control over this huge body of more than 100 meters.

Even the reactive nervous system evolved by Li Hao has a slight strenuous feeling.

Feeling this, Li Hao immediately turned on bullet time.

In the next instant, the level of neural activity instantly increased by an order of magnitude.

In such a state.

The feeling of slight struggle before disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Li Hao controls the body to dodge obstacles.

About five minutes later.

The seabed speed of this mech instantly peaked and did not continue to grow.

"2800 km/h!"

"Two point three times the speed of sound?!"

Looking at the numbers on the dashboard, Li Hao muttered.

This number is not unexpected.

After all, the speed of the Titan-type biological mech in a normal environment is only close to five times the speed of sound.

In an environment where the drag of the seabed is much greater than the normal environment, it is already good to have a speed of 2.3 times the speed of sound.

After testing the speed, Li Hao did not control the Titan-type biomech to slow down.

Instead, keep that pace and keep going.

He wanted to test whether this titan-type creature mech could maintain its top speed for a long time!

More importantly, of course, he wanted a lap.

It's like getting your beloved new sports car.

How can I have a good time!! 1.4 Especially at speeds several times the speed of sound, casually 'drag racing' at the bottom of the sea

This feels very decompressing.

By the time Li Hao finished the car, it was already three hours later.

After stopping the Titan-type biomech that had been in a sonic boom, Li Hao found himself in a strange sea.

This sea area is overgrown with mutated and evolved marine plants.

As far as the eye can see, almost all around is a sea of green.

Even in order to better absorb sunlight, these lush marine plants have even evolved into thick branches, extending towards the sea level, spreading countless 'branches' to the surroundings.

It's like a giant tree under the sea.

Some marine plants have even evolved 'fruit organs' that emit their own light.

Illuminated by these glowing fruits, this underwater plant 'kingdom' has a dreamlike fairy tale color.

"What is this place?!".

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