Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 215 New Submarine Manufacture Completed! ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

August 26, 2021

The influence of yesterday's official banner pop-up news began to ferment rapidly.

The Doomsday Forum suddenly became 'lively'.

After all, there were too many 'dry goods' in the official news released yesterday.

Whether it is the eradication of the terrifying mutant giant killer whale or the official formation of the evolutionary force, it is an extremely shocking event.

As soon as this news came out, the entire forum was detonated.

From yesterday to now, the number of related posts has reached tens of millions.

You can imagine how influential this news released by the official is.

So far, the forum has been full of 'voices' discussing these two things.

"That mutant killer whale is finally dead! Damn, I have been worried for so long, I can't eat well and can't sleep, I'm afraid to sleep, I went directly into the stomach of that mutant killer whale, and now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"yes! It's so torturous! Before I personally saw this mutant killer whale attack at night, swallowing a large sea ark shelter, the scene of labor and management directly scared the pee, until now, every day I sleep will have nightmares. ”

"Official! Even this monster can be killed directly, and I can finally get a good night's sleep!"

In the forum, many people 530 are venting and sharing their inner excitement.

After all, who can withstand the life of being secretly spied on by this terrifying ocean monster and always fearful!

Over time, I'm afraid everyone will fall into a state of collapse.

The official punch to solve the 'scourge' of mutated giant killer whales can be described as making everyone feel a sense of security that has been lost for a long time.

The sense of belonging to the official in my heart also rose accordingly.

In addition, the evolutionary forces mentioned in the news have also received many attention.

As the strong colony cell of the army of the creator of evolution, it has been mentioned and discussed by countless people.

The emergence of such epoch-making scientific research results has ignited a fire in the hearts of many people.

After all, in such a doomsday environment, there is not enough power, it is too insecure.

Many people aspire to be able to inject strong cells and become 'superhuman'.

"It seems that the purpose of officially releasing this big news has also been achieved!"

"If nothing else, tomorrow the official should 'conform' to public opinion and gradually open up the purchase of strong cells (BFAB) shooting..."

"I just don't know if there are any restrictions on the purchase of strong cells."

"If there are any restrictions, I am afraid that I will have some trouble buying strong cells.

Browsing the Doomsday Forum, Li Hao thought to himself.

This matter concerns his task, and he cannot ignore it.

However, he was not too worried.

After all, according to the internal intelligence he obtained from the official server, the official is to promote the popularization of bloody cells.

In this process, there must be a large number of strong cells flowing into the private market.

That said, strong cells will certainly not be a rare commodity.

Even if there are restrictions, if you want to use other means to trade, there should not be much difficulty.

"However, if the official limits everyone to buy only one copy of strong cells, and uses the purchase-and-injection method, it will be a bit troublesome. .........”

Shaking his head, Li Hao didn't think much about it.

For this aspect, the official has not yet issued a document to explain, and it is useless for him to think more.

The most important thing now is to build new submarine-type mobile marine shelters.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to go to the official turf at all.

Not to mention, acquire strong cells and complete the system task.

"At present, the production and assembly of parts for the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter are being carried out simultaneously, and 34% of the total engineering volume has been completed..."

"According to the current manufacturing schedule, it will only take about two or three days to complete the complete process.

Estimating the current manufacturing progress, Li Hao also had a satisfied smile on his face.


8:05 p.m.

Under the coordination of Jarvis, underwater stealth monitors have been completely covered in the 5,000-kilometer sea area around the submarine base.

【Upgrade the 'Skynet' monitoring system】The task is completed.

The 30,000 points also arrived smoothly.

Coupled with the previous accumulation, Li Hao's point balance once again exceeded the 100,000 mark.


August 28, 2021

Since the production of underwater stealth monitors was completely completed.

The industrial manufacturing zone has also vacated a lot of capacity.

Under Jarvis's adjustment, all of this freed up capacity was invested in the construction of new submarine-type mobile marine shelters.

As a result, the construction of the new mobile marine institute has grown rapidly.

At the end of the day, coupled with the previous progress, the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter has completed 90% of the manufacturing and assembly.

A strange submarine full of steel hideous atmosphere quickly took shape in the 'assembly shop' of the undersea base.

August 29, 2021

Around ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Hao was informed by Jarvis.

The new submarine-type mobile marine shelter has been completely completed.

At the same time that Li Hao was overjoyed to get this news, he couldn't wait to walk towards the 'dock' that was transformed into an assembly workshop on the outermost periphery of the submarine base.

Step into this 'dock'.

The first thing that caught his eye was a huge metal 'monster' in the shape of a triangular spindle.

Obviously, this is the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter after completion.

Compared with the previous one, the size of this one does not seem to be reduced, but has increased a lot.

Only because of its flat, streamlined shell, it gives the illusion of being smaller.

In addition to this bizarre shape, the most striking thing about this submarine-type mobile marine refuge is the densely packed hideous barrel.

There are simply too many to count.

Almost armed to the 'teeth'.

It seems to give people a strong deterrent.

While Li Hao was observing the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

Jarvis: "Sir, whether to start the first sea trials of the new submarine-type mobile marine refuge to test its performance ..."

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