Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 210 Light Speed ​​Strike, Super Light Energy Weapon 1.0 【Subscription, Full Order】

Jarvis: "After the super light weapon is charged, will it launch a photon attack on the mutant giant seal?"

Hearing this, Li Hao did not rush to order the attack at the first time, but spoke: "At this time, if you launch a photon strike, can you kill the mutant giant seal 100%?"

If he can't have the certainty of killing with a high probability, he would rather not strike first.

After all, if one blow failed to kill the mutant giant seal, the mutant giant seal would definitely see the situation and escape.

Completely disappeared, disappeared.

Understanding what Li Hao means, Jarvis quickly calculated and deduced the probability of the current super light weapon killing the mutated giant seal.

After about a few seconds.

Jarvis: "According to calculations, the probability of killing the mutated giant seal in the photon attack launched by the current super light weapon is 98%..."

"Super light energy uses high-energy photons as an attack method, its attack speed can reach the speed of light (300,000 km / s), the mutant giant seal has almost no possibility of dodging, even if the first attack does not completely kill it, the second attack is enough to kill it..............."

"Start the 350 attack immediately.

Hearing this, Li Hao said without hesitation.

Where in the world is there a 100% probability of accomplishing something.

As long as there are accidents, it is 100% impossible.

A 98% probability is enough.

Get orders.

Jarvis immediately opened the dome of the assembly room of the industrial manufacturing area on his own, and the super light weapon created by the small artificial sun as the core automatically levitated upwards and flew out of the undersea base.


Seeing that the orb appear again, the mutated giant seal that was originally rampant outside the undersea base instantly roared in horror.

As if perceiving a great danger.

Even his own subordinates couldn't take care of it.

With a flick of his tail, he quickly turned around and swam away in the direction of the underwater doctor


Now that he wants to escape, it is obviously completely too late.

In an instant, the super light weapon suddenly burst out with a burst of intense light.

These rays of light are concentrated by countless specular reflections.

Converged into a hexagonal diamond-shaped 'barrel'.

Next second.

A huge beam of light composed of colorful rays erupted in vain.

Shoot towards the fleeing mutated giant seal.

It's incredibly fast.

And it seems to be accompanied by extremely frightening heat.

Everywhere it passed, the sea water was completely destroyed by evaporation.

There was no reaction at all.

The mutant giant seal was hit by this high-energy beam.

The terrifying high temperature instantly vaporizes the part of the hit.

In the blink of an eye, a huge 'hole' appeared on the huge body of the mutant giant seal

Through this huge cave of flesh and blood, the scene inside is also unobstructed.

It can be seen that the internal organs within hundreds of meters of the beam attack site have been completely vaporized by 'evaporation'.

The part that has not been vaporized is also blurred with flesh and blood, almost becoming a mess of rotten meat.

Under such a heavy injury, no matter how tenacious a carbon-based life is, it is impossible for a carbon-based life to survive.

Apparently mutated giant seals are no exception.

Wail of sorrow.

The mutant giant seal closed its eyes extremely unwillingly.

Signs of life have been completely lost.

Seeing his 'boss' being killed in an instant, the other ocean behemoths were naturally frightened.

Where else would you dare to continue attacking the submarine base?!

Hurriedly wanted to escape.

However, Li Hao obviously can't let them go.

Under Li Hao's authorization, Jarvis controls the Super Light weapon to 'fire' again

Colorful beams of light shoot across the spectrum.

In an instant, more than forty sea beasts were all wiped out.

(BFAE) corpses are also completely vaporized at these hundreds of thousands of degrees.

"It's over."

Seeing the super light weapon he envisioned, Li Hao also nodded with satisfaction.


After the photon energy of the small artificial sun is concentrated, even if it is only a small part, the power is many times stronger than the previous roughly scattered burst.

The attack range has been improved.

With super light weapons, the undersea base is absolutely as stable as Mount Tai.

After all, the most powerful Sea King Behemoth was like a chicken and a dog in front of this weapon.


With such a superweapon guard, what other creature on the blue star can threaten the underwater graveyard?!

"And the current super light weapon is only the minimum version 1.0.

"The existing mirror alloy device simply cannot exert the maximum power of the small artificial sun."

"As long as you get a mirror alloy that can withstand higher temperatures, the power of super light weapons can continue to increase."

Thinking about it this way, Li Hao was even more satisfied with the weapon he envisioned.

Powerful, fast attacks (light-speed strikes), and plenty of upgrade potential, it's perfect.

The only regret is that it cannot be copied.

After all, the core of this thing is the small artificial sun, a black technology nuclear fusion device.

If you can't build this device yourself, it's impossible to create a second super light weapon.

"But that's enough."

"A super light weapon is enough to make the defense system of the undersea base have a qualitative change.

"Guarding the safety of the undersea base is completely more than enough."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also put away his greedy and somewhat insufficient thoughts.

Let Jarvis use the super light weapon to vaporize all the corpses of the ocean behemoths outside, prevent them from being devoured by other ocean behemoths, and increase the evolution speed of other ocean behemoths.

Li Hao then turned his attention to his system panel.

"The mutant giant seal is dead, and the task of hunting the sea emperor behemoth should also be completed."

Open the system's Points Balance panel and take a look.

Sure enough.

The fifty thousand points for the quest to hunt the Sea Emperor Behemoth have already arrived.

The balance that was originally left with only four figures after purchasing the high-temperature mirror alloy formula has once again returned to five figures.

"Sure enough, I still have 'food' in my hand, and I don't panic.

Looking at the numbers on the points balance panel, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

Although there have been some 'crises' during this period, on the whole, the harvest is still good.

Not only did he have an extra super weapon that could be called a big killer, but he also got a reward of 50,000 points.

It's just bloody.

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