Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 200 Repelling The Sea King Beast! ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】


After thinking about it, Li Hao couldn't find a way to break the game.

After all, most of the defensive weapon systems of the current undersea bases have been 'scrapped'.

It's hard to threaten this mutant giant seal.

It can only serve to interfere with its actions.

Just when four-fifths of the submarine base was frozen by ice.

"That's right! Why should I limit myself to the weapons systems of the undersea base?!"

As if thinking of something, Li Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

He found that his previous thinking had entered the wrong thinking zone.

Existing weapon systems are not a threat to this mutant giant seal.

But that doesn't mean that other facilities at the undersea base can't pose a threat to it.

"Isn't there a facility in the undersea base that is not a weapon, but is actually far more terrifying than the existing weapon system?!"

Li Hao looked up at the small artificial sun overhead and smiled.

As a nuclear fusion facility, a small artificial sun can not only be used as an energy source, but also have sunlight simulation.

Although this function was used by him to sunbathe before, in fact, if the power of the function of the small artificial sun is turned on to the maximum, the photons released by it can burst out hundreds of thousands of degrees of high temperature.

Almost a hundred times the temperature of the surface layer of the sun.

Although it is far less than 130 is the temperature of the center of the sun and the corona, the lethality is undoubted.

In an instant, a bottle of area can be turned into magma scorched earth.

The destructive power is much more powerful than existing weapon systems.

"And this high temperature is just enough to restrain the freezing gas of this mutant giant seal."

"This is the only way to break the game at the moment."

Thinking like this, a trace of cruelty flashed in Li Hao's eyes, and he suddenly had a decision in his heart.


The outside of the submarine base has been surrounded by sea behemoths.

The mutant giant seal continued to spit frozen air.

Just when the submarine base is about to be completely frozen by ice.

The small artificial sun that emitted mild sunlight above the undersea base suddenly quietly moved towards the mutated giant seal.

However, the perception of the mutant giant seal is still very keen.

Soon, a small artificial sun approaching was discovered.

Although I don't know what this little round ball is, the mutant giant seal is very cautious.

The frozen air in the mouth spits directly towards the small artificial sun approaching.

You want to freeze it directly.

"Jarvis, turn on the light simulation function of the small artificial sun, and turn on the power to the maximum!"

Seeing this, Li Hao's eyes flashed, and he said without hesitation.

In an instant, a strong light that was enough to blind people burst out from the small artificial sun.

Burst! Burst! Burst!

Intense evaporation and crazy rise of bubbles.

The terrifying heat made this ocean completely boil.

Feeling the deadly crisis, the mutant giant seal flicked its tail and immediately fled towards the distance in horror.

While fleeing, a cloud of blue mist appeared around it, freezing the sea water behind it, forming layers of thick ice as a buffer against the terrifying heat behind it.


The high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees quickly evaporated the ice directly.

The huge heat carried by it spread wildly around, triggering a violent chain reaction that produced an extremely terrifying violent explosion.

The shock wave and water vapor that erupted at this moment instantly blasted out the mutated giant seal that had not yet escaped.

The extremely powerful explosion even directly tore its solid fat epidermis.

Yellow fat, bright red blood gushed out from the torn wound.

"Roar! 〜"

A roar of pain instantly spread throughout the surrounding seas.

However, no matter how painful it was, the mutated giant seal that had been greatly traumatized did not dare to continue to stay here.

Instead, he ignored his injuries, burst his potential, and continued to accelerate towards the distance.

In just ten seconds, he escaped several (bfei) kilometers away.

Soon disappeared from Li Hao's sight.

And the herd of marine behemoths that came with it was not so lucky.

Although they were not specifically targeted, the terrifying heat of the sudden burst of small artificial suns still killed and injured them.

Hundreds of ocean behemoths, less than twenty of which were far away, escaped.

"Jarvis, restore the small artificial sun to its normal state!"

Seeing that the battle was over, Li Hao immediately spoke.

Let the small artificial sun continue to release its 'power', and the submarine base will be destroyed.

Having received the order, Jarvis immediately sprang into action.

The next moment.

This undersea sun suddenly dissipated most of its brilliance.

The light softened again.

It's no longer as devastating as it was now.

"Jarvis, how much damage did the high temperature released by the artificial sun just now cause to the submarine base?!"

Seeing that the small artificial sun had 'calmed down' again, Li Hao suddenly felt relieved in his heart and asked again.

Jarvis: "Due to the ice buffer nearly 100 meters thick, the current loss of the submarine base is not large [Zhong is the outermost part of the submarine base, the energy-absorbing alloy has been overloaded and melted


"It's really scary! In less than a minute, the energy-absorbing alloy could not withstand it and began to melt. ”

Hearing this, Li Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Using a small artificial sun as a 'weapon' is simply killing a thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred!

This time, if there is no ice buffer, I am afraid that the armor shell of the submarine base will be completely melted.

At that time, because half of the submarine base will probably have to be rebuilt.

"It's a pity that I didn't leave that Sea Emperor Behemoth this time."

"In case this Sea Emperor Behemoth makes a comeback, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

"Next time, that mutant giant seal will definitely be very wary of small artificial suns."

"If you want to repeat the old technique and kill it with the high temperature directly released by the small artificial sun, I am afraid it is impossible."

Thinking of this, Li Hao also has some headaches.

After all, a small artificial sun is not a specially designed weapon.

The reason why it can burst out such a terrifying power is only the high-temperature radiation characteristics brought about by its own fusion reaction.

Once the other party is guarded, it is naturally a little difficult to use.

After all, the range of high temperature effects of small artificial suns is limited.

Especially in the deep sea.

With seawater and water pressure, the temperature released by the small artificial sun decreases rapidly with each distance.

The lethality plummeted.

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