Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 196 Wolf Pack Tactics, A Super-Large Sea Monster That Loses Its Mind 【Please Subscribe, Plea

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After Li Hao flew the mecha to attack, other clone warriors followed.

Mechs burst out of the hatches opened by the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

Less than ten seconds.

More than fifty mechs were all dispatched.

Led by Li Hao, a receiver formation formed and rushed towards the mutated giant sea crabs chasing in the rear.

However, the mutant giant sea crab didn't care at all.

Completely ignoring the mecha formation of Li Hao.

After all, the body size difference between the two sides ~ the distance is too large.

The size of the mech is only about twenty meters tall-.

In the eyes of the mutated giant sea crab of more than 700 meters, it is almost a small point, without the slightest threat.

Under such circumstances, Li Hao soon led the mecha formation to the side of the mutant giant sea crab.

Looking at the mutant giant sea crab below who completely ignored himself and the others, chasing the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, Li Hao had a grim smile on his face.

"Mecha formations spread out according to the battle formation, ready to cover."

After that, Li Hao drove the mecha straight towards the mutated giant sea crab.

Sixteen sets of turbine engines on the mech started at full power.

Like a bolt of lightning.

In less than three seconds, it 'slipped' onto the back carapace of the mutated giant sea crab.

Then, he pulled out the high-frequency cutting big sword behind his back and slashed it down fiercely.

Laugh at! Laugh at!

Under the blade of the high-speed shock, the seemingly indestructible carapace on the back of the mutant giant sea crab was directly cut like tofu.

Cut a crack hundreds of meters long.

Blue blood kept pouring out of it.


Feeling the pain in its back, the mutant giant sea crab suddenly let out an angry hiss.

It never imagined that the 'little bug' it didn't even look at could tear its defenses and cause damage to it.

Although it is not in the eyes, it has never been hurt, but it feels that it has been provoked like never before.

In a fit of rage, the mutant giant sea crab immediately stopped chasing the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, and brandished a large pincer weighing hundreds of meters and thousands of tons and smashed it towards the mecha piloted by Li Hao.

The giant pincers fell down, as if a mountain had fallen, bringing a huge shock wave, as if everything was going to be completely smashed in front of it.

If it is really hit, I am afraid that even an aircraft carrier will be smashed into scrap iron.

At the moment when the mutated giant sea crab made a move.

Li Hao's brain is also running at high speed at this moment, and while the bullet time is turned on, he instinctively knows that danger is coming, and calculates the dodge plan.

Subconsciously, Li Hao followed his crisis intuition and controlled the mecha engine to dodge to the right at full power.

Before the giant pincer fell, Li Hao easily controlled the mech to run out of the coverage area of its attack as if seeing through the attack of the mutated giant sea crab.

The next second after Li Hao ran out, the giant pincers of the mutated giant sea crab fell 'belatedly'.


In an instant, the dirt splashed, and a small mountain under the sea was directly flattened by this giant pincer.

The huge shock wave made the surrounding sea shake endlessly.

"This power is really fierce!"

Seeing this terrifying scene like a natural disaster, Li Hao also sighed a little in his heart.

However, there was no fear in his heart.

After previous trials, he had thoroughly understood the characteristics and weaknesses of this mutated giant sea crab.

Simply put, the evolutionary direction of this mutant giant sea crab is a 'tank' template.

High attack, high defense, but speed and flexibility are relatively speaking, very average, and even poor.

Against such a 'bulky' opponent, the extremely flexible mecha is simply complete.

After all, what is the use of attack power no matter how terrifying it is.

It takes damage to hit the middle!

Plus, he possesses the ability to sense danger and the ability to bullet time.

He is confident that he can play this bulky mutated giant sea crab as a monkey.

One hit missed.

The mutated giant sea crab was even more furious.

He also wants to swing his giant pincers towards Li Hao.


In the next second, the mecha formation scattered around the perimeter began to move.

Countless torpedo missiles were fired, tilting towards the mutated giant sea crab.

Under such a dense coverage blow, the bulky mutant giant customs could not dodge at all.

...... Ask for flowers...

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Brilliant fires and explosions continue to rise on the body of the mutated giant sea crab.

Although these torpedo missiles cannot break through their defenses and cause much damage, they are more than enough to attract the hatred and attention of the mutated giant sea crab.

In particular, the 'wound' of some torpedo missiles that cut Li Hao made the mutant giant sea crab feel great pain.

One attack after another.

In an instant, the mutated giant sea crab, which was not very bright, was completely carried away by anger, and directly abandoned Li Hao, a target that could pose a great threat to it.

Rushed towards the other mechs.

Although they do not have the ability to perceive danger and the ability to bullet time, the tactical cooperation between the other clone warriors who drive mecha is very tacit.

...... 0

Employ wolf pack tactics, interspersed with back and forth cover, and take turns to attract hatred.

With such superb tactical cooperation, the mutated ocean behemoth attacked repeatedly, but it was never able to really hit any mecha.

The whole process is like an elephant catching a mosquito.

The mosquito is small, but its flexibility is far from that of an elephant.

There are other mechs to attract attention, Li Hao is very easy to intersperse among them, and the cold is the mutated giant sea crab sword.

As time goes by, there are more and more openings in the mutated giant sea crab.

The huge mountain-like carapace was almost covered in blue blood.

Feeling that he was getting weaker and weaker, the mutant giant sea crab also woke up from his irrational rage.

It is aware of the difficulty of these little bugs.

It wanted to escape.

Sensing the movement of the mutated giant sea crab, Li Hao did not hesitate to let Jarvis control the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and open fire with all his might.

Firepower, which was several times stronger than the mecha formation, poured down in an instant.


Rumble! Boom!~

Endless mushroom clouds rise from the mutated giant sea crab.

The mutant giant sea crab was cut by Li Hao, and the carapace with openings everywhere seemed to reach the limit of its tolerance.

Start bouncing.

Many carapace fragments broke away from the body of the mutated giant sea crab and scattered out.

"Good chance four!".

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