Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 187 Conception Of The Mecha Corps 【For Subscription, For Full Subscription】

Somewhere in a dark undersea space five hundred kilometers from the bottom of the sea.

A silver-blue giant robot of more than twenty meters is confronting a mutated giant electric ray that is more than three hundred meters old.

The difference in size between the two sides is more than ten times.

In contrast, it is like an adult and a child.

Therefore, the picture of the confrontation between the two looks quite funny.


The mutant giant electric ray did not mean to disdain the 'little point' in front of him at all.

Its powerful and keen perception told it that this strange thing in front of it was more than ten times smaller than it was very dangerous.

Raising its vigilance to the highest, it tenses all over, its tail swaying, and its eyes are fixed on Li Hao.


The mutated giant electric ray roared at the underwater fighter mech, and a dense electric "807" arc suddenly shot out around its body, wanting to intimidate the small point that was retreated.

Facing the roar of the mutated giant electric ray, Li Hao also had a feeling of blood boiling, and his body suddenly became excited.

The primordial violent factor that is present deep in every man's bloodline seems to be activated by the impending fight.

In this state, Li Hao did not hesitate to pilot the underwater fighter mech to take the lead in attacking the mutant giant electric ray.

The electromagnetic energy rifle in his hand shot out one supersonic shell after another, pouring madly towards the mutated giant electric ray.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It seems to sense the great power of these supersonic iron shells accelerated by electromagnetic energy, and the mutated giant electric ray quickly excites more electricity.

Extremely powerful high-voltage currents surrounded its body, like an armor composed of lightning and lightning.

The supersonic shell fell on this 'lightning armor' and was immediately melted by the high temperature it generated.

It didn't make the slightest wave.

"Unexpectedly, this mutant giant electric ray still has this ability.

"With this layer of 'lightning armor' carrying extremely high temperature, the torpedo launched by the mecha's torpedo tracking and launching system is afraid that it will be detonated in advance by the current just close, and it is difficult to play any big role.............

"It seems that you can only win close to the body."

Seeing that the electromagnetic energy rifle was ineffective, Li Hao immediately began to change tactics.

Sixteen sets of turbo-powered engines start at full power.

Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!

Suddenly, the underwater fighter mech rushed towards the mutated giant electric ray at an extremely fast speed.

Fast as a punch.


Seeing this, the mutant giant electric ray roared at Li Hao, and the electric light around its body rushed towards the tail.

Then, the thick and sharp tail stabbed at the impacting Li Hao wolf.

With the blessing of the current, this tail can be described as extremely fast in attack, directly dragging out the Dao Dao afterimage in the water.

Face this extremely ferocious attack.

Li Hao directly turned on the bullet time, and his thinking was instantly accelerated by dozens of times.

In his eyes, the mutant giant electric ray's lightning-fast tail stabbed and suddenly became as slow as a snail.

In this state, Li Hao's ability to operate the underwater fighter receiver has also increased countless times in an instant.

I saw that the underwater fighter mech, which was in a state of rapid progress, suddenly stopped without warning, calmly dodged a flash, and directly dodged the oncoming lightning tail thorn.

Then, he rushed to the back of the mutant giant electric ray and pulled out the chainsaw-powered sword behind it.

The extremely sharp serrations on the big sword moved at high speed, directly cutting a huge opening more than ten meters long on the back of the mutated giant electric ray.

The whole process is fluid, relaxed and freehand, giving people an extremely simple sense of art.


Feeling the sharp pain in its back, the mutant giant electric ray suddenly let out an extremely harsh scream.

However, this sharp pain also aroused its ferocity.

The internal power generation organ runs to the extreme.

Dark blue currents gushed out, spreading madly in the surrounding seas, turning this sea area into a sea of thunder.

The underwater fighter mech was directly 'submerged' in the sea of thunder.


Li Hao didn't panic in the slightest.

The shell of the underwater fighter he piloted was made of energy-absorbing alloy.

As long as this current energy does not exceed the upper limit of absorption, it is simply impossible to break through this layer's defense and attack his body.

Against this furious current, Li Hao maneuvered the underwater fighter and slashed another sword at the back of the mutated giant electric ray.

A bigger and deeper opening emerged.

Seeing that his most powerful attack method was completely ineffective, the mutated giant electric ray that was once again injured sensed the crisis of death, and suddenly 'sobered up':

Without hesitation, turn around and run.

I want to stay away from this 'little dot' who fights fiercely.

"Want to escape?! It's late!"

Seeing this, Li Hao immediately started the maximum power of sixteen sets of turbo-powered engines and chased up.

At a speed of 450 km/h.

In less than three seconds, Li Hao was on top of the mutant giant electric ray.

The serrated powered sword in hand turns on the maximum speed.

The extremely sharp serrations rotated at high speed, and with a thunderous momentum, it cut the head of the mutated giant electric ray like a broken bamboo.

Mutated giant electric ray, pawn.

"Twenty! Fighting with so many ocean behemoths, the combat effectiveness of the underwater fighter mech is almost tested. ”

"In the face of an ocean behemoth under a hundred meters in size, this mecha can easily kill with one hit, and after two hundred meters, unless you encounter an individual with perverted ability, the water fighter mech can also easily solve the battle..."

"After the size of the marine behemoth reaches more than three hundred meters, this type of underwater fighter mech is a little difficult to deal with."

"If it weren't for my use of bullet time, the level of operation instantly skyrocketed, exerting 150% of the power of the mecha, and it would not be so easy to kill this mutated giant electric ray."

"After all, this mech is only a rudimentary underwater fighter mech after all.... 2.5..”

Thinking about it, Li Hao also had a number of combat effectiveness for the primary underwater fighter mech (type I) in his heart.

Of course, all of the above are only the situation when the mecha fights alone.

The biggest advantage of scientific and technological weapons is that they can be mass-produced and mass-produced.

Although the individual combat effectiveness of the junior underwater fighter (type one) seems to be very average, as long as the number is large enough, it forms a mecha corps.

Combat effectiveness will inevitably be able to turn over and rise like a head.

At that time, even those super large ocean behemoths with a body of six or seven hundred meters may not be able to kill them.

"If the clone warrior can fly mecha, as long as enough junior underwater fighter mech is produced, it can establish a formed mech corps..."

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