Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 171 The Horrified Pirate Queen 【Please Subscribe, Please Subscribe】

Empress on the steel flagship.

"Lord Chief, according to reconnaissance satellites, small anti-ship missiles have successfully paralyzed the opponent's hull..............."

Aiko Toyogen reported the results of the raid just now.

"Stop firing! Order all ships to surround it~.

Hearing this, Xiyuan Meixi's cold and proud face couldn't help but show a hint of excitement flushed, and immediately ordered without hesitation.

She can't wait to receive her 'booty-'.

As long as you can get the manufacturing technology and production line of those cutting-edge weapons from that Mr. Li.

With a steady stream of sophisticated weaponry, everyone in the surrounding waters will submit to the gunfire of her steel fleet.

At that time, she will be the real empress, the most noble and powerful woman.

No one can disobey her will.

Thinking of that picture, Xiyuan Meixi suddenly had a feeling of floating in the clouds, and her heart became hotter and hotter.

Receiving the order, dozens of steel ships of various kinds ceased, moved at full speed, and headed towards the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form) that seemed to be completely paralyzed

About five minutes.

The dense steel fleet surrounded the submarine-type mobile marine shelters (cruise ship forms).

Countless barrels were aimed at the scorched cruise ship in front of it.

"Mr. Li, I asked you to stay as a guest before, but you didn't want to, but now I can only come up with this strategy to clear you."

"Do you want me to invite you out, or do you come out yourself?!"

Miki Nishien's voice sounded from the shipboard horns of the surrounding ships, and her words carried a hint of condescension.

Obviously, he thought that the big picture was decided and wanted Li Hao to give up his senseless resistance.

"The ignorant are fearless, I hope you can maintain your current posture later!"

In the face of Miki Nishien's lofty words, Li Hao, who seemed to have 'reached the end of his life', laughed in his heart, but did not mean to respond at all.

Sitting calmly in the captain's room drinking coffee.

Like a hunter patiently waiting for his prey to enter a trap.

Waited for a while.

Seeing that the cruise ship in front of her did not move at all, Miki Nishien, who thought she had the winning chance, did not care at all.

Ben wanted to give the other side a 'decent' surrender.

But since that Mr. Li gave a face, then she didn't mind 'doing it' herself

Anyway, the outcome will not change anything.


The surrounding steel ships are also gradually approaching the submarine-type mobile marine shelter (cruise ship form).

Ten seconds later.

"It's almost time to close the net!"

After looking at the display screen of the radar system and confirming that almost all the ships under the Queen of the Island were already within 100 meters of the waters around the cruise ship, Li Hao immediately ordered Jarvis: "Start the electromagnetic position generator and turn on the burst mode."

"Yes, sir!"

Upon receiving the order, Jarvis also immediately took action.

Strange thick iron pipes quietly stretched out from the bottom of the cruise ship.

A furious silver current spread and accumulated on it, connected to each other.

Next second.

An invisible powerful magnetic field burst out, directly pushing away the ships at sea that were approaching around.

In this unknown change, many steel ships, which were already in a state of combat readiness, subconsciously opened fire on submarine-type mobile ocean shelters (cruise ship forms).

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Artillery fire roared.

Countless shells flew out of the barrel of the black hole.

It fell like a torrential downpour.

Under such powerful firepower, any steel giant ship will be directly bombed into the sky.


When these shells landed on the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form), they exploded as if they had hit an impregnable invisible wall.

No matter how violent the explosion is, it is impossible to touch the body of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form).

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the people on the surrounding steel giant ships widened, and their faces were full of disbelief.

It's like seeing a ghost.

"What's going on?!"

Seeing this strange change in the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form) that exceeded her expectations, Miki Nishien's cold and proud face also lost the look of being under control.

My heart was filled with a sense of foreboding.

Although I don't know what means the other party used, it was able to withstand so many shells so easily.

Then defense against the small anti-ship missiles before is obviously an easy thing.

In that case, how could the opposing ship's ships be completely paralyzed because of this?!

......... Ask for flowers.........

"Trap! This is a trap! Order all ships to retreat immediately and stay away from that cruise ship!"

Thinking of this, Miki Nishizono seemed to think of something, and shouted with horror on her face.


Too late.

The moment Miki Nishizono 'saw through' Li Hao's plan, countless furious silver currents spread around the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form).

After rebuilding it with a super conductive alloy, the burst mode of the electromagnetic stance generator not only becomes less depleted, but also more powerful, and even the attack range is increased a lot.

In an instant, the surrounding hundreds of meters of sea turned into a sea of silver thunder.

These high-voltage currents pass through the seawater, quickly covering every steel ship in the vicinity.

In an instant, silent, wailing sounds sounded from inside these thousands of steel ships.

A few seconds later.

The silver current dissipated.

I saw that the hull shells of those steel giant ships that were bombarded by high-voltage currents were covered with scorched black mottled marks.

It looks like scrap copper and rotten iron in the garbage factory.

Obviously, these steel giants have been completely scrapped by the super high voltage current released by the electromagnetic position generator.

The ship is still like this, and even more so the people on it.

As is customary, Li Hao asked Jarvis to lean submarine-type mobile ocean shelters (cruise ship forms) onto those completely scrapped steel giants.

Under Li Hao's orders, hundreds of clones went to the steel ships and began to clean the battlefield and collect loot.


Tons and tons of supplies are transported by the Clone Warriors back to Curry, a storage warehouse in the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form).

However, according to current progress estimates, it will take at least three hours to move.

After all, this is a large pirate force plundering the materials accumulated by an unknown number of sea ark shelters.

Even if many of them are damaged by high-voltage currents, the remaining number is still frightening.

There is no intention of slowly waiting for the clone warrior to finish scavenging for loot.

After solving this group of pirates, Li Hao is also ready to go back to the bedroom and go back to sleep.


Right now.

Jarvis: "Sir, I just got feedback from the clone warriors that there are about twenty-five people alive on the outermost flagship ship, including the leader of this group of pirates... Great".

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