Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 167 The Pirate Queen With 'Superior Acting' [For Subscription, Please Customize]

"Fortunately, this mutant giant mantis shrimp is a 'brainless reckless man', otherwise the outcome of this battle is really difficult to say.

"Most likely they will be escaped."

Looking at the torn body of the mutant giant mantis shrimp, Li Hao couldn't help but sigh a little while feeling slightly relieved in his heart.

Don't say anything else.

With the terrifying movement explosive speed of this mutated giant mantis shrimp.

If you choose to flee as soon as you are injured by a high-explosive torpedo missile attack, it may be difficult for the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to catch up.

It can be said that this mutant giant mantis shrimp completely killed itself

After confirming that the mutant giant mantis shrimp had completely died, Li Hao did not mean to stay in this sea area more.

Immediately ordered Jarvis to continue driving the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter towards the direction of Sakura Country.

Perhaps "nine nine zero" is the relationship between the marine behemoths in this sea area that were almost eaten by the mutant giant mantis shrimp hunting, and the rest of the journey was very smooth.

July 30, 2021

After several days of seabed navigation, the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter finally arrived on the territory where the former Sakura Country was located.

There is only more than 800 kilometers left from the agreed trading place ————— the sea area of the Jinggang area.

At the current speed, it is expected that it will only take another six hours to arrive.

Seeing that the destination of this trip is far away, in order to facilitate the transaction and prevent the body of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter from being exposed, Li Hao immediately ordered Jarvis to fly the submarine-type mobile marine shelter to the surface and turn on the low-level metal transformation device used to go to the official steel island.

Three minutes later.

The huge spindle-shaped submarine-type mobile ocean shelter "disappeared" on the surface.

In its place is a luxury cruise ship hundreds of meters long.

Driven by Jarvis, the luxury cruise ship continued towards the agreed trading place.

More than six hours later.

Li Hao took a luxury cruise ship and smoothly arrived at the new sea area formed by the Shizuokang area of Sakura Country.

After arriving at the agreed trading place, Li Hao immediately logged in to the trading forum of Sakura Country and entered the anonymous pirate queen.

Li Hao: "I have arrived at the trading place according to the coordinates and address you gave!" If there is no problem, you hurry up and complete the transaction.

Five minutes later.

Anonymous: "Okay! I'll come right over, the first time.

In the following waiting process, Li Hao also took out the ready-made simultaneous real-time language translator from the drawer of the captain's room.

He doesn't know Japanese.

When the transaction is to be held, if the two sides talk to the chicken and the duck because of the language barrier, the scene will be embarrassing.

The simultaneous real-time language translator was specially purchased from the system store in order to prevent such an embarrassing scene.

This gadget is also not expensive, only 1000 points.

After Jarvis enters the information package of each Chinese, he can easily communicate with people from any country on Blue Star without barriers.

"If it were in peacetime, just relying on such a gadget, I could easily reap hundreds of billions of dollars."

After trying the function, Li Hao looked at the earring pendant in his hand like a simultaneous real-time language translator, and sighed a little in his heart.

The function of this thing is too perverted.

As soon as it was born, all the people who mixed in the translation industry had to lose their jobs on the spot.

"However, there is no going back in peacetime."

Shaking his head, Li Hao no longer thought about these things or not.

Now that the world has entered a period of disaster, the so-called money has long been meaningless.

Even if it is 100 billion, or 1 trillion dollars, it is not as precious as a bag of rice.

5 minutes... 10 minutes... 20 minutes....

Time passes minute by minute.

Just when Li Hao and the others were a little impatient, they were ready to log in to the trading forum again and contact the anonymous pirate queen.


An ordinary-looking steel giant ship was heading towards this side.

It eventually docked not far in front of the Li Hao luxury cruise ship.

Subsequently, a large iron plate extends from the steel giant ship and connects to the deck of the luxury cruise ship, acting as a 'temporary bridge'

Knowing that the steel giant ship Eight Cheng was the ship that the pirate queen was riding on to trade, Li Hao did not stop the other party from taking the ship.

Anyway, even if the other party has bad intentions and some crooked intentions, he has absolute confidence that he can 'suppress' the other party

After completing the connection, a figure wearing a gray-white radiation protection suit led several people through the 'temporary bridge' towards Li Hao's luxury cruise ship...

Seeing this, Li Hao also immediately took a few clone warriors and walked out of the captain's room, ready to complete this deal with the other party as soon as possible.

The two sides meet.

Li Hao discovers that the person on the opposite side is a mature royal sister with a sense of surname.

Although he is wearing a gray-white radiation protection suit, it is still difficult to hide his proud figure.

Elegant temperament.

Ten points didn't look like a fierce and cruel pirate queen.

"Hello! I'm Mikiko Kudo, the same person who contacted you before to deal with it. ”

Seeing the oncoming Li Hao and the others, this royal sister immediately opened her mouth to say hello.

Hearing this sexy royal sister's self-introduction, although Li Hao knew in her heart that she was reporting a fake name, she had no intention of debunking it at all.

Anyway, what he cares about is living meteorite fragments.

As long as he can trade the living meteorite fragments, whether the other party reports his real name or a fake name, he doesn't bother to care.

Thinking like this, Li Hao's face remained unchanged, and he introduced himself with a smile: "Hello! My name is Li Hao and it's nice to meet you. ”

Tongsheng real-time language translator instantly translates Li Hao's words into Japanese pronunciation.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Li still has this kind of high technology, originally I was afraid of language barriers, so I specially brought a translator!"

"It doesn't seem to be needed."

Miki Nishien, who goes by the pseudonym Mikiko Kudo, was also quite surprised to see the earring-like simultaneous real-time language translator on Li Hao's ear [No. 4.

I have to say that the acting skills of the woman on the other side are very superb.

Words and deeds give people a feeling like a spring breeze.

If it weren't for Li Hao's long ago collected information on the Internet through Jarvis and picked up the other party's bottom line, I am afraid that he would not really be able to see that the other party is actually a ruthless island queen

There is no vigilance in the mind at all.


Since he knew the identity of the other side, this kind of trick naturally couldn't do anything to him.

"It's just a gadget!"

"Miss Kudo, everyone's time is precious, let's start trading quickly."

Dealing with the pleasantries casually, Li Hao didn't want to go around in circles with the other party, play acting, and said directly.

Get straight to the point.

"No problem! Since...".

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