Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 16 Signal Recovery! Buy Metal [New Book Asks For Everything]

"The meteorite deflection plan failed, the backup plan was launched, and after the giant meteorite was blown up, a super-large meteorite rain was formed, which had a huge impact on the global ecology, and human civilization was severely damaged, please try to protect yourself as much as possible, and the government will do its best to rescue the disaster and restore order in the future." ”

【Penguin News】"Under the apocalyptic disaster, countries suffered heavy losses, millions of people in Bald Eagle Country died in a major earthquake caused by meteorites, and Sakura Country was flooded by a huge tsunami caused by meteorites, and it was seriously affected..."

【Wandu News】"Volcanic ash pollution warning, according to experts' predictions, the range of super-large meteorite rain affects several large volcanic groups, which is very likely to trigger a large-scale volcanic eruption, when a large amount of volcanic ash will enter the atmosphere, blocking the sun, and the blue star may gradually fall into a long night..."


As soon as the signal was restored, various media outlets also released news as soon as possible.

The Internet was suddenly filled with all kinds of disaster information.

From this information, the seriousness of this global disaster is clearly demonstrated.

Otherwise, the official will not say the slogan that human civilization has been severely damaged.

After the super-large meteorite was shattered, the scattered debris also caused a huge disaster, and the chain reaction caused was even more difficult to calculate.

Like the country of bald eagles, millions of people died in earthquakes caused by meteorite fragments.

Many shelters were even shaken to pieces, and the people inside were estimated to be able to wait for death.

Also, some island countries.

For example, in the country of cherry blossoms, the land was directly flooded by half of the huge tsunami caused by meteorites, and the casualties and losses are difficult to estimate.

And those countries located in the primeval forest zone are not to mention.

The forest fires caused by the fall of meteorite fragments alone were enough for them to eat a pot.

It is really no exaggeration that global human civilization has suffered heavy losses.

As for the country, the losses are not small.

Many cities have been completely destroyed by meteorite debris.

Among them is Shanhai City.

According to the news information, most of the urban area of Shanhai City was destroyed by a meteorite debris of thousands of meters, and even the unfinished official shelter was destroyed by half, and the losses were extremely heavy.

"Fortunately, I live on the outskirts of the city, and I avoided most of the impact of the meteorite falling, otherwise I would have been hit head-on by a meteorite fragment of thousands of meters, and the underground shelter would not have been as intact as it is now."

Li Hao secretly rejoiced.

However, in addition, there is another piece of news that makes him particularly concerned.

It was reported by Wandu News about volcanic ash pollution.

According to the above information, the range of super-large meteorite rains involves several large volcanic groups.

The resulting large earthquake is very likely to trigger large-scale activation of the volcano, causing it to enter a period of extreme activity.

The large-scale activation of large volcanic groups has led to a large amount of volcanic ash entering the atmosphere of Blue Star, blocking the sun's light for a long time.

Blue Star has since fallen into a long night.

This change is likely to intensify and accelerate the arrival of the ice age.

At that time, the entire Blue Star will be frozen and turned into a large ice ball.

"It seems that the construction of the shelter wall is a little faster."

Li Hao suddenly had a warning in his heart.

The construction of the cold barrier wall cannot be delayed.

By the time the Ice Age arrives completely, it's really too late.

Sooner rather than later.

With this awareness, Li Hao is more attentive to the construction of the wall of the cold layer.

After lunch, he immediately continued his unfinished work of "building the wall".


December 8, 2020.

Early morning.

"The automated metal furnace lacks metal titanium, and it is impossible to continue to synthesize low-temperature defense alloy plates!"

Looking at the results displayed on the automated metal furnace, Li Hao's face was a little ugly.

The cryogenic defense plywood ran out.

At least one-twentieth of the underground shelter did not have a wall of cold.

If all of them cannot be built, there will be loopholes in the wall of the cold layer, and the cold current will enter the shelter along the wall without the cold layer.

There is almost no difference between the cold layer and the none.

"Nope! The walls must be completely built. ”

"As for the metal titanium raw materials missing from synthetic low-temperature defense alloys, it is not impossible to obtain."

Li Hao's eyes flashed.

The main material of the discarded car on the surface is composed of steel and carbon, and the metal titanium cannot be separated.

Then it can only be bought from others.

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately turned on the computer and sent a message to an account with a note of the owner of the metal factory.

The owner of this account is the owner of the metal factory where he previously exchanged grain for 25 tons of metal.

Since he had a metal factory, the boss also built a fairly complete personal shelter of his own.

It stands to reason that surviving the meteorite fall disaster should be no problem.

As the owner of a metal factory, he definitely has a lot of rare metal reserves on his hands.

Li Hao: Boss Yang, do you still have metal reserves on hand? I'll exchange food for you!

It seems that this metal factory owner also happens to be online.

Soon, it replied.

Metal factory owner: "Yes, yes, but how to say the exchange price?" ”

Li Hao: "A bag of 10 kilograms of rice, for a ton of titanium, in addition to steel and carbon, other rare metals are also at this price." ”

Metal factory owner: "OK! How many tons are you going to change? ”

Li Hao: "20 tons of titanium, 30 tons of other rare metals." ”

In addition to titanium, other rare metals in the shelter are somewhat lacking.

He was ready to take advantage of this opportunity to stock up on a little more rare metals in case he needed them.

The owner of the metal factory: "Brother, big money, take out five hundred pounds of rice at a time for metal!" But now it's cold and high outside, I can't get out, these 50 tons of rare metals you have to pull by yourself. ”

Li Hao: "No problem, send me the address, I'll drive over and get it later." ”

After the negotiations, Li Hao did not delay much.

The metal factory was on the outskirts of the city, just 5 kilometers away.

If you drive, you will be there in no time.

"But you have to get a delivery vehicle."

The load of radiation-proof snowmobiles is still too small.

A car can only carry a maximum of 600 pounds.

Even if there are five, they can only transport 3,000 jin at a time.

And 50 tons of metal is a full 100,000 catties, transported by five radiation-proof snowmobiles, when will it be transported.

Thinking so, Li Hao walked towards the industrial workshop.


PS: The new book asks for all the data

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