Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 143 The Radiation Of Marine Evolution Soars, Are The Meteorite Fragments Alive? ! 【Please Su

"Official showdown?!"

Li Hao sat up from the beach chair in vain, his face a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that the official cannot be so simply showdown about evolutionary radiation.

The situation is relatively stable.

The news of the showdown will make others panic.

After all, this is easily reminiscent of the sea behemoths of tens or hundreds of meters mentioned on the previous Doomsday Forum.

The kind of monster that only appears in monster science fiction movies suddenly appears in reality.

Anyone is afraid.

Not to mention that there is more than one such monster.

Under the boundless ocean, no one knows how many dangerous and terrifying mutated sea creatures inhabit.

No one knows if they will be attacked, whether they will be targeted and eaten by these sea behemoths.

Out of fear and pressure about these unknowns, panic is sure to spread rapidly in everyone's hearts.

The previously stable situation will become volatile again.

"Such consequences are not in line with the official position, so what is the official purpose of doing this?"

Thinking of this, Li Hao was even more puzzled in his heart.

How to look at the current showdown, it is only right that the disadvantages 19 outweigh the advantages.

The official should not be so unwise.

Or did the official mistakenly send this message in advance, which should have been saved for later.

"Impossible! It should be impossible for officials to make such low-level mistakes.

After a moment of silence, Li Hao also ruled out this possibility in his heart.

This probability is too low.

It's not like a mistake that the Xia Guo official, who has always been cautious, would make.

Since other reasons have been ruled out, it is clear that the existence of showdown evolutionary radiation is the original intention of Xia Guo's official.

There must have been some unknown factor that led the official decision to do so.

Even at the risk of instability, let others know in advance about the existence of evolutionary radiation and ocean behemoths, and be mentally prepared.

"Since the official made this decision, it is obvious that the unknown factor is directly related to evolutionary lasers and ocean behemoths." 7

After thinking for a moment, Li Hao also had an inference in his heart.

There should be a huge hidden crisis.

And it may be beginning to appear in the near future.

Otherwise, the official would not have directly showdown the existence of evolutionary radiation and the existence of the ocean behemoth so quickly.

"Eight achievements are so."

The more he thought about it, the more Li Hao affirmed his speculative judgment.

It's just that he can't guess out what the huge crisis that may be hidden in it is.

And the average person can only stop at most deducing here.

But Li Hao is different, he can directly "find" the official for verification.

"The official decision was only made today, and it was affected by unknown factors recently."

Thinking of this, Li Hao ordered without hesitation: "Jarvis, secretly hack into the official server and copy the files related to evolutionary radiation and sea behemoths in the past ten days.

That's right, he is ready to use Jarvis' data capabilities to go directly to the official internal server to find hidden "answers".

He cannot turn a blind eye to the great crisis that may arise in the near future.

He needs to know the details and prepare for disasters in advance.

Receiving Li Hao's order, Jarvis, who had long been a "habitual offender", easily connected to the official internal communication guard through a small integrated signal base station inside the submarine base

Use it as a springboard to drive straight into the official internal server.

Less than half a minute later.

Jarvis: "The invasion was successful, and all the documents related to evolutionary radiation, sea behemoths have been copied.

The voice fell.

Folders appeared on the display of the tablet in Li Hao's hand.

Since it is only the last 10 days of documents, its number is not much, only a few dozen.


Li Hao instantly locked a file called "Report on the Causes of Ocean Evolutionary Radiation Spikes."

Click in.

After reading all the report documents, Li Hao's face could not help but show a hint of shock.

No way, the information here is too shocking.

He didn't expect that he let Jarvis hack into the official server to verify the possible hidden crisis disaster, and he accidentally learned such a big secret.

"It turns out that giant meteorites are not completely dead things!"

According to the report, some of the fragments of giant meteorites are "alive" and have the properties of some living things.

Compared to other meteorite fragments that are completely dead, these "living" meteorite fragments can form a special symbiosis with the evolutionary organisms attached to them

While the evolutionary radiation released by itself makes the evolution of mutant organisms faster, it is also absorbing the biological energy and mutated genes of mutant evolutionary organisms, evolving and perfecting itself and evolving to a higher level.

According to the speculation in the report, the surge in evolutionary radiation in seawater is likely to be the result of the biological energy absorbed by these living meteorite fragments reaching a certain critical point, evolving to a higher level of life, and releasing more intense and powerful evolutionary radiation.

"No wonder, the official choice is now showdown with the existence of the Ocean Behemoth and Evolutionary Radiation."

"Time is running out! The surge in evolutionary radiation in the sea water means that the evolution rate of marine life will be accelerated again, and in the next short period of time, more marine behemoths will definitely emerge in the ocean, and maybe you can encounter marine behemoths at will. ”

"In this case, there is obviously not much point in delaying and concealing it.

"It is better to publish it directly, let the people make good precautionary preparations and psychological preparations for 377, and reduce possible losses and casualties."

Li Hao's face also showed a hint of abruptness, understanding why the official showdown was so crisp.

Showdown or not.

In the near future, a large number of marine life behemoths will appear within the scope of human activities.

In this case, it is simply impossible to hide it.

Continuing to conceal it will only lead to greater casualties when the people are hit by the sea behemoths.

It is precisely because of this that the official showdown came out so crisply.

"This is not good news!"

Li Hao frowned.

The evolution of the sea behemoths is accelerating again, and the number of those sea behemoths will definitely increase rapidly, and the strength will become more and more terrifying.

Ordinary sea ark shelters may be difficult to withstand the attacks of those sea behemoths.

Under such circumstances, the human living space is bound to be greatly impacted and further compressed.

In addition to this, this matter also had a considerable impact on him.

After all, the faster the Ocean Behemoth evolves, the greater the threat to him will definitely be.

Although he is very confident in the defense system of his undersea base, he also has to guard against it.

No one knows what terrifying monsters will evolve in the ocean after the evolutionary radiation in the sea water soars.

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