Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 105 Arrived At The Port Of The Steel Island Trading Area 【For Subscription, Please Customize

"It's spectacular!"

Looking at No. 1 Steel Island, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of shock and admiration.

A huge steel island with an area of more than 50 million square meters (50 square kilometers).

You can imagine how magnificent it is.

Compared with what steel giant ships and sea arks are, they are as small as dust.

The birth of this steel island is simply a miracle in the history of human industry.

No need for Li Hao to say more.

Driven by Jarvis, this large cruise ship transformed from a submarine-type mobile ocean refuge quickly approaches Steel Island No. 1.

Wait until the big cruise ship is ten kilometers close to Steel Island No. 1.

Backbite! Backbite! Backbite!

A huge patrol boat pulled the alarm and quickly leaned towards this side.

Then, a rather loud electronic horn sounded from the patrol boat: "Ahead is Steel Island No. 1, unregistered ships are forbidden to enter, the cruise ship in front stops and accepts identity checks, otherwise we will take the necessary coercive measures ..."

"Official patrol boat?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao was also thoughtful.

This was not surprising to him.

After all, a place like Steel Island is obviously the official hub of the Xia Kingdom, and it is extremely important, and it is naturally impossible to live in 443 and enter by someone whose identity is unknown.

It is also necessary to send patrol ships to patrol the perimeter of the steel island to intercept unknown ships.

Even he suspects that this is only the first line of defense.

If someone wants to forcibly break in, there will definitely be a second, third, or even more heavy line of defense waiting behind.

Therefore, Li Hao did not have the intention of forcibly breaking through and resisting identity checks.

Anyway, the identity of the clone warriors, he let Jarvis enter into the official ID database.

Ensure that the identity of each clone warrior is "innocent" and the origin is also "traceable".

Thinking like this, Li Hao signaled Jarvis to stop sailing for the time being and stop the big cruise ship.

Then, put on a radiation-proof life support suit, and took Zhao Xueshi and them and the clone warriors towards the cruise ship deck.

Of course.

In order to prevent the ship from being an official "liar", Li Hao also made the clone warriors bring weapons to guard against them.

A minute later.

The patrol boat was docked in front of the Li Hao cruise ship to the left.

About two dozen people wearing radiation protection suits with the emblem of Xia Guo (BFBF) walked up the stairs of the cruise ship.

Seeing Li Hao and the others carrying weapons, although these people's faces changed slightly, they did not say much.

After all, it is the end of the day, and unlike in peacetime, it is quite normal to carry weapons for self-defense.

Almost all of them came to the sea ark shelter here with weapons.

It's just that some are fine and some are inferior.

However, although this matter is very normal, the large number of M19 assault rifles in the hands of Li Hao and others still makes these officials very nervous.

More than a dozen official law enforcers armed with weapons were also keeping a close eye on Li Hao and the others, always on guard.

In such mutual vigilance, the two sides began to talk.

After some negotiation.

"Turn off the weapons insurance!"

Confirming that these people were indeed official, Li Hao turned to the clone warrior behind him and ordered.


Duh! Duh! Duh!

The clone warriors closed the safety of their M19 assault rifles.

Seeing this, those official personnel also relaxed a lot.

After all, these gun-wielding men who look very elite and tough put too much pressure on them.

Seeing Li Hao and others cooperate with their work in this way, the official law enforcers are also relieved, no longer on guard, and their nerves are tense.

After the two sides have achieved basic trust.

These officials then began to check and register the identities of Li Hao and others.

Confirm that the identity information of Li Hao and others corresponds to the official identity database.

After the official personnel registered Li Hao's cruise ship number, they also handed Li Hao and others a new identity registration card each.

"Thank you for your cooperation! These identification cards are a communication card to enter the steel islands, which are common to both steel islands.

"However, since you have not been granted the right to live on any of the steel islands."

"Therefore, you can only enter the trading market of Steel Island through the port of the trading area, other areas are not accessible, and you cannot carry guns and weapons when entering the trading area of Steel Island, and there will be instruments for inspection..."

"In time, people who do not have the right to live on the Steel Island need to leave the Steel Island before sunset..."

While handing out identity registration cards to Li Hao and the others, a girl with a little freckles begins to explain what she needs to pay attention to when entering the steel island.

After all this, the officials left the cruise ship and returned to the official patrol boat.

"Jarvis, head towards the trading area port of the Steel Island."

Scanning the map of the steel island handed to him by the officials and scanning it for Jarvis, Li Hao began.

According to the area on this map, the trading area port of Steel Island is northwest.

Cruise ships need to make a small half-circle around the steel island to get there.

On command, Jarvis automatically began adjusting his course and moving northwest.

After another ten minutes of sailing, the cruise ship began to approach the port of the trading area.

The number of boats coming and going around is gradually increasing.

Each ship has a volume of more than 1,000 tons.

Apparently, these ships were private sea ark shelters on their way to the trading area of Steel Island.

Among these thousand-ton ships, Li Hao's "small boat" of less than 300 tons suddenly became somewhat conspicuous.

It's as if a small dot appears in a group of adults.

However, Li Hao does not care about this.

These ships look a little bigger.

You know, the low-level metal deformation device only changes the shape of the metal, and does not change in essence.

In other words, his cruise ship, which was switched from a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, has a hull also made of energy-absorbing alloy.

If you really want to collide, one of these so-called big ships is one, and all of them have to be sunk by his "small cruise ship" and go to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

Ignore the ships around you.

Li Hao asked Jarvis to drive the cruise ship and slowly docked inside the port of the Steel Island trading area.

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