Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 101: The Evil God? ! Mutant Giant Octopus【For Subscription, For Full Order】

"Biomorphic camouflage latent ability?! This large unknown sea creature is preying on it?!"

Hearing Jarvis's explanation, Li Hao spoke again.

Jarvis: "Sir! If nothing else, there is an 85% chance that this is the case. ”

Hearing this, Li Hao~ is not very good-looking.

This is also too unlucky.

Who would have thought that there would be a large unknown sea creature with the ability to lurk in the camouflage of biological mimicry.

Sitting on a submarine, eating refreshments, passing by this sea, he suddenly attacked this ghost as prey.

However, since things have already happened, the most important thing now is to find a way to deal with this large unknown sea creature as soon as possible.

"Jarvis, how is the damage to the bottom armor at the moment, and whether the power of this large unknown sea creature can break through the shell armor of the shelter.

Calm down, Li Hao asked.

Although for the submarine-type mobile marine shelter, the energy-absorbing alloy shell armor is very confident in the defense.

But just in case, Li Hao asked for the first time.

After all, if this large unknown sea creature has the ability to penetrate the shell armor, then the situation of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter is really dangerous.

Jarvis: "The bottom armor is not damaged in the slightest, and it has not been found that this creature has the ability to penetrate the armor of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter shell!"

"However, this large unknown marine life has a fairly strong attachment ability, and is now attached to the front bottom armor of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter."

Hearing Jarvis's answer, Li Hao was also completely relieved.

As long as there are no problems with the shell armor, nothing big will happen.

"Jarvis, directly control the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, and use maximum power to take this ocean monster to the bottom of the sea."

Hearing that this large unknown marine life was adsorbed on the bottom armor in front of the shelter, Li Hao's eyes flashed a cold color, and he directly ordered.

This is currently the most effective way to get rid of this large, unknown marine life.

As long as this thing is still flesh and blood, the collision of the submarine-type mobile marine distress can definitely hit it.

After all, nuclear-powered vector engines can burst out thousands of tons of power.

"Understood! Mr. "

Jarvis immediately grasped Li Hao's intentions.

Blue flames burst out from the rear power chamber of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, illuminating the surrounding undersea space.

Full power.

Thousands of tons of powerful power burst out.

Under the control of Jarvis, the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter slammed into the mud and rocks under the seabed.

The whole process took less than a second, and the large unknown sea creature didn't even react.

Bang! ∼

The submarine-type mobile ocean shelter slammed into the mudbed on the seabed, like the explosion of a large mine.

The shock wave exploded in all directions.

The surrounding dirt rolled upside down, instantly making the sea a little turbid.


The bottom armor of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter also sounded with a strange cry that seemed to be angry and painful.

Then, a huge black shadow with many tentacles suddenly burst out from the turbid sea at the bottom of the sea.

Rushing towards the submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

The strength of the currents caused by swimming even directly disperses the surrounding turbid water.


Li Hao really saw the true face of this large, unknown sea creature.

"This thing is an octopus?! I believe in the evil gods who say it's a kega!"

Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of shock.

Tainyima is outrageous.

Compared to the evolutionary sea creatures he had seen before, this octopus was simply a real monster.

The body is more than 50 meters long, and the whole body is dark red and has lumpy skin, like magma.

The most exaggerated thing is its terrifying shape.

In addition to the original wrist and foot, dense tentacles and wrist feet also grew on its head.

When the dense-phobia person sees it, I am afraid that he will go into shock on the spot.

Just looking at it makes people feel like they're crazy.

"This should be a perverted evolutionary individual affected by evolutionary radiation."

Li Hao's face also showed a hint of solemnity.

He had also speculated in his mind that this kind of ocean monster might appear in the depths of the ocean in the future.

Unexpectedly, I saw one now.

He also did not expect that in such a short time, such a terrifying monster appeared in the ocean.

"It seems that I still underestimated the role of evolutionary radiation and the rate at which these sea creatures evolved."

Looking at the octopus-shaped ocean monster that was ravaging in the head armor of the submarine-type marine shelter and trying to smash the shell armor with the power of his wrist and foot, Li Hao couldn't help but show a trace of emotion

On the edge of the ocean, countless lives have been born, and it is not surprising what kind of miracles of life have appeared.

Face another attack from an octopus-shaped ocean troll.

......... Ask for flowers...............

This time, Li Hao's command is not needed.

Jarvis turned on full power again and confronted the octopus-shaped ocean monster into the mudbed of the sea again.

This time, he directly broke several wrists and feet.

The octopus-shaped ocean monster once again let out a strange cry that seemed to be a wail of pain.

However, this time the injury, it seems to have learned a lesson.

Knowing the strange prey that is dark all over the body in front of you, it is not easy to provoke.

Next second.

The huge neck of the octopus-shaped ocean monster suddenly spat out a large amount of black ink.

These black inks instantly spread rapidly in the surrounding seawater.

The surrounding sea suddenly became pitch black.

For a long time.

When the black ink dissipated, the extremely terrifying appearance disappeared without a trace.

.... 0

Apparently escaped.

"Jarvis, are you sure this octopus sea monster has left?"

Li Hao asked.

Jarvis: "Sir, according to the Super Pulse Array detection radar, this octopus sea monster has indeed escaped from its current location under a hilly undersea a hundred and fifty miles away."

"Not before, why is the Super Pulse Array detection radar able to show and catch that octopus sea monster?"

Hearing this, Li Hao was completely relaxed at the same time, but also a little strange.

"That octopus sea monster is motionless, and when it uses the biomorphic ability to lurk in camouflage, the super pulse array detection radar really can't detect it."

"But once the octopus sea monster starts moving, the Super Pulse Array detection radar can easily spot it."

"Now the octopus sea monster's escape trajectory has naturally been captured by the Super Pulse Array detection radar."

"Although it once again uses the biomorphic ability to camouflage, it has the escape trajectory that has just been recorded, and the hiding location of the octopus sea monster can be easily deduced."

Jarvis replied.

"So it is!"

Hearing Jarvis's explanation, Li Hao was also stunned.

Right now.

The system proactively publishes a task.

[Kill the Ocean Troll———— Mutated Giant Octopus]


ps: The fourth more promised today was delivered, although it was a little late, but the author bacteria are still in a cold state, I hope that all the officials can understand the soil.

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