In the training room.

Qin Feng sat down cross-legged.

As he slowly closed his eyes, a blue crystal appeared in front of Qin Feng's eyes.

This blue crystal is in the shape of a rhombus, and it is being nurtured by Yuanli at this moment, and it is slowly improving.


Qin Feng is - looking inside the dantian position.

And this diamond-shaped crystal is the condensed void seed-the embryonic form.

This is also the characteristic of bloodline warriors. According to the fact that many alien beasts in the starry sky have beast cores, this core can be called "primary core"


It's just a prototype.

When it expands to a certain level, it can be broken and cast into the inner cave.

This is a very dangerous process.

Many Void Realm powerhouses will fall directly at this stage.

However, Qin Feng's goal at this moment is not to have any thoughts about this condensed Yuanli core.


With the movement of Qin Feng's thoughts, almost everything in his body was imprinted in his eyes.

A series of fine lines emerged in the body.

This is the primordial vein opened up, and it is the key to using primordial martial arts.

In addition to these primordial meridians, there are meridians originally owned by the physical body.


Many meridians run through.


At this time, Qin Feng took a deep breath, mobilized his energy, and suddenly launched an impact towards a meridian.

With the surge of Yuanli.

A tingling pain came, and the first serious line was penetrated smoothly.

"It doesn't seem to be a big problem."

Qin Feng murmured, at this moment, without hesitation, he began to attack the second meridian.

Still no problems.

Until, the third, the fourth, the fifth...

After a little half a day, the twelve serious scriptures were thoroughly understood.

"The next step is the Eight Extraordinary Meridians...

Qin Feng took a deep breath, without any hesitation, he continued to penetrate the meridians in his body in one go.

Because the foundation laid by the physical body is not weak.

The speed of the whole meridian is not slow, and there is no special problem.

It was half a day later.

In the physical body, only the last two veins are not yet connected.

And these two, according to Qin Feng's estimation, are the so-called "Ren and Du's two veins".

A little rest for a while.

The connection of the last two veins is officially opened.

The majestic origin force, mobilized from the dantian, began to attack these two meridians.

The whole process was indeed much more difficult than Qin Feng imagined.

It took almost a full ten hours, when the two veins were connected in an instant.

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly felt that the surrounding energy began to surge towards his body.

This billowing elemental force surged towards the body.

Through the meridians of the body, a kind of circulation is formed autonomously.

And the physical body, which was already quite strong, actually began to strengthen again at this moment.


"It actually works!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath, and then his whole body showed surprise.


He can feel that under such circumstances, the resources needed for his own practice will increase exponentially.

But resources are always available!

But now that I am like this, combining the two martial arts systems, the cultivation method that emerges is extremely precious!

It is impossible for other people to have this kind of opportunity.

after all.

The method of cultivation of bloodline warriors comes from another universe.

It is equivalent to, Qin Feng, this is the sum of the practice methods of two universes!

My heart was pleasantly surprised.

At this time, Li Bu's voice sounded.

And the tone is even more shocking: "You, succeeded?"

Qin Feng was taken aback: "That's right, isn't this normal?"

Li Bu said at this time: "Normal, normal ghost!"

"Otherwise, do you think that the master also traveled to many universes back then."

"There are also quite a few such martial arts systems that focus on the physical body."

"But why, never combined?"

"That's purely because they can't be combined!"

"What you need to understand is that although humans are still human beings with the Fusion bloodline, the alien beast bloodline is also changing the human body."

"Otherwise, why would a bloodline warrior be able to transform into a dragon blood warrior, a Beamon warrior, etc.?"

"That's because the whole human body has changed under the two bloodlines."

0...seeking flowers...

"The original meridians, etc., have completely evolved into different shapes."

"It's like your little brother, Nether Bloodline, when it's changing, even the physical body will be completely energyized."

"It's basically two systems that don't mix."

"You actually, really penetrated the meridian in this universe martial arts?"

"Oh my God!"

"what's going on?"

Hearing this, Qin Feng was even more confused at this moment.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you remind me before that this world has a unique cultivation system?"

At this time, Li Bu said in a rather speechless tone: "That is the fairy system."

"According to the information I have investigated."

"The fairy system also has the process of condensing the golden core, but their next state is not to condense the core, but to condense the soul."

"I'm thinking, there are similarities among them, and maybe we can use that practice system to perfect the bloodline martial arts."

"But now you..."

"Directly combine traditional martial arts with bloodline martial arts?"

Qin Feng frowned when he heard this: "So, I'm considered a special case?"

Rib said with certainty: "It can be said so."

"How do you feel now?"

At this time, Qin Feng squeezed his palm lightly, and then grinned: "I feel that my physical strength has more than doubled at least."

"Furthermore, Yuanli is in the physical body and can be completely penetrated."

"At the same time, the recovery speed and reserves of the energy in the entire body have also been greatly improved.

"And it can also have two kinds of martial arts attack methods."

"The overall strength has improved a lot, but the specific amount can only be known by transforming into the Super Saiyan II form.

"However, you still need to be familiar with the martial arts system and fighting style of this universe."

"I'm going to fight in the virtual martial arts arena next, and get used to it more."

"By the way, accumulate more points and exchange them for a few higher-level martial arts, and see if there is anything figured out in terms of martial arts.

At this moment, Qin Feng became more energetic. .

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