"If this happened in a fantasy world, those who could create the universe would have to be powerful masters."

"And according to the law of universe creation, the created universe is within me."

"This is equivalent to the universe within the body. This reminds me of several familiar figures."

Su Bai couldn't help but laugh. How come he is now on the path of fantasy?

When someone from the fantasy world joins the chat group in the future, he will really rely on the things in the other world to get himself on another path.

However, I don't know when someone from the fantasy world will join the chat group.

But that's all for the future.

As for now, I'd better complete the task of the chat group and get the Saiyan bloodline.

After all, the Saiyan bloodline, even in those fantasy worlds, is the top bloodline among the top.

On the ring.

Sun Wukong didn't wake up after being knocked unconscious by Hit. He didn't wake up until the referee counted to ten.

So, he lost the game.

But Sun Wukong just fainted, he didn't die.

It was the rules that saved him.

Otherwise, if Hit's attack just now was a little heavier, Sun Wukong's heart would have been pierced.

"Dad is really something. Master Su Bai has already reminded him to use his full strength right from the start, but he still has to test Hit's strength without changing his form."

After bringing his father back, Son Gohan said helplessly.

He has been speechless about his father's habit for a long time.

But there is no way, his father has never corrected it.

Now, he suffers from this bad habit again.

If he had used his full strength right from the start, he might have been able to fight.

But he had to use his normal state to test the opponent's strength, and was killed instantly by the opponent.

But then again, this Hit is really different from the opponents they have met before.

In the past, even if his father tested the opponent's strength, the opponent would at most beat his father up.

But this Hit, he was ruthless right from the start.

If there was no rule that prohibits killing the opponent, it is estimated that his father would have been killed.

This Hit is a ruthless person!

But fortunately, they still have the last trump card Broly!

"Broly, he will be handed over to you."

Su Bai said to Broly, and finally sent out the ace player of the seventh universe.

Broly nodded and stepped onto the ring.

Su Bai also recorded the scene where Sun Wukong was killed instantly by Hit just now, and sent it to the group.

Su Bai:"All members, everyone, don't learn from Sun Wukong in the video."

Garp:"Oh? Is the group leader here to instruct us again?"

Guo Jing:"I don't know what the group leader is going to teach us this time."

Diya:"Brother Su Bai, I don't know what's wrong with this Sun Wukong? Why doesn't he let us learn?"

Su Bai:"In fact, there is no big problem. It's just that when he faces an opponent who is much stronger than him, he uses his weakest strength to test the opponent's strength."

Su Bai:"Then, there was nothing else, he was directly defeated by the opponent."

Su Bai:"So what I want to tell you is that it is normal to test the opponent's strength. But the problem is, testing is testing, at least use your stronger strength to test, don't use your weakest strength to test."

This is what makes Su Bai speechless.

If Sun Wukong was just testing Hit's strength, then there is actually no problem.

After all, facing an opponent of unknown strength, it is normal to test the opponent's strength first, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But the problem is, when testing the opponent's strength, can you improve your own strength first?

Who tests the opponent's strength with their weakest strength? Aren't you afraid that the opponent will kill you instantly, causing you to lose before you can use your stronger strength.

If Sun Wukong transforms, even if it is just to become a Super Saiyan God to test the opponent's strength.

There is no problem.

But it is a bit too much to test the opponent's strength with normality.

Being killed instantly by Hit, there is no suspense at all!

Oga Tatsumi:"I see, then it is not unfair for Sun Wukong to lose."

Oga Tatsumi:"When I fight, although I won't use my strongest strength at the beginning, I will definitely not use my weakest strength."

Oga Tatsumi:"At least I will use one-third of my strength. When facing opponents whose strength I don't know, I will use more than half of my strength."

Liu Peiqiang:"This is not a world of passionate battles, so there are very few fights." Liu Peiqiang:"But once I need to fight, I will do my best. After all, it's either me defeating you or you defeating me. It's better for me to defeat you." Kocho:"

Yeah, when we dealt with demons in the past, let alone testing the strength of those demons, we would just go all out right away and try to get rid of the demons as quickly as possible."

Kocho:"If we were like Sun Wukong, testing the strength of those demons, the people in the Demon Slayer Corps would have been dead long ago." Garp

:"There's nothing wrong with testing the opponent's strength, but you also have to use a certain amount of strength to test it, so that you can ensure that when the opponent's strength is very strong, you can react in time and show stronger strength."

Garp:"For someone like Sun Wukong, who uses his weakest strength to test his opponent's strength, it's really worth it to be defeated."

According to the group leader, when Sun Wukong tested his opponent's strength, the strength he used was less than one hundred thousandth.


This is too outrageous.

Even if he doesn't use 70% or 80% of his strength.

At least half of his strength should be used.

As a result, he used less than one hundred thousandth of his strength to test an obviously extraordinary opponent.

Isn't this courting death?

Maybe this Sun Wukong is very powerful, even stronger than that Vegeta.

But this bad habit of his is really bad.

Su Bai:"In short, you just don't learn from him. When facing opponents whose strength you don't know, you can test them, but at least use more than half of your strength to test them."

Diya:"Don't worry, brother Su Bai, we got it."

Xiaolongnu:"That's right, brother Su Bai, we won't learn from this Sun Wukong!"

Su Bai:"Yeah."

Su Bai believed in these group members. At least among them, there were no rebellious members.

Unlike Sun Wukong, when facing a powerful opponent of unknown strength, he simply forgot everything he had told him to do.

"Hahahaha! Su Bai, now there is only one contestant left in your seventh universe."

"In other words, this battle will be the final battle to decide the winner of this round of competition!"

In the contestant seat of the sixth universe, Xiang Pa looked at Su Bai and said excitedly.

He knew that Hit would definitely have no problem.

Look, he killed the contestant of the seventh universe in seconds.

Now, there is only one contestant left in the seventh universe.

And he also believes that Hit will definitely defeat this contestant soon!

The victory of this round of competition will soon fall on their sixth universe!

It's just that Xiang Pa has already started to open the champagne.

But Hit, who was holding the champagne, was not as relaxed as Xiang Pa thought.

Because he finally faced the person he had been paying attention to since he came here.

Broly of the seventh universe!

This person who looks stupid and seems to have no strength.

But Hit knows that the other party must be... It's not simple! He is most likely the same type of Saiyan as Kale! Kale was also timid before she transformed, and it seemed that she could be knocked down with one punch.

But what about in reality?

Once transformed, she is extremely powerful!

So Hit knew very well that Broly in front of him was most likely also that kind of extremely powerful Saiyan.

Although he didn't know whether the other party was the same type of Saiyan as Kale.

He thought it was just his guess.

But he believed in his intuition.

If the other party was allowed to transform like Kale, it would become troublesome to deal with.

So Hit decided to knock him down before Broly transformed!

Hit was ready to use the Flash Time Power to make a quick decision.

However, the next moment


" Haa...

"What! Universe 7 actually has a Saiyan like Kale!"

In the contestant seat of Universe 6, Caulifla and Cabbe were very surprised when they saw Broly transforming into Super Mode.

They originally thought that Kale was already a special enough Saiyan.

It was already a very remarkable thing to have a Saiyan like this.

But they didn't expect that Universe 7 actually had an identical Saiyan!

And it seems that this Saiyan from Universe 7 is even stronger than Kale!

"Is this what I look like after I lose consciousness?"

"How scary!"

At this time, Kale, who had recovered, looked at Broly's transformation on the ring and felt a little scared.

She knew that when she lost consciousness, she would become a very scary Saiyan.

But she had never seen what she would look like after losing consciousness.

Now she saw[]

I didn't expect that after she lost consciousness, she would become so terrifying!

"And it seems that Broly-san from the seventh universe is different from Kale-san. He can control this power by himself."

At this time, Bardos spoke.

After her reminder, the man also reacted.

Indeed, Broly used this power by himself! There was no external force that prompted him to use it.

Unlike Kale, who transformed because of his anger towards Vegeta.

Broly from the seventh universe can actually use this power freely!

In other words, he has mastered this power, and after using this power, he will not lose his mind like Kale!

"Kaier, you must train hard when you return!"

"You should also control your own power like Broly!"

Caulifla said to Kale.

Since the Saiyans of Universe 7 can do it, Kale can definitely do it!

And maybe, in the process of training Kale to transform, she will know how to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Now if they want the Saiyans of Universe 7 to teach them how to transform, 353 probably won't work.

So they can only rely on themselves.

"elder sister..."

Kale looked at her sister's excitement, feeling a little scared and helpless.

Originally, her sister would not care whether she trained or not.

But now, seeing that Broly from Universe 7 can control his own power, her sister wants her to be the same. Alas

, she didn't know how rigorous her sister would let her train.

But Kale didn't refuse.

Because in her opinion, if she could really control her own power, she could protect her sister better.

Kale looked at Caulifla, and for a moment, some orange aura seemed to appear around the two of them.

Universe 7 contestant seat

"Goku, did you see what Broly did?"

"He didn't use his full strength right from the start, but at least he used his second strongest transformation."

"But what about you? How do you think of using normality to test the opponent's strength?"

Sun Wukong had already woken up at this time, so Su Bai also pointed at Broly to teach Sun Wukong.

Although he knew it might not be useful, he still had to teach him.

He would only teach Sun Wukong this once.

If Sun Wukong still didn't correct himself, he wouldn't say it a second time, so let it go.

"Hehe, Master Su Bai, I'm used to it."

Sun Wukong scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

At the same time, he felt very sorry.

He hadn't even had a good fight with Hitt before he was defeated by him.

The opponent's strength was indeed very strong, but if he used all his strength, he should still be able to win.

However, he would not be given a second chance.

"But I never thought you could win."

"So whether you are defeated after a hard fight or killed instantly, the result is the same."

Su Bai was dissatisfied with the way Sun Wukong tested him, not his defeat.

Sun Wukong would definitely lose anyway.

As for the process, there was no big difference.

"Luckily our last contestant is Uncle Broly"

"Hit on the opposite side is very strong, but he probably still can't beat Uncle Broly."

Son Gohan on the side is also very confident in Broly.

There is no way, after seeing Broly's strength, there is no way to lose confidence in him.

It's like Xiang Pa is also confident in Hit.

Both sides don't know how strong the other player is.

But they are very confident in the players of their own universe.

As for which side's confidence will win, the next battle will reveal it.

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