『On the way back,

Amber asked curiously:"Hey, unidentified travelers, what are you doing in Mondstadt?"

Paimon replied:"Ying was separated from his brother during a very, very long journey. I am his travel companion, and I am accompanying him to look for his brother." Amber nodded in sudden realization, and finally understood the purpose of the travelers:"To find my family... Oh... By the way! After I finish the task at hand, I can help you post notices in the city."

Paimon:"By the way, what was the task?"

Amber:"It's very simple, you will understand it when you see it later."

Suddenly Paimon shouted in surprise:"Oh, it's a Hillilver?!"


While clearing out the hillbillies, Amber explained to Paimon and Ying:"Recently, these monsters in the wilderness are approaching the city. My mission this time is to clear out their camp."

With Ying's help, the two quickly cleared out the hillbillies in the camp.

Amber exclaimed:"Phew, a piece of cake!"

"However, I didn't expect that you are not a passerby without fighting ability... Thank you for your support just now. How did you feel about this battle?"

Ying's answer was of course:"It was easy."』


"You are worthy of being our Honorary Knight!"

The people of Mond looked at the screen with pride.

Although there were only a few Hilichurls, they were still proud!

Very proud:"Just a few Hilichurls, even if there were 10,000 more, they would not be a match for the Honorary Knight!"

"that is!"

"The Knight of Honor is someone who can even deal with dragon disasters, hillbillies, and small monsters!"

"That’s not the case. Too many people on the hills is also a problem!"

"It doesn’t matter. We have the Honorary Knight, Captain Jean, and all the members of the Knights of Favonius!"

The residents of other cities who had not yet met Ying and Paimon looked at the Mondstadt and Liyue residents praising the Honorary Knights in a strange way.

"That traveler became their honorary knight?"

"Is it really as powerful as they say?"

"Isn't it just a matter of dealing with a few hillbillies? I can do it too!"

"I guess he's just bragging again!"

"Let's look back. Didn't they say they were going to solve the dragon disaster? I want to see how this traveler solved such a terrible disaster!"


『Paimon thought for a long time and asked in confusion:"Come to think of it, why are the Hillilks here? These creatures usually don't set up camps so close to the city, right?"

Amber was stunned by the question and thought for a long time before saying:

"Yes, they are supposed to roam only in the wilderness."

"But recently, wind dragons have appeared frequently, orchards have been destroyed, and trade routes have also been affected."

"When a storm breaks out, people are often injured... so the Knights have to focus on defense."

Paimon asked Amber with his hands on his waist:"So these annoying creatures are moving closer and closer to the city?"

Amber nodded:"Yes. But we cleared another camp today, and it was still very rewarding!!"

As he spoke, Amber looked at Ying who was silent on the side and said:"Come with me!! The good and responsible knights will take you into the city together!!"

After cleaning up the camp of the hill people with Amber, the traveler and Paimon finally arrived in Mondstadt.

Under the city gate, Amber introduced the two:"Let me formally introduce, the pastoral city of wind and dandelions, the city of freedom - travelers protected by the Knights of Favonius, welcome to Mondstadt!"』


"The Lost Girl: It’s about to begin!"

"The Lost Girl: Next we have to face the Wind Dragon!"

"Emergency Food: Wuhu, Paimeng’s highlight moment!"

"Lighter: Wait, excuse me, where is the highlight moment?"

"Lighter: Do you mean in terms of food?"

"Lighter: That is indeed a highlight!"

"The lost girl: Hahaha!"

"Emergency Food: (Silence)"

"Emergency Food: For a moment... I didn't know what to say"

"Lighter: Hahaha, jerk Paimon!"

"Thunder Lighting Fungus: Now, there will be pictures of other people too!"

"Oz Launcher: Looking forward to it!"

"The fungus that pushes people into the sea: When will it be my turn?"

"Baba Toss: Where's the wind god? Where's the wind god?"


"Bard: What's there for the Wind God to pay attention to? Aren't those hillbillies good enough?"

"Baba Toss: Wind God!"

"Liyue Wolong: It’s finally about to begin. I have only heard of this story, but now I’m finally going to see it!"

"Liyue Phoenix: Looking forward to it!"

"Social Outcast: Not bad!"

"Crematorium Director: It's beautiful and I love it!"

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