Neptune worries that although the fault is not in their kingdom, with the temperament of the Draco, he will not give up just because he handed over a few prisoners.

At that time, it will definitely anger the entire Fishman Island Kingdom.

The ministers on the left and right beside Neptune were also like ants on a hot pot.

Obviously, they also anticipated this impending disaster, but although they were anxious, they couldn’t think of any way.

There was even a proposal to hide the matter by destroying the body of Saint Musgarud.

However, paper cannot envelop the fire forever, and there are no impermeable walls in the world.

At that time, there were too many onlookers and fish participants.

It is difficult to block a mouth, not to mention so many mouths, when the time comes, you can torture it casually, and someone will say it sooner or later.

“Knock knock.”

At this time, there was a sharp knock on the door.

“Come in…”

Neptune grimaced and ordered.

The door opened and a messenger walked in breathlessly.

“Report! His Majesty Neptune !!! ”

“Excuse me, just say the news!”

Neptune wasn’t in the mood to care about etiquette.

Because he had a hunch, what he sent this time was definitely not good news.

“The Navy … A warship came to the port! The navy has already entered Fishman Island!!! ”

Sure enough, as Neptune expected, the messenger gasped and solemnly announced the bad news.

The ministers on the left and right, their already gloomy faces darkened.

Princess Otohime, who was still sluggish just now, suddenly stood up as if she had been electrocuted.

And Neptune held the hand of the trident and made a gurgling sound.

For a while, the atmosphere was particularly dignified.



Outside Ryugu City, in mid-air.

Chu Tian stood in the sky, hidden in the gradually falling night.

“No wonder there is so much hostility towards me.”

Chu Tian’s brows furrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

If this matter is announced to the Draco, it will undoubtedly be an absolute disaster for Mermaid Island!!!

It is very bad to die a Draco, not to mention the dead Charros Saint on the Chambord Islands, Draco is already angry.

In the case that the ‘fallen angel’ is definitely not found, Draco will definitely pour all his anger on Fishman Island.

At that time, there will be only one result!

War broke out!!!

The Navy and Fishman Island’s unprecedented war!!!

And this involves another problem.

If we rely on combat strength alone, even if the advantage of geographical advantage, the navy is still crushing.

However, now that the two navy generals have been gone, the red dog is half-disabled.

And Chu Tian himself naturally will not take on this job.

On the fishman side, there are also two unstable factors.

One, is the Whitebeard Pirates!

The Whitebeard Pirates took Fishman Island as their territory, in order to protect all Fishman.

This time, the war close to destruction, Chu Tian did not believe that the other party would not participate.

The second is also the factor that Chu Tian is most afraid of at present.

Aquaman – White Star.

If it is on land, it is better to say that at a depth of 10,000 meters in the deep sea, the threat that starfish can bring is unimaginable.

It is difficult for people to move in the deep sea, let alone face countless super monsters.

After integrating all the information, Chu Tian’s eyes narrowed and he began to plan his next step.

Again, Chu Tian was definitely a natural egoist.

Although he will regret the tragic war that will follow, the first step is how to profit from it!

Intelligence is always the most important part of the melee, and it can easily influence the direction of the war!

What’s more, Chu Tian, a person like him, who even knows about future events and hidden intelligence.

For example, he can now easily sneak into White Star’s side and then take his life effortlessly.

In this way, the biggest problem facing the navy will naturally be solved.

Or he delayed reporting the death of Musgarud, which would affect the timing of the Navy’s troops.

At that time, the Whitebeard Pirates are estimated to complete the ambush before the arrival of the Navy, and the Navy will definitely suffer heavy losses in a short period of time!

Therefore, this seemingly dangerous situation was precisely an opportunity for Chu Tian!!!

Chu Tian kept thinking about how to get the most benefit in this upcoming chaotic battle!!!



At this time, in Dragon Palace City, the silent environment was finally broken by Otohime’s opening!

“Musgarud must not be allowed to die on Mermaid Island!!!”

Otohime’s sudden opening made Neptune very puzzled.

Because isn’t Saint Musgarud already dead on the island?

Soon, Otohime explained the problem:

“I took the body of the Musgarud saint and left Mermaid Island. Then unfortunately encountered the attack of the sea king, and finally lost to the sea king, and the whole ship sank and died…”

Listening to the story made up by Otohime, Neptune and the ministers were stunned.

Obviously, the princess wanted to sacrifice herself to keep Fishman Island safe.

Because, if Otohime, who is the princess, dies together with Musgarud Sheng, there is no doubt that this concocted lie will be much more true.

Of course, this is only the result of Ottohime’s own opinion!

“What a stupid idea.”

Chu Tian shook his head and snorted coldly.

He had to admire that as a princess, he could actually be naïve to this point.

You know, it was Draco who died, not ordinary people!!!

Once the news of the death of Musgarud Saint is reported, it is not only the navy that will come to investigate!

There are also professional agents who are good at CP0 who are good at various intelligence gathering!!!

On Mermaid Island, there are many people, and Chu Tian believes that CP0 does not need much effort to investigate the truth of the facts.

At that time, once the lie is exposed, in a short time, there is not even time to prepare, and it will meet the ruthless blow from the Draco.

Maybe even Whitebeard didn’t have time to come to the rescue, and the whole island was destroyed.

Of course, there are also surprises.

As mentioned earlier, Fishman Island still has the final hole card.

If White Star can really awaken and master the power of Sea King, there is a little chance of turning over.

However, relying on this unstable thing alone is still too dangerous for the war situation!


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