"It's the sound coming from that direction!"

Su Ye looked towards the direction where the sound came from, his expression solemn.

He escaped into space and quickly moved towards that direction.

Along the way, he saw many elite beasts with strong auras, lying on the ground and trembling.

They pointed their heads towards the central area, as if they were worshipping a certain beast king!

Seeing this scene, Su Ye's heart trembled.

The terrain of the Death Lake is a bit rugged, with many high and low peaks surrounding the lake, and the forests everywhere, which affected Su Ye's vision.

Soon after, he came to the central area of ​​the lake, and his vision became wider!

Here, he saw a group of powerful warriors in blue robes, fighting fiercely with a group of crocodile beasts!

In the center of the lake, a huge octopus monster stared at them coldly and did not choose to take action.

"A group of elite beasts!"

Seeing this group of crocodile beasts, Su Ye's expression condensed.

The size of these crocodile beasts is more than ten meters, and some of them are particularly powerful, and their size is even close to twenty meters!

When they move, it seems like an earthquake!

"What a powerful aura!"

"Is this the top beast?"

Su Ye then looked at the octopus monster, his expression shocked.

The size of this octopus monster is really too huge, and just a few tentacles exposed are more than ten meters long!

"Who are these people?"

Then, Su Ye looked at the group of extremely unfamiliar warriors, a little confused.

He had never seen these people in the East China Sea Base City, and the aura of each of them was very powerful!

In terms of martial arts cultivation, they are even stronger than Su Ye now.

Obviously, these people are basically elite warriors in the late stage!

But even so, under the siege of a large group of crocodile beasts, they can only do a hard job.

Among them, a young man in gorgeous clothes was protected by these people in the center, which attracted Su Ye's attention.

"These people are all elite warriors, but they are surrounding this young man and protecting his safety. They are obviously a group of guards."

"Could it be that they are warriors from other base cities and came to the Death Lake to obtain some treasure?"

Su Ye continued to stay in the space, guessing in his heart.

In this era, there are many base cities established by human strongmen.

In addition to the East China Sea Base City, there are two small base cities near this area, named Tiedao Base City and Tianya Base City.

Among them, the strength of Tianya Base City is the strongest among the three small base cities, followed by East China Sea Base City and Tiedao Base City.

Su Ye guessed that these warriors may come from the nearby Tianya Base City!

"Protect the young master!"

Among the many guards, the strongest old man has gray hair.

He roared and slapped a red palm print, killing a crocodile beast that was biting over!

Under his leadership, many guards fought and retreated, getting closer and closer to the shore.

But the faces of the people present were still ugly, and they were unsure.

Because the terrifying octopus beast was still staring at them coldly and did not take action!

"Although these people fought with the beast in the lake, they were not affected by the lake water. It seems that they should have some kind of treasure that can avoid water!"

These warriors stepped on the lake surface, but did not sink. Their bodies were also dry and not wet by the lake water.

A circle of blue light bloomed under their feet, as if it was this thing that isolated the lake water.

Therefore, they were able to move freely on the lake.

After a while, these warriors flashed and successfully returned to the lakeside after killing several crocodile beasts.


A middle-aged warrior just landed on the ground and looked happy.

Boom! !

However, the next moment, an extremely thick black tentacle broke through the air barrier, made a roar, and tightly wrapped him up!


Accompanied by a desperate roar, the middle-aged warrior was fiercely torn apart by the octopus tentacles!


Seeing the octopus monster attacking, the leading old man made a prompt decision. He roared and asked other warriors to lead the young man away quickly.

Then his whole body burst out with a breath!


His eyes were bloodshot, waving his right palm, and he rushed towards the octopus monster alone, fighting for his life!

"Uncle Fu!"

The young man looked sad when he saw this scene.

"Young master, go quickly!"

The guards who knew the seriousness of the matter had a serious look on their faces and chose to stay behind. The rest of the guards took the young warrior and performed secret techniques to leave quickly!

In the middle of the lake.

The old man didn't know what secret technique he performed, and his whole body began to turn red, and his breath surged!

The dazzling light enveloped his body, like a big fireball!


He roared and slapped a red-gold palm print towards the octopus monster!


However, the top beast was extremely powerful and he couldn't deal with it.

The octopus monster exuded a terrifying pressure, and then quickly waved three tentacles to resist the palm print of the old man.

Then, these tentacles quickly wrapped around the old man's body and pulled hard!

In an instant, the old man's body was crushed!

"This man is a loyal man!"

Su Ye, who was in the space, looked a little emotional.

Knowing that the end was death, the old man was willing to sacrifice his life to create time for the young man to evacuate.

Such behavior is enough to be called a loyal person.


However, the octopus monster that killed the old man roared continuously after seeing that the other warriors had successfully evacuated!

Originally, it only regarded these people as toys, wanting to leave them a little hope first, and then kill them in despair.

But unexpectedly, there were really people who were not afraid of death, and would rather fight with it to create a chance for others to survive.

However, for it, these were just minor episodes.

After a while, the octopus monster dived into the lake and disappeared.

At the scene, only a group of ferocious beast corpses and some warrior corpses were left.

Blood was flowing.

"This octopus monster is too strong!"

Su Ye had been hiding in the space and did not choose to take action.

With his current strength, he could not confront this octopus monster head-on.

Su Ye thought of a powerful general who had fallen in the Death Lake.

He guessed that the general was probably killed by the octopus beast!

"The general many years ago and the team of warriors who appeared this time, their purpose of coming to the Death Lake is probably to find some kind of treasure!"

"Let's look for it!"

Su Ye had a guess about the purpose of these people's actions, and then began to explore carefully.

"Strange, what treasure are they looking for?"

Half an hour later, Su Ye escaped into the space and searched the large lake, but did not find any special treasure.

"Could it be that the treasure is at the bottom of the lake?"

Then, Su Ye stared at the unpredictable lake and thought.

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