
Qin Yi stood in a primeval forest and took a deep breath. He felt the fresh air. The pure spiritual energy naturally flowed into his body, making him feel happy. The spiritual energy concentration in the D-level secret realm is at least five times that of the outside world. No wonder it is said that even if a dog is released to live for ten years, it can become a terrifying beast!

After passing through the space crack, human warriors will randomly appear in the outer area of the secret realm. Some people with bad luck may be surrounded and killed by a group of beasts as soon as they land.

Therefore, after Qin Yi landed, he immediately raised his vigilance, looked solemn, and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

He seemed to be in a mountainous area now. Everywhere he looked, there were towering ancient trees with thick branches. The smallest tree required seven or eight people to hug. The huge trees were full of vitality, and the ring-shaped treetops blocked the sky like a giant umbrella, allowing only a few rays of sunlight to penetrate and shine down.

The damp and dark land was covered with various unknown ferns and weeds, and occasionally a black beetle as big as a human head flashed through the weeds.

Qin Yi stood alone in the woods, as if he was in another world, with strange things everywhere.

In the secret realm, there is naturally no signal for mobile phones, but except for the core area of Xuantian Secret Realm, other places have long been explored by human warriors, so the Secret Realm Management Bureau will provide free maps for warriors before entering the secret realm.

"I should be near the middle layer of the outer periphery of Xuantian Secret Realm."

Qin Yi stretched out his hand, took out a map from his pocket, and gently unfolded it.

In the process of using his hand, he felt a kind of pressure on his right hand, which was the special feature of Xuantian Secret Realm.

In the center of Xuantian Secret Realm was a vast gravity crystal mining area of several hundred kilometers. Due to its large scale, the gravity of the entire secret realm was different from that of Blue Star, and the gravity of the outermost area was twice that of Blue Star!

Thanks to the 10 points of spiritual attributes, Qin Yi had a strong perception of the body and could subtly perceive that the current gravity on his body was about 2.7 times.

He looked at the map, directly passed the outermost area, searched from the outer periphery close to the middle layer, and soon found his position.

His luck was not very good, this place happened to be a dangerous place!

According to the simple map on the map, It should be marked that this place is the towering insect forest on Xiyun Peak, which is rich in all kinds of fine spiritual woods, but the number of insects in the forest is huge, and warriors below the ninth level are not recommended to enter.


Qin Yi frowned slightly, thinking about taking a casual walk, but unexpectedly, when he raised his leg, he was shocked to find that his pants had several small holes, and his legs were crawling with yellow-brown soft-bodied insects!

These insects are very similar to leeches on the blue planet, but they are several times larger, and the smallest one is the size of a palm!

They use their suction cup-like mouthparts to stick to Qin Yi's legs, constantly grinding his skin, trying to suck his blood.

In this process, Qin Yi was completely unaware and felt nothing.

However... these leeches are not even at the first level, and cannot be called ferocious beasts. They can't break Qin Yi's steel bones at all. They can't suck blood after squirming for a long time.

"You are such a waste."

Qin Yi waited for a while, and when he found that these little things could not break through his defense, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed them all, rolled them into a meat ball, and threw them away.

Then, Qin Yi got in front of a towering ancient tree, accumulated strength, and punched the tree trunk with all his strength!


A muffled sound resounded, and under his full-strength punch, the towering ancient tree did not even move, but left a shallow fist mark on the trunk.

After three or four seconds, even the fist mark disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

"It feels familiar, has extremely high hardness, and can self-repair……"

"This is probably the raw material used by the Martial Arts Federation to forge and test wooden men, right?"

Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and he remembered the name of this spiritual wood.

Yunfeng Fir!

This spiritual wood is at the first level when it grows to 100 meters, and then it will be upgraded to a higher level every 500 meters.

The tree in front of him is estimated to be more than 600 meters high. It is a second-level spiritual wood, which requires a mid-level martial artist holding a D1-level weapon to be able to cut it down.

Looking around, there are Yunfeng Fir everywhere, and they are all at the first level.

He was teleported to the deepest part of the towering insect forest!

Although the second-level spiritual wood cannot be cut, it is very hopeful to get some first-level Yunfeng Fir back.

"No, I came here to save Chen Xuan. We can talk about making money later."

Qin Yi took out a piece of glittering talisman paper from his pocket. This was a sensing talisman that could lead warriors to a specific area.

Runes are another path for martial artists. Qin Yi had not had much contact with them. He only knew that rune masters made a lot of money. A first-level rune could be sold for hundreds of thousands. The so-called formation masters are actually rune masters in essence. They are all professionals who study runes and engrave the patterns of the avenue.

It is estimated that someone in the team that Chen Xuan joined is worth a lot of money. Not only did they buy a communication talisman in advance to ask for help, but they can also issue bounty missions after being in trouble.

The sensing talisman in Qin Yi's hand was also bought by a local tyrant in Chen Xuan's team. It can only sense the location of that local tyrant.

He held the sensing talisman in his palm, and a coordinate immediately emerged in his mind.

"More than 200 kilometers northeast of me?"

"They have entered the core area of Xuantian Secret Realm."

Qin Yi did not hesitate. After confirming the direction, he immediately started to hurry.

However, he had just run less than ten meters when he heard a harsh and piercing"crackling" sound from his side. In the weeds, a red armored longhorn beetle as big as an adult swallowed a ball of leeches in one gulp, then suddenly turned around and rushed directly towards Qin Yi! The

"leech meat ball" that Qin Yi just threw away turned out to be a bait, and caught a big guy!

This red longhorn beetle is already a beast that has initially entered the first level. At this moment, it rushed fiercely, with its wings behind it shaking, and its speed was amazing, far exceeding the first and second stage warriors! The weeds growing all over the ground were flattened by the strong wind caused by the longhorn beetle's sprint. Qin Yi stared straight at the beetle that was as big as himself, without any fear on his face, but laughed and said,"Come on!"

After saying that, he actually lowered his head, like a bullfight, with his legs glaring down, and rushed out with a bang!

If you want to collide, just do it head-on!

In the blink of an eye, the two afterimages collided with each other, exploding a roaring shock wave!

The longhorn beetle never expected that the human in front of him would dare to use his head to collide with his horns!

In his ignorant memory, no humanoid creature had ever dared to do so.


As expected, the longhorn beetle flew backwards for more than ten meters and hit a Yunfeng fir tree hard. Its long horns broke, its trunk exploded, and disgusting green liquid splashed out.

Qin Yi stood there expressionlessly, without even a red mark on his forehead. Now, he is not a mere first-level initial beast that can touch porcelain.

At least a second-level beast can make him feel pressure.

"The flesh of a first-level red-armored longhorn beetle seems to be a good material for forging equipment. It is not a problem to sell it for two million."

Qin Yi strode over and looked at the blurry flesh and blood armor under the tree not far away, feeling a little regretful.

"Tsk, I should have been more careful. With my body in pieces like this, I guess I can only sell it for 500,000."

"Never mind, a mosquito’s leg is still meat no matter how small it is."

Qin Yi slowly approached the pile of corpses, and was thinking about taking out the storage bag to store them, but he didn’t expect that something strange would happen.

A yellow and white mixed-haired wild dog suddenly popped its head out from the thick trunk of the Yunfeng fir tree, leaped, landed accurately on the longhorn beetle, and began to eat it. In just a dozen seconds, a red-armored longhorn beetle the size of an adult was eaten clean, and even the hardest part of its shell was eaten by the wild dog!

Qin Yi, who was a few meters away, was dumbfounded!

Where did the dog come from?

Isn’t this a towering insect forest?

He was stunned for a while, then his face showed an unfriendly look, and he gritted his teeth at the wild dog.

"Let’s eat dog meat tonight!"

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