The two guards were about to step forward, but suddenly Qianmian Yinya bit them.


Half of her scarlet tongue was spit out by her.

Blood kept coming out of her mouth.

But she stared at Ye Beixuan.

Ye Beixuan frowned, damn!

This woman is so cruel!

Although biting the tongue won't really kill you, all TV dramas about people dying by biting the tongue are lies.

But that kind of pain is not something that ordinary people can endure.

This woman was beaten like this by me, and she still has the strength to bite off her tongue?

But Ye Beixuan doesn't need to worry about this.

Although this woman bit off her tongue in the end, as long as she was alive in the emperor's prison, it would be enough to force a lot of information out of her.

The secret guards quickly controlled the Thousand Faces Hall Master.

They took out the iron hook and pierced her scapula.

They blocked her meridians.

The whole process was smooth and took only a few seconds.

The Thousand Faces Hall Master was completely disabled.

And with another scream.

Hu Zhen was also chopped to pieces by a violent sword.

But he was not alive.

For Liu Fengping and others of their level to fight, unless they were at the level of a celestial being, it would be difficult to only injure but not kill.

Killed Hu Zhen.

Liu Fengping also appeared in front of Ye Beixuan and others in a flash.

It can be seen that he was very happy and laughed as soon as he landed.

"Brother Ye, you have no choice but to take this credit!"

"If it weren't for your keen eyes, Qianmian would have slipped away right under my nose."

Ye Beixuan also smiled slightly: "It's all luck."

Liu Fengping walked in front of Qianmian.

He looked down at the Qianmian Hall Master who looked like a dead dog.

"I can't believe that the Dragon God Sect's Qianmian Hall Master is actually a beauty."

"Traitor, I didn't expect you to have this day!"

Qianmian was barely breathing, closed his eyes and didn't speak.

Liu Fengping waved his hand.

"Take him away!"

With an order.

All the secret guards quickly escorted Qianmian to the palace!

There was such a big commotion at Guyue Villa.

Naturally, the other Jinyiwei Six Gates, including the people from the East Factory, knew about it.

At this time, all of them were ambushed outside Guyue Villa.

They didn't go in.

This is also the rule.

To capture the wanted criminal, whoever finds him first must take action.

Other departments cannot rush in.

But if the fugitive escapes, you can only blame your incompetence.

Others will naturally not be polite.

But when they saw Liu Fengping and Ye Beixuan escorting a woman out of the villa.

All the masters of the Six Gates East Factory who were waiting outside sighed.

They knew that they would not have a share in this great achievement.

On the way to the imperial city.

Zhou Sheng, the immediate superior of Ye Beixuan and Liu Fengping, had also been waiting.

Next to him, there was a person wearing purple eunuch clothes and heaven-level constable clothes.

"Congratulations to Zhou Zhenfu, you Jinyiwei have made great contributions."

The two congratulated Zhou Sheng sourly.

Zhou Sheng laughed.

He bowed to them and said to Liu Fengping and Ye Beixuan: "Leave Qianmian to me! I will go to the palace in person and ask for merit for you two."


Looking at Zhou Sheng's back as he headed towards the imperial city.

Ye Beixuan and Liu Fengping smiled at each other.

This also means that their mission this time has been completely completed.

"Brother Ye, it's my turn to be on duty today. I'm afraid I won't be able to drink with you tonight!"

"After the Queen's birthday is over in the next two days, let's get drunk together!"

Ye Beixuan naturally had no objection to what Liu Fengping said.

There was such a big mess in the imperial city today.

Even if it has been settled, the culprit Qianmian has been captured by the two of them.

But the patrol mission cannot be sloppy at all.

Especially the night patrol.

If it were a Qianhu of Liu Fengping's level at ordinary times, it would just be a name, and it wouldn't matter whether he was there or not.

But he must be in charge in person these days.

"Okay! Then let's do as Brother Liu said. I just need to go home."

He hasn't been home for several days.

Count the days.

My little maid should be back since she went to guard her mother's tomb that day.

What's more, I promised Liu Qingwu to go to watch the lanterns together tonight.

How can I have time to drink with this rough guy.

Farewell to Liu Fengping.

Ye Beixuan stretched lazily.

Go home!


The red glow in the sky rises.

It falls over the capital.

It shines on the faces of passers-by.

Although at noon, a terrifying existence of heavenly beings appeared in the capital.

But now, no one cares.

Although the existence of heavenly beings is awesome, for ordinary people, they are just legendary figures.

It's good to be a topic after dinner.

On the streets, red lanterns have begun to be hung.

Just waiting for nightfall to be completely lit.

Ye Beixuan shuttled through the crowd.

I was in a good mood.

I walked for half an hour.

I returned home.

I saw that the courtyard that was originally locked had been opened.

I didn't need to guess that it was my little maid who came back.

Ye Beixuan pushed open the gate.

In an instant!

I saw a small figure sweeping the courtyard with a broom.

After hearing the noise at the door.

She immediately looked up.

After seeing Ye Beixuan, Yao'er's eyes narrowed into crescents.

"Master~ you are back."

The crisp voice was like a lark.

Ye Beixuan smiled and nodded.

He walked in front of her.

He pinched her cheeks and peaks.

"Hey, why do I feel like I am thinner than before."

Yao'er did not dodge.

She just closed her eyes and blushed.

These days, she knew that her master liked Da Lei.

But she didn't dare to let the master think that she was thinner!

"Master... I am not thinner, but I wear a tight bra."

Yao'er said hurriedly.

Ye Beixuan lifted her chin, slid down the collar and tried again.


Sure enough, she didn't lose weight.

I thought too much.

Although she is a little inferior to Liu Qingwu.

But it's not much different.

If she grows up for a year or two, eats more papaya, and has her own dragon claw hand, she may even overtake others!

"How is it, have you dealt with your mother's funeral?"

After measuring, Ye Beixuan sat on the stone bench and asked carelessly.

The blush on Yao'er's face had not yet faded, and she heard Ye Beixuan's question.

She nodded hurriedly.

"It has been dealt with. From now on, Yao'er will concentrate on serving the young master at home."

"Haha, okay, wait a few days, I will teach you a martial art, you practice well."

Ye Beixuan likes his little maid very much.

There is no way, for this kind of obedient maid who never lies down when she is asked to lie down, and never stands when she is asked to squat.

It is really hard not to love her.

Of course, the main reason is that this girl is beautiful enough.

And she is the first maid to be taken in, and she has no experience before.

It is equivalent to the first training, learning from each other, and making progress together.


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