The girl who was serving Ye Beixuan laughed softly when she saw that Ye Beixuan did not react.

"Sir, you have great self-control. Isn't our Miss Qingwu beautiful?"

Ye Beixuan nodded and answered honestly: "She is as graceful as a startled swan and as graceful as a swimming dragon. She is indeed a rare beauty."

"As graceful as a startled swan and as graceful as a swimming dragon?"

The girl read these words softly, and her eyes suddenly brightened.

"I didn't expect that you, a captain of the Jinyiwei, would have such literary talent."

"Just eight words, better than all the poems received by the sisters in the painting boat this year! Those poems added together are not as good as these few words!"

Ye Beixuan's mouth twitched. These girls in the painting boat really love these unrefined poems as rumored.

"Do you have any more, sir? If you can write a complete one, maybe Miss Qingwu will let you enter the list."

Entry means entering the boudoir.

These young prostitutes sell their art but not their bodies. Only those they like will be entered to share the bliss.

Ye Beixuan spread his hands: "No more, this is something I copied from others. It's too long and I can't remember it."

In his previous life, he was a poor student. He could recite some "Ploughing in the Midday Sun".

This kind of classical Chinese is simply deadly.

I learned "Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River" from my online girlfriend.

The girl looked regretful.

After drinking alone for a while, he heard more and more fighting sounds around him.

Ye Beixuan sighed.


How can a woman cultivate herself? Don't you know that fighting too much will affect the speed of drawing a sword?

"Sir, should we take a rest too?"

The girl next to Ye Beixuan had a blushing cheek, probably because the atmosphere around her was too ambiguous.

Her eyes gradually became blurred and she wrapped Ye Beixuan's arms around her chest.

Ye Beixuan lifted the girl's smooth chin: "Do you want it too?"

The girl cried out, becoming more charming, and her long and round thighs couldn't help but clamp together, but she kept a trace of rationality.

"Sir, this is not possible... Let's go into the house."

Ye Beixuan touched the girl's blushing cheek and smiled, "Next time, I have something else to do tonight."


The girl widened her eyes, almost unbelievable.

But Ye Beixuan had already stood up and left without looking back.

Watching this scene, the girl stood there for a long time before she came to her senses.

She couldn't help but stamp her feet and cursed: "Stinky man! Don't even want it for free?"


Ye Beixuan naturally didn't know about the girl's curse.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Who would be stood up at that time and not curse?

It's not that Ye Beixuan is a gentleman, nor is it because the girl is not beautiful.

The woman who served him just now was only slightly worse than Liu Qingwu.

But after all, it was the first time, and Ye Beixuan felt that his goal should be set higher.

Not to mention his own maid Yao'er, at least she should be at the level of the courtesan to be worthy of him, right?

And it's not like he won't come again in the future, so he can end his first night next time.

It's not too late to find that sister to talk with her by candlelight at night, it's good to be a spare tire first.


Walked out of the range of the pleasure boat.

It's midnight now.

It was a dark and windy night, the perfect time for people who don't want to see the light to move.

Ye Beixuan put on a black robe that he had prepared long ago.

He used the Lingbo Weibu and ran towards a place.

The purpose of his trip.

It was the Ghost Market.

He had learned the information he wanted from Li Cheng before, so he naturally had to go and take a look.

It was just right to sell the secret books he had obtained before.

Those secret books were all garbage to him.

It would take up space if he kept them, so he might as well exchange them for some silver.

The location of the Ghost Market was under a mountain on the east side of the capital.

There was no difference between this place and other places during the day.

Only at night was it the real home ground.

There were too many people coming and going in the Ghost Market.

There were not only some homeless businessmen doing business at night, but also some killers and wanted criminals.

Of course, there were also dignitaries and wealthy men.

There were even monsters in human skin, or possessed ghosts.

It is a place where all kinds of people are mixed together.

Here, you can buy almost anything you want.

Martial arts secrets, magic weapons, elixirs, even blood food and Yin objects needed by evil ghosts and monsters.

As long as you can afford the price, you can buy it.

There are no laws or rules in the ghost market, only strength and money.


Half an hour.

Ye Beixuan saw a misty mountain from a distance.

This is where the ghost market is.

But there is a special entrance.

To be here, either you are led by an old man or you stumble upon it by accident.

"It seems to be a strange formation."

Ye Beixuan walked into the mist.

With his peak innate cultivation, he actually felt that his five senses were blocked.

This was his first time to come to the ghost market, and there was no old man to lead him.

He didn't know where the entrance was, which made him a little unwise.

After wandering in the mist for four or five minutes, Ye Beixuan didn't see any other figures.


Ye Beixuan frowned.

He stopped where he was and looked around.

There was nothing else except the continuous fog.

At this time, let alone finding the entrance to the ghost market, it was difficult to even get out.

Unless it was daytime, the fog dissipated, and the formation disappeared, the direction could be recognized.

Ye Beixuan sneered: "I don't believe that this mere outer Qimen formation can stop me!"


On Ye Beixuan's body.

An unprecedented sword intent bloomed.

He didn't bring any weapons, so he used his hands as a sword!


With this sound.

Endless sword intent burst out!

It fell towards the mist, as if the galaxy was hanging upside down, and the rolling fog waves were directly cut off by this sword!

This scene also scared many figures heading towards the ghost market in the mist.

Many people muttered to themselves as they watched the falling sword light.

"Such a strong sword intent... Is this a top grandmaster appearing!?"

Ye Beixuan looked in one direction at this time.


At the moment when the sword intent split the thick fog, he saw the place where the fog emerged.

And there was no accident that it was the entrance to the ghost market.

Sure enough!

But after walking a few hundred meters.

Ye Beixuan saw some figures in the mist.


After Ye Beixuan noticed these people.

Those people naturally saw Ye Beixuan.

Originally, when going to the ghost market, everyone was tacitly aware of each other and did not disturb each other.

Even if they saw it, they would look away at the first time.

After all, this is not a glorious place.

Everyone covered their faces with black clothes, doing shameful business.

Looking around is not to cause trouble for yourself.

But after seeing Ye Beixuan.

Almost everyone was stunned for a moment.

The time they stayed on him was much longer than that of others.

It made Ye Beixuan think that he had a flower on his face.

When he wanted to look over.

The owners of those eyes hurriedly moved away, as if they were afraid of being noticed by him.

"What's the situation? I just used the sword intent, and no one noticed it?" Ye Beixuan was a little confused.


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