Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 500 Conquering the Xuanyuan Sword

"They're all gone!"

Just when Lin Mo was shocked by everything in front of him, Qi Tian's voice sounded.

There were tears on his face, he had obviously just cried.

"Lin Mo, I really didn't want you to show up from the beginning!

But you still showed up! "

Qi Tian's face showed a hint of anger and abundant sadness, then he raised his hand and hit Lin Mo hard!


A stick appeared directly in his palm. In an instant, the stick became longer and grew.

A blow to the head. If it really hits him, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!

But Lin Mo looked at this scene, thought about it, and finally made no move, just watched the stick fall down.


The stick trembled again, making the air around it seem to be shaking!

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes and looked at Qi Tian with confusion.

"Why don't you hide?" Qi Tian asked softly.

"Because I don't think you have murderous intentions, so you must have had your own plans when you hit me with the stick!"

Lin Mo spoke softly and expressed what he was thinking.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Qi Tian still smashed the stick in his hand.

It's just that such a small distance can't cause any harm to him at all.

With a crisp sound, the last seal on Lin Mo's body suddenly became much looser.

This moment of looseness made Lin Mo's realm move further forward!

Ninth-grade Martial Emperor!

Feeling the abundant power in his body, Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face.

"Qitian, you!" Lin Mo looked at Qitian with a puzzled look on his face: "You want to disappear too?"

"I still have things to do!" Qi Tian took the stick back: "This is all I can do. I still have some strength in me, but I can't give it to you!"

After saying that, Lin Mo saw Qi Tian slam the stick in his hand towards the sky!

"Come out here!"

The stick fell, and a figure staggered down!

This is an old figure with a shocked look on his face: "Why were you able to find me!"

"Xu Fu, it's you! Why are you here!" Lin Mo looked at the old man in front of him and said in shock.

At the same time, the three-pointed two-edged sword was already in his hand, and the light of the Kyushu Order had escaped. As long as Lin Mo wanted, he could fight Xu Fu at any time!

"It's just an afterimage, I'll take action myself!" Qitian strode forward and knocked down the stick in his hand!

This stick did not stop when it hit Lin Mo before, but hit it hard!

At this moment, Xu Fu's body exploded and finally hit the ground hard.


With a soft sound, Xu Fu disappeared, and Qitian's figure shook slightly and slowly fell to the ground.

Lin Mo saw that his body was petrified little by little, and finally turned into a statue holding a stick.

After moving the statue into the main hall, Lin Mo left the main hall step by step.

Looking back, Lin Mo saw that the entire hall was disappearing little by little. You could see that the little bits of dust formed when the hall disappeared were picked up by the wind and blew to the nine heavens!

"Please rest assured, I will definitely protect the world you leave behind!" Lin Mo said softly, and then strode towards the river.

The ship left by Dayu was still floating in place, as if waiting for its owner.

It's a pity that no matter how long it takes, it can never wait for its owner.

Lin Mo jumped up, landed firmly on the boat, and walked alone on the river.

This time, Lin Mo was much faster and reached the shore in less than an hour.

When Lin Mo jumped off the boat, he saw the boat turning around and drifting towards the other side of the river. In the process, the boat also dissipated little by little.


Lin Mo drew out the Xuanyuan Sword, looked it up and down, and then waved it casually.

Soon, he frowned, and the Xuanyuan Sword didn't show any difference in his hand.

"What are you looking at? Just because you want to use me, I tell you, it's impossible!"

Just when Lin Mo was looking at Xuanyuan Sword in a daze, a voice suddenly sounded in Lin Mo's ears.

After confirming again and again, Lin Mo knew that the person who had just spoken was actually Xuanyuan Sword!

Spiritual wisdom may be born above the level of weapons, but it is really the first time for Lin Mo to encounter someone like the Xuanyuan Sword who can speak!

"The Human Emperor gave you to me, so I can naturally use you!" Lin Mo said solemnly: "If you are unhappy, just call the Human Emperor back!"

"I won't obey your orders anyway, I tell you there's no way!"

Xuanyuan Sword's voice sounded again, and this guy actually made a girl's voice, and his tone was extremely arrogant.

Lin Mo chuckled, not paying much attention to these words, but directly released his murderous heart, and then practiced his sword skills.

Xuanyuan Sword still didn't seem to cooperate at all during the whole process. Even when Lin Mo used his sword intention, he deliberately released some of his sword intention elsewhere!

One of the swords struck the water and almost drained the entire river!

Facing such a scene, Lin Mo's face showed an unhappy look.

"I'll try one last time. If you still can't be used by me, I won't destroy you for the sake of His Majesty the Human Emperor, but I will ban you forever and never see the light of day!"

Lin Mo spoke in a deep voice, and then performed a final sword technique.

This time, Xuanyuan Sword was still the same as before, without any reaction.

This completely angered Lin Mo, and he directly put the Xuanyuan Sword into his spiritual platform!

"Hmph, who do you think you are? Stop talking about you. Even His Majesty the Yellow Emperor can't put me away with his own body!

Look how I cripple your body! "

Xuanyuan Sword said and started flying around inside Lin Mo's spiritual platform!

Just when it proudly thought that it could break through Lin Mo's body and leave, it discovered that as it struggled, walls began to be cast around Lin Mo's spiritual platform. It tried several times, but in the end it failed. Failure, there is no way for him to leave this wall on his own!

"I said, I won't give you the slightest chance!" Lin Mo's voice sounded, and at the same time, more terrifying power poured down.

Xuanyuan Sword's expression changed drastically, because these were two millstones, which were exactly the means Lin Mo used to hone his consciousness before, and were now used to hone Xuanyuan Sword!

With a soft clang, Xuanyuan Sword was sandwiched between two huge millstones, and then with a heart-wrenching sound, the millstones began to rotate slowly.

"Haha, you want to hurt me too. It's just a daydream!" Xuanyuan Sword's voice sounded again. It was very confident. After all, Lin Mo was just an ordinary martial artist. The two millstones in the platform were just for training at most. How easy is it to injure your own mental power?

He has been following Xuanyuan Huangdi for many years, and he has long been contaminated with dragon energy, so he is naturally extremely tyrannical.

But the next moment, it couldn't laugh anymore, because the millstone rotated slowly, actually wearing away some of its body!

Although it is only a small amount, the panic caused by this small amount is huge!

How many years has Xuanyuan Sword been born? How many enemies have been killed in these endless years, but none of these enemies left any traces on the sword.

But now the two millstones rotate gently, leaving a permanent mark on the sword body!

The most important thing is that this trace will accompany him throughout his life!

"You're good, kid. If you offend me, I promise you won't want to use me in the future!" Xuanyuan Sword still gritted his teeth and said hard. He felt that even if the body was destroyed, it would not be cowed, as long as it has its own spirit. If the will is there, you can be reborn.

"Do you think I really can't do anything to you?" Lin Mo said lightly: "Just don't regret it!"

The next moment, the speed of the millstone's rotation suddenly increased a lot, and then Xuanyuan Jian found that although his body did not change at all, his intelligence disappeared very quickly like words erased by an eraser!

Wisdom is disappearing!

After reaching this conclusion, Xuanyuan Jian finally began to panic.

"Boy, stop! Stop now! Let's make peace!" Xuanyuan Jian shouted loudly, while desperately trying to get out of it.

Faced with such a scene, Lin Mo had no intention of letting him go. Instead, he snorted and directly accelerated the grinding speed. In less than an hour, Xuanyuan Sword felt as if most of his intelligence had disappeared!

"Boy, I surrender, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender!" Xuanyuan Jian shouted loudly. At this time, he really wanted to ask for peace, because he knew very well that if he continued, he would definitely be unlucky or die. If you have to peel off the skin, don’t even think about returning to your peak fighting strength in the future!

"Whatever you want to say, let's think about it carefully before speaking!" Lin Mo said lightly, then moved forward and grabbed the space in the distance.

Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his palm.

At this time, Lin Mo clearly felt Xuanyuan Sword's emotions.

It was a feeling of surviving a disaster. After discovering that Lin Mo was holding it, Xuanyuan Sword immediately shouted: "Let's agree first that you can only use me three times a day, and each time can't exceed an hour!

Can it be done? If not, then destroy me! "

Xuanyuan Jian had a determined look on his face, and he no longer felt any mental fluctuations.

"Okay!" Lin Mo almost laughed out loud when he heard Xuanyuan Sword's words. The biggest role of Xuanyuan Sword is its symbolic function.

As long as he has the Xuanyuan Sword, Lin Mo can command many people to unite directly when facing the abyss and foreign enemies in the future, improving his chances of winning!

"Then let's start today's first time!" Lin Mo clenched the Xuanyuan Sword tightly again, and then started to swing it!


A series of swords struck vertically and horizontally, causing slight cracks to appear in the entire space!

This scene can be said to be extremely terrifying. With Lin Mo as the center, the surrounding space is constantly collapsing and then recovering.

During this process, Lin Mo's brows suddenly frowned slightly.

"Get out of here!" He slashed the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand towards the sky in the distance!

In an instant, the sword intent penetrated the world like a long moon!

A hole was torn open in the sky, and then a figure slowly walked out.

"This all belongs to me, you can get out!"

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