Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 492: Xing Tian! Bai Qi! Meteoric Valley!

"Mr. Lin, do you really want to leave?"

At the entrance of the village, Ge Nie looked at Lin Mo with a complicated look on his face.

After Lin Mo came to the village, two of the original strong men died suddenly, but now, everyone in the village seems to have come back to life!

In the village controlled by three strong men, everyone was like a walking zombie, with no idea why they were alive.

But now, they have their own goals and know their origins.

Some people will choose to stay here, but more people will choose to practice, improve their experience, and then leave here.

With the example of Ge Nie in front of them, they have great confidence in their own path of spiritual practice.

In fact, even Ge Nie himself was full of gratitude and awe for Lin Mo. He could not forget the scene when Lin Mo controlled weak water.

"I'm about to leave. One of the restrictions on my body has been lifted. Staying will only affect your practice!" Lin Mo smiled and waved to everyone.

Seeing Lin Mo leave without looking back, Ge Nie also turned around and looked at everyone: "Everyone, I don't need to say more. In the future, everyone will work hard!"

After leaving the village a long distance in one breath, Lin Mo raised his hand and pressed it between his eyebrows, then raised his fingers forward. You could see a ray of aqua blue light lingering on his fingertips.

"Since I entered here, everything that has happened seems to be related to the gods from ancient times!" Lin Mo looked at the light on his fingertips and said slightly: "First it was Kuafu, and then Gonggong, so if I want to break the restrictions on me, If so, should we follow this line of thinking?”


As he finished speaking, the light on his fingertips jumped slightly.

Then it flew out from Lin Mo's fingertips, hung in mid-air, and then kept jumping around Lin Mo.

"Do you want to take me there?" Lin Mo looked at the ball of light and couldn't help but speak.

This ball of light seemed to have a mind of its own.

As he finished speaking, Lin Mo saw the ball of light jumping, as if nodding.

"So, can you really take me to find a way to unlock the restriction?" Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

Then he thought of one thing, that is, Weak Shui has existed for countless years since ancient times. According to this calculation, it is reasonable to give birth to some spiritual wisdom of his own!


Lin Mo spoke in a deep voice, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the ball of light fly out in a swish!

"I'll go, you're so fast!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but speak. Although his strength had recovered a lot, it was still difficult to keep up with this speed!

The ball of light seemed not to hear it and rushed towards the distance crazily!

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and said loudly: "Haha, since you want to compete with me, let's start!"

The ghost shadow was cast instantly, and at the same time the Thunder Breathing Technique was also activated. Lin Mo's whole body seemed to be transformed into an electric man, wrapped in endless lightning, and he chased after him crazily!

This speed can be said to be the maximum speed that Lin Mo can currently reach, but under the stimulation of the light ball, Lin Mo's speed unexpectedly broke through again!

"The proficiency of ghost shadows...has broken through again!"

Originally, Lin Mo's proficiency in ghost shadowing had reached the master level, but now, Lin Mo feels like he has broken through this level!

"I don't remember that there are other realms above the master realm!" Lin Mo frowned, and then a crazy thought suddenly appeared in his mind: "Could it be that my realm has been broken through again!

Reached a higher realm! "

There are other realms above the master level! ?

After reaching this conclusion, Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock and excitement.

"Beyond the master realm, I think it should be called the transformation realm!"

Lin Mo spoke in a deep voice and named this proficiency the transformation state!

The so-called transformation, just like now, Lin Mo can cast ghost shadows at will, and can improve the ghost shadows to a certain extent!

This is the true manifestation of proficiency reaching its peak!


Lin Mo's body was surrounded by electric light, and his speed increased again!

The power of qi and blood poured into the body along with the lightning, but at such an extreme speed, the power of qi and blood soon disappeared!

Lin Mo's eyes sparkled, and with his powerful computing power, he began to balance the relationship between speed and consumption of energy and blood!

Soon, the consumption and speed of the energy and blood power reached a balance!

"You're running!"

Lin Mo looked at the ball of light in front of him with a smile on his face.

Calculating the time, I actually ran at such a high speed for a whole day!

The ball of light kept jumping, as if pointing in one direction! !

"You mean, where you want to take me is over there?"

Lin Mo looked at where the light ball was flying, with a smile on his face.

He raised his hand to grab the ball of light, put it between his eyebrows, and walked in that direction.

"It's a little strange this time, I didn't encounter a village!"

I encountered villages in the two previous places, but I didn't encounter them here. This made Lin Mo a little uncomfortable!

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that it actually took him more than an hour to see a valley that he thought was very close!

There seemed to be nothing special about the entire valley, but looking at the entrance of the valley, Lin Mo felt as if he was facing a living being!

The entrance to the valley is like a mouth. At this moment, the existence is opening its mouth, and its fangs are about to bite Lin Mo fiercely!

Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face. Faced with this situation, he pondered for a moment and said, "Are you reliable?

I always feel like you want to trick me to death! "

Weak Shui's spirit jumped twice between Lin Mo's brows, conveying unpleasant mood swings.

"I'll just believe you this time!" Lin Mo said helplessly, and then walked towards the valley step by step.


There was a sound under Lin Mo's feet. When he looked down, he saw a human bone being crushed by his feet!

This human bone looks like it has been around for a long time. It is covered with dense holes, which look like they were left after being bitten by insects.

"There are no traces left by teeth, so this person was not bitten by wild animals after his death?"

Lin Mo looked at the bone and frowned slightly.

In such a place, there should be ferocious beasts everywhere, but in fact there is no such situation, which makes people feel that there is something wrong!

Throwing the bones away, Lin Mo stepped into the valley!


As soon as he stepped into the valley, Lin Mo heard a roar!

He looked sharply in the direction of the sound, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

It was a headless corpse, extremely tall, with a sky-opening ax in each of its muscular hands.

The huge ax looked like two mountain peaks. It was danced wildly by this giant. The previous roar was the sound of the wind caused by the dancing of the ax!

"This is Xingtian!"

Lin Mo only took one look and confirmed his identity, because the features were so obvious!

Just when Lin Mo was cautiously trying to hide, the figure suddenly disappeared!

"Is it just a shadow?" Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face and walked towards the place where the shadow existed before.

Just after taking a few steps, I saw a corpse embedded in the stone wall!

Also a headless corpse, holding a huge ax in both hands.

"Is this Xingtian's body?!"

Lin Mo looked at the corpse in front of him and couldn't believe his eyes.

According to the legend, Xing Tianwu died, but there is no record of his final destination!

Now that the corpse appeared in front of him, Lin Mo felt a little ridiculous.

"It's unimaginable that Xing Tian died in this place!"

Lin Mo sighed with emotion, but just when he was about to take a few steps forward, he suddenly noticed a figure standing next to him!

This is a man, wearing armor all over his body, with a heroic face, and a murderous look all over him!

Tap tap tap!

Lin Mo took a few steps back and looked at him warily.

"Who are you?" There was no way to use mental power, so it was difficult for Lin Mo to tell whether the figure in front of him was real or illusory.

"My name is Bai Qi!" The figure said calmly.

"Bai Qi?! The God of Death Bai Qi?!"

Lin Mo was stunned. This was actually Bai Qi? !

He looked Bai Qi up and down, and finally nodded slightly.

Such killing intent must be possessed by Bai Qi, and only Bai Qi can possess it!

"Why are seniors here?!"

"Of course I took the initiative!" Bai Qi said with a smile: "Back then, I wanted to use millions of people to gather the evil spirits of the military and build an everlasting formation to keep out the creatures in the abyss. I didn't expect that in the end It failed!

I can't go back at that time!

Endless years have passed, and my physical body has rotted away, but my spiritual will has remained! "

Bai Qi's voice fell, with a look of emotion on his face: "You are the first person to set foot here in so many years!

It seems that your strength is pretty good! "

"No one has ever set foot here in all these years?" Lin Mo couldn't help but frown. If no one had ever set foot here, what happened to the corpse at the door?

"What I'm saying is that no one has set foot in the valley, and those corpses at the door died at the door, so naturally they can't be counted!"

Bai Qi spoke calmly.

"How did they die?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask. When he entered here, nothing unusual happened, but there were so many bones at the door, which looked very shocking.

"If you are not worthy of entering, you will naturally die outside!" Bai Qi said calmly: "Didn't you realize that even ferocious beasts find it difficult to get close to this place?

They could sense the danger here, so they stayed away! "

Lin Mo nodded: "So, what dangers are there in the valley?"

"Do you know the name of this valley?"

Lin Mo shook his head honestly.

"The name of this valley is, Meteor God Valley!"

Bai Qi had a sneer on his face, and then he took a step back suddenly, grabbing something in the air with his hands.

Just when Lin Mo was shocked, a sword appeared in his hands!

"Let me show you the real Valley of the Fallen God!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword in his hand slashed straight down behind him!

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