Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 488: Conquering the Entire Village

Ge Lin felt that his world view was about to collapse.

In his opinion, the existence at the bottom of the weak water is the most powerful one in his knowledge.

But now, it was Lin Mo who appeared in front of them!

"Why you?! Where is my clan's first clan leader?" Ge Lin's voice was hoarse and he spoke through gritted teeth.

"Are you talking about that man? I twisted his head off and threw it under the water. I guess he won't be able to come back up in this life!"

Lin Mo smiled and recounted the scene.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Ge Lin shook his head desperately. This made him believe that the leader of his clan was the strongest. Why did he die in Lin Mo's hands!


Before Lin Mo could say anything, something suddenly shot up into the sky under the weak water, and then hit the ground heavily!

After the thing hit the ground, it rolled to Ge Lin's feet. It was none other than the head chopped off by Lin Mo!

Looking at the head at his feet, Ge Lin's face suddenly turned extremely pale.

" this really the patriarch of our clan?" Ge Nie stood aside and asked slowly.

"Yes..." Ge Lin stared at that face, and after looking at it over and over again, he nodded heavily. What else could he say?

You can't say that he doesn't know this person!

"Lin Mo... you killed the leader of my clan, I will kill you!" Ge Lin suddenly looked up at Lin Mo, and then rushed towards him!


The three-pointed two-edged knife appeared directly in Lin Mo's palm, and then pointed straight at Ge Lin's neck.

"If you take one more step forward, you will die!"

Lin Mo spoke in a deep voice.

"Uncle!" Ge Nie looked at Ge Lin who was about to rush forward, and quickly shouted, stepped forward and held him down: "Calm down!"

"The leader of my clan died in the hands of this person, how do you want me to calm down?" Ge Lin's eyes turned red: "Ge Nie, if you still feel that you are a member of my clan, then take action with me!"

Ge Lin said, breaking away from Ge Nie, and then rushed towards Lin Mo!


Lin Mo then slashed down with his sword!

How could the combat power of a Martial Saint level be comparable to that of Ge Lin, a strong man of the Martial King level? With a muffled sound, the man hit the ground heavily!

"Uncle!" Looking at Ge Lin who fell to the ground, Ge Nie had a sad look on his face and couldn't help shouting loudly.

But Lin Mo's three-pointed two-edged knife was already placed across his neck: "Do you want to try it too?"

Lin Mo's voice was extremely cold and devoid of any emotion.

Feeling the fierce killing intent, Ge Nie showed a strange look on his face: "I...surrender!"

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, not expecting Ge Nie to surrender so quickly!

However, after seeing that he was willing to surrender, Lin Mo put away the three-pointed two-edged sword and looked at him with admiration: "You are very strong, I can make you stronger!!"

However, you have to follow me, leave this world and return to China! That is your true home!

The real hometown! "

Ge Nie's face showed a look of yearning. He didn't expect that Lin Mo's arrangement for him was to take him away from here!

"I do!" Ge Nie said loudly: "I don't know what else Mr. Lin wants to give you!"

"Take me back to your village, I want to see what their choices are!"

Lin Mo pondered for a moment and then spoke slowly.

Based on the words of the man under the weak water, Lin Mo could deduce that the people in the village should have been asked to stay there by their ancestors.

Therefore, if possible, Lin Mo wants to take them to build the giant city of Norbu!

Ge Nie carried Ge Lin on his back and walked towards the village step by step.

Lin Mo followed him, thinking about how to find the bird.

The head should have been thrown up by the remnant soul of Jingwei. If the remnant soul of Jingwei could show its own aura at a special moment, would the bird notice it?

Or maybe, after staying at the bottom of weak water for so many years, does this man know some secrets?

Lin Mo was holding the man's head in his hand. This was another token that needed to be taken back to show to everyone in the village!

The two people walked one behind the other, not very slowly, and soon they arrived at the entrance of the village!

After seeing the two people coming in, many people in the village gathered around them.

"Ge Nie, what's wrong with Lao Ge?"

Someone looked at Ge Lin and couldn't help but ask.

"Dead!" Ge Nie said in a deep voice: "My uncle wanted to attack Lin Mo, so he was beheaded!"

Only then did everyone see the head in Lin Mo's hand. For a while, many people didn't know where the head came from!

Only the two remaining strong men in the village looked at the head, and their pupils shrank suddenly!

"Clan leader!" they both said in unison.

"Your clan leader has been killed by me. Now, you can choose to take revenge on me, or surrender to me like Ge Nie!"

Lin Mo threw his head on the ground and spoke calmly.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, the faces of the people in the village became extremely ugly. Lin Mo's words were like blocking all their escape routes!

If you choose to confront Lin Mo, the final result should be death!

But if he didn't choose to confront Lin Mo, wouldn't the village chief's death be in vain?

"Elders, I want to ask a question!" Ge Nie looked at everyone's faces, took a deep breath, and finally said: "Why do we stay in this village all our lives?

Is it because we stay here voluntarily, or do we have to stay here because of ethnic rules?

I think many people are like me, dreaming of leaving here one day and going to the outside world!

But there are shackles and restrictions on us, so we can't leave and can only die here silently!

Now, a new road appears in front of us, what else do you have to hesitate? ! "

"Lin Mo has already said that as long as we surrender, the shackles on us can be lifted, we can practice freely, and we can follow him out of here and go to the outside world!"

"I want to ask everyone to think carefully! Should you die directly, or stay and see the outside world!"

After the words fell, Ge Nie stood quietly beside Lin Mo and said no more.

Lin Mo glanced at him appreciatively and nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Lin Mo actually doesn't mind killing everyone except a few obedient people, but after all, they have Chinese blood in them. If he can kill two less people, then he will kill two less!

After a long time, the crowd suddenly roared: "Humph, I don't accept it, I want to avenge the clan leader!"

This is one of the two remaining strong men!

Following this roar, this figure rushed out.

Lin Mo snorted coldly and punched out!

The fighting power of the Martial Saint level is undoubtedly demonstrated!

With a pop, the man's body exploded!

Lin Mo turned around and looked at the remaining old man lightly, and smiled softly: "Senior, do you also want to avenge the clan leader?"

Facing Lin Mo's smile, the remaining old man trembled slightly, and finally let out a long sigh and said, "I am also willing to surrender!"

The most powerful people in the village were willing to surrender. Naturally, the remaining people did not dare to say anything more and lowered their heads in front of Lin Mo one by one.

"Don't think that after surrendering, you will become a slave or some other role. As I said, you have never seen the outside world, so you are still resisting!

But I will take you outside to have a good look! "

Lin Mo said and looked at Ge Nie: "From now on, I will ask you to guard the village!

I will give you a map. You take the map to a village, and then undergo transformation there. After you come back, no one in the village will be your opponent! "

Lin Mo is going to ask Ge Nie to find Ayang, and then bathe in Kuafu's blood pool to undergo transformation!

Ge Nie nodded heavily.

"You should set off now and bring this map with you, as well as my token!" Lin Mo thought for a while and handed the map he got from the village to Ge Nie: "I wish you good luck!"

Ge Nie left directly with the map.

After Ge Nie left, Lin Mo looked at the old man: "I want to see the ancient books collected in your village!

Don't tell me you didn't! "

The old man nodded and said, "Please follow me!"

The two of them walked towards the deepest part of the village one after the other. Along the way, Lin Mo asked a few questions that he was very interested in.

"Before I entered the village, I felt like I was being spied on. I want to know, does this feeling come from your clan leader?"

Lin Mo looked at the old man and asked softly.

"It should be that the clan leader is the most powerful in the whole village. He usually uses this kind of spiritual power to contact us!"

Mental strength!

When Lin Mo heard this, a smile appeared on his face: "Have you mastered your spiritual power?"

"not at all!"

Lin Mo nodded. Like himself, these people's mental power was not activated at all, so they could not use their mental power at all.

If this is the case, why can the patriarch master this kind of power?

With this thought, Lin Mo buried his doubts in his heart and continued to move forward.

"It's inside. All the ancient books in the village from its establishment to the present are in the room!" The old man opened the door and looked at Lin Mo respectfully.

"Let's go in and take a look together!" Lin Mo pulled the old man into the house at the same time.

"Does the old-timer know if there is any ancient book that records a bird?"

Lin Mo thought of the legendary bird that was the incarnation of Jingwei. Now that Wu Shui stayed here, what about that bird?

Is it also near the village?

The old man's face showed a thoughtful look, and after a long time he shook his head.

"I don't remember any book describing a bird!"

"Are there any records about Jingwei's reclamation?"

"This one does have such a record!"

The old man slowly rummaged through a pile of books and soon found a book and handed it to Lin Mo respectfully.

After opening it, Lin Mo read all the contents in the book.

The content in the book is almost the same as the engraving on the stone tablet at the bottom.

The only difference is that in the depiction above, after Jingwei died, what he transformed into was not a bird, but a cloud!

Lin Mo frowned, the clouds were ever-changing, if this turned into a cloud, what would be the point of it!

"Are there any others?" Lin Mo said solemnly: "What are the records about Weak Shui?"

After hearing Lin Mo's words, the old man started searching again, this time much faster than before, and he found several more books at the same time!

Lin Mo was not in a hurry. After flipping through the books one by one, he finally found a few words in a book.

This village was not actually established by the man at the bottom of the weak water. Instead, after he came here, he slaughtered all the original people and established this village!

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