Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 481 The Blood of the Kuafu Clan


Looking at the huge hole in front of them, the three people looked at each other with excited smiles on their faces.

This is the legendary burial place of the Kuafu clan. In such an important place, a cave entrance appears. What will appear inside?

"Let's go in and take a look!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

Agu and Ayang nodded repeatedly. After the three of them bowed deeply to the bones on the ground, they jumped up and stood at the entrance!

When he first stood up, an inexplicable aura hit his face.

Lin Mo couldn't help but hold the leather scroll in his hand and looked inside with vigilant eyes.

Unfortunately, it was dark inside and nothing could be seen.

"Fire!" Ayang said in a deep voice.

Agu quickly handed over a kindling.

Tinder lit another torch and was thrown out by A Yang.


With a slight noise, the whole space suddenly became brighter!

The size of this space actually has an extremely clever design.

It can be seen that this space is actually not very big, about more than 100 square meters. There are criss-crossing shallow grooves on the ground, and fuel flows in them.

Now the torch ignited the fuel, so the entire shallow groove became strips of fire, lighting up the entire space.

"Look, what is that!" Ayang pointed to a pool in the distance and spoke softly.

"It's a blood pool!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice. Because he had more than one related experience, he could immediately tell what was in that pool.

"Blood pool!" Agu and Ayang looked at each other, then looked at Lin Mo silently, waiting quietly.

"What are you waiting for me to do? Just go there!" Lin Mo chuckled and walked directly towards the blood pool.

Entering it, roars and growls suddenly sounded in the ears of the three people.

"If the sky doesn't give you light, my Kuafu family is willing to chase the sun until death!"

"We are also human beings, why have we ended up like this!"

"I see, then, my Kuafu clan is willing to die!"

Such sounds echoed in the ears of the three of them. Lin Mo listened quietly, with a look of emotion on his face.

The Kuafu family chased the sun and eventually died of exhaustion!

The Kuafu clan is also a human race, but they ended up like this...

But in the last sentence, it seemed that the Kuafu family was relieved and finally chose to die!

"It seems that the death of the Kuafu clan also contains some secrets!" Ayang said in a deep voice.

"Really? Why didn't I feel it? I just felt that the sound was so loud that it was so noisy!" Agu scratched his head and said with a smile.

Lin Mo was speechless for a while. Agu was really a guy with a not very developed brain!

"Let's go, it's useless for us to think too much about these things. After all, we can't let history repeat itself!"

Lin Mo said softly, and then led them towards the blood pool.

Next to the blood pool, there is a stone tablet erected there.

There are ancient Chinese characters on it. Although the characters on it are different from the current characters, China has been inherited in an orderly manner since ancient times, so everyone probably understands it!

"The blood pool is used to temper the body!

Can you break through the barrier here? "

After Lin Mo read the text above, a smile appeared on his face: "Brother Ayang, it seems that the curse on you can be eliminated!"

"You mean, as long as we soak in the liquid in this blood pool, we can wash away the curse on our bodies, and our martial arts cultivation can be further improved?"

Facing the gazes of the two men, Lin Mo smiled and nodded.

"Brother, let me go first. My strength is relatively low. If there is danger, you two should leave quickly!" Agu suddenly spoke and was about to jump down.

At this time, Lin Mo chuckled and said: "I have already soaked in other blood pools like this, so I'd better go down!"

"No!" What Lin Mo didn't expect was that A Yang categorically rejected Lin Mo's proposal: "I'm going down!"

He looked at Lin Mo and said: "You have an important mission. If something happens to us, you must leave immediately!

And you, Agu, although your strength is lower than mine, you have to know one thing. You are much younger than me. Now your strength is about to catch up with mine. As long as you work hard to practice in the future, your strength will definitely be better than mine. superior!

If I die, the whole village will be handed over to you!

Lin Mo, I hope that one day, you can help us get out of here! "

He said he was about to jump down.

"You two should stay here well!" Lin Mo was speechless: "The physical strength of you two is far behind mine!"

Lin Mo chuckled. When he was about to enter the abyss, Lin Mo discovered a problem, that is, his physical body still maintained a terrifying strength.

In this case, he would definitely be fine with such a blood pool!

Having said this, he jumped down regardless of the two of them.

With a muffled sound, the thick liquid instantly enveloped Lin Mo.

Feeling the warm feeling on his body, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

"If it feels like this all the time, then you two can just jump off..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Mo's expression suddenly changed.

Because he felt that his flesh and blood were separated in an instant!

He raised his hand suddenly, wanting to check his situation, but found that he seemed to be stuck. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't raise his hand!

"You two help me see if you can pull me out!" Lin Mo looked at Ayang and Agu and spoke in a deep voice.

Because he felt that the blood in his body seemed to have disappeared, and he had a feeling that his skin and flesh had also left his bones!

He seemed to have become three parts of blood, bones and skin!

Agu and Ayang saw Lin Mo's appearance and hurried to act. They were well prepared before coming here, so they both brought ropes.

At this moment, they threw the rope towards Lin Mo.

After trying several times, Lin Mo bit the rope directly.

The two began to pull hard, trying to pull Lin Mo out.


A light sound came, and several of Lin Mo's teeth broke directly!

Looking at his bloody teeth that had already flown out, Lin Mo had a helpless smile on his face.

At this time, the liquid in the blood pool had submerged his chin little by little, then his mouth and nose, and finally Lin Mo's entire head disappeared in the liquid!

A Gu and A Yang looked at this scene with a look of horror on their faces.

"Is Lin Mo... dead?" A Gu had an unwilling look on his face: "I said, I should go down!"

"Don't worry, keep waiting!" A Yang spoke. Although he also had an anxious look on his face, he looked much calmer than A Gu overall.

At this moment, at the bottom of the blood pool, Lin Mo's blood was indeed peeled out of his body directly as he felt.

At this moment, the liquid was blending with Lin Mo's blood.

As time passed, the blood was washed once.

At the same time, the skin and bones on the other side were also undergoing the same process!

This process was not very fast, but it was carried out in an orderly manner.

Plop! Plop!

In the middle of the bones, you can see Lin Mo's heart beating vigorously. With the beating of the heart, the blood and qi turned into marks and sank into the flesh.

As time went by, you could see gray mist rising from the bones, and then it was directly ignited by the liquid in the blood pool and burned cleanly!

Although Lin Mo was dismantled now, he could feel everything that happened, so he clearly felt his changes.

"So, the so-called curse is these things?"

The next moment, a mark appeared on Lin Mo's flesh.

"Did you find me?" Xu Fu's voice sounded in Lin Mo's mind.

Lin Mo's eyes sank. It seemed that this was the mark left by Xu Fu on himself!

Before he could speak, Xu Fu said with surprise: "Is this... the place where the Kuafu clan inherited the throne? It turned out to be the mythical blood pool, which is great!

Lin Mo, I'll go there now, thank you for bringing me to such a good place!

Don't worry, I will definitely kill you first when the time comes!"

However, just when he wanted to lock this location, a breath suddenly surged up.

Then Lin Mo seemed to see a huge figure, holding a huge axe in his hand, and chopped it hard at Xu Fu's head!


After a slight sound, the figure disappeared directly!

And Lin Mo sighed with some regret: "If this is left, Xu Fu's believers will find it easily. Now that the mark has disappeared, what can I do!"

"You want to keep this thing?" At this time, a voice sounded in Lin Mo's mind.


"In that case, then keep it!" The voice sounded again, and then Lin Mo saw the mark on his flesh appear again!

However, this time the mark has worn away Xu Fu's breath, and it is just a mark!

In other words, the original "gathering monsters" function is still there, but it will not be discovered by Xu Fu again!

"Thank you..." Lin Mo responded in his mind, but he didn't know who to thank: "Are you the elder of the Kuafu clan?"

"No." After leaving this sentence, no matter how Lin Mo called, the voice did not sound again.

After a while, Lin Mo felt that his flesh and blood began to merge with his body.

The fusion process is naturally extremely painful. When the fusion of the flesh is completed, Lin Mo's face showed an extremely surprised look.

His current physical strength has at least reached the peak of the martial king realm!

And, the most important thing is that his blood and qi power has also reached the peak of the martial king!

Such a terrifying upgrade speed made Lin Mo stunned.

"What is this?" At this time, Lin Mo clearly felt that there was something extra on his body.

This turned out to be a mark with several chains on it.

It can be seen that one of the chains has been broken.

"Blood seal! Find a place to unlock the seal. Every time you unlock a seal, your strength will be restored!

After unlocking all of them, your strength will reach the middle stage of the Martial Emperor or above!"

Lin Mo's mind automatically understood the purpose of this seal!

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