"You all heard it. Does the sound outside sound good?"

After a long silence, a voice suddenly sounded.

It was an old man sitting at the far end. He was wearing a gray robe and had a mocking look on his face.

"So what if you heard it, are you going to stop it? You should all know very well that the reason why he dared to bring people here is because Lin Mo has an absolute excuse!

I really want to know, what was your purpose in robbing those people? "

People looked at the other side with angry and mocking expressions on their faces.

Because everything that happened today was entirely because the Kong family robbed the people Lin Mo had found from Neon.

"They... they can refine the semi-holy fruit!"

After a long time, a voice sounded.

People looked along the sound, and after seeing clearly the appearance of the person who spoke, some people immediately closed their mouths.

This is one of several Supreme Elders of the Kong family, and the only Supreme Elder who is still active.

"Third Elder, what do you mean by the semi-holy fruit? Is it what I think it means?"

The person on the other side spoke. He was also an old man. Although he had no actual status, he had a special status.

His name is Kongde, and he is the younger brother of the soldier!

Kongde was also the leader of those who opposed the Kong family and Lin Mo.

It was also under his leadership that the Kong family now always attacks Lin Mo in waves, instead of killing them all at the same time.

"After taking the Semi-Saint Fruit, you can directly reach the peak of the Martial Emperor, and you are only one step away from the Martial Emperor's realm!"

The third elder Taishang spoke with a proud look on his face: "They have pure pre-Qin blood flowing in their bodies, which is particularly important for the refining of elixirs.

At present, we have used one of them to conduct experiments, and it has been successful! "

After the words fell, many people had shocked expressions on their faces, while others had excited expressions on their faces.

There are hundreds of people in this group. If all of them can be refined into semi-holy fruits, then the entire Kong family will suddenly have hundreds more peak Martial Emperors!

What a terrifying combat power this is!

"Kong De, the reputation of the Kong family is indeed very important, but compared with the hundreds of powerful people at the peak of the Martial Emperor, is the reputation of the Kong family important?

In the future, what we will face are abyssal creatures. There are so many abyssal creatures. As the inheritance family, the Kong family must be prepared!

How many years ago, we were able to protect China, and we can still do it in the future! "

The third elder spoke loudly with a look of justice on his face.

The people who stood on the side of the Third Supreme Elder spoke loudly at the same time to express their agreement.

Conde showed a mocking look on his face: "So, we have to kill them, right?

I can’t imagine using living humans to refine elixirs!

Even if these people still stay in Neon, they may not encounter such an end! "

"Hmph, no matter what, these people can't be handed over. God knows what Lin Mo's purpose is in keeping them?"

The third elder Taishang spoke coldly.

“Since someone has to do this, it’s better for our Kong family to do it!

If there is any infamy, I will bear it alone! "

The third elder Taishang continued.

"What a high-sounding reason!"

A cold voice resounded, followed by a figure rushing in.

Lin Mo had a cold look on his face, and pointed the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand at the Kong family in front of him.

Behind him were Chen Banzi, Li Zong and other powerful men at the level of Emperor Wu.

They had also heard the conversation that took place here before, and at this moment, each of them was filled with anger.

The Kong family may have made great contributions in the past, but what they are doing now is indeed a bit excessive!

"Hand them over!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

"Lin Mo, you are so brave, this is the Kong family, the Kong family that inherits the family!" A cold voice sounded, and it was Kong De who stood up first.

Then more Kong family members stood up and looked at Lin Mo.

"So what about the Kong family? If they do something like this, even if they are the inherited family, I will destroy them!" Lin Mo said coldly.

"Lin Mo, the existence of the Kong family is of great significance to the whole of China. You should know very well that if the strength of the Kong family declines, many surrounding countries may directly take action against us!"

Kongde said in a deep voice: "You take the people and leave now, we will handle this matter, and I promise to give you a satisfactory answer!"

"A satisfactory answer?" Lin Mo said coldly: "Actually, you said one thing wrong.

It’s not that the Kong family is important to China, but that China is important to your Kong family!

China is a China with all people. If destroying one Kong family can make more Chinese people stand up, then let’s destroy it! "

After the words fell, more people stood up.

The third elder Taishang sneered and said sternly: "Why are you talking so much? You killed Kong Qing and killed so many people in my Kong family.

You should die now!

My Kong family also needs some killings to prove the strength and status of our Kong family!

Since you’ve all delivered it to your door, you’re welcome! "

After a short silence, the Third Elder suddenly ordered: "Take action!"

As soon as the voice fell, several figures rushed directly towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo sneered, and the next moment, the Jiuzhou Order was suspended in the air, and rays of light fell down, shrouding Chen Banzi and others inside.


A war begins!

In the hall of the Kong family, Chen Banzi and others were the first to take action. With the blessing of the Nine Provinces Order, the winner was quickly determined!

Several strong men from the Kong family were directly killed!

Blood flowed and the ground was soon dyed red!

Seeing such a scene, the expression on the third elder's face was extremely ugly.

Killing people in the hall of the Kong family is simply lawless!

"Kong De, do you still control the Kong family?

Look at how many people have died in our Kong family, why don’t we take action together? "

Kong De had a troubled look on his face, and finally looked at Lin Mo, and said in a deep voice: "Lin Mo, let me ask you one last time, can you give me a little time, up to three days, and I will give you an answer!

Those people, I promise to let them live well! "

"You have three days to give me an answer, but everyone still doesn't want to give it to me, right?

Are those people living well? But you've already killed some people, haven't you? "

Lin Mo had a mocking look on his face: "Okay, there's no need to waste time, I'm here today, I don't plan to negotiate, I just want to beat you hard!

Even if it costs so many of our lives, we must let you know what should be done and what should not be done! "

After the words fell, Lin Mo's face showed a ferocious look, and a murderous intention emanated from his body.

"Everyone, we may die here today, but I want to say that our blood will not be shed in vain!


Anyone who resists will be killed! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A group of people roared and rushed towards the crowd of Kong family!

Their movements were so fast that they barely gave everyone in the Kong family any time to react!

In fact, the moment Lin Mo took action, Kong De led some people to quickly retreat.

The third elder Taishang led a group of people and rushed towards Lin Mo and others!

The role of the Kyushu Order was revealed at this time. Under the terrifying gain, Lin Mo's side had completely achieved the state of being invincible at the same level and capable of killing enemies by crossing levels!

Even so, after a short battle, death still appeared on Lin Mo's side!

Some people who originally followed Lin Mo and others to the beautiful country were killed!

Zhou Lu was seriously injured, but he still fought!

Chen Banzi and others had angry looks on their faces, and they were killing crazily.

A lot of people died on Lin Mo's side, but even more people died in the Kong family, and even strong men at the level of Emperor Wu soon died!

Such a scene is really amazing. Emperor Wu contained huge energy and blood power, so when they died, all the energy and blood power dispersed instantly!


Lin Mo's body was surrounded by thunder, and the Thunder Breathing Technique started to work, and all the scattered energy and blood were absorbed by Lin Mo.

The terrifying power of blood flowed, and Lin Mo felt as if his body was about to be stretched open!

But the spiritual seed is constantly trembling, and the majestic spiritual power is rapidly transformed from the power of qi and blood.

The effect of the Nine Provinces Order was fully released, and Chen Banzi and others felt as if they had divine help. In the blink of an eye, several more Emperors died!

Faced with such a scene, Kongde sighed softly and looked at the people around him.

"Everyone, take action, the survival of the Kong family depends on this moment!"

Kong De's voice sounded, with a helpless look on his face.

A group of people obeyed the order and rushed directly towards Lin Mo and others!

At this moment, a strong wind blew and the entire Kong family hall collapsed!

"Interesting!" A voice resounded, and a figure appeared in the sky above the Kong family.

This figure wore a mask on his face and a black robe, with anger and compassion in his eyes.

Looking at that figure, everyone stopped and shouted loudly.

"Soldier lord! It's soldier lord!"

"Lord Soldier!"

"Greetings to the Soldier Master!"

A group of people saluted at the same time, with respectful expressions on their faces.

"It's really interesting. Why don't you continue and keep fighting!" The soldier master said mocking words.

"Soldier, please listen to our explanation!"

The third elder Taishang spoke with a hint of panic in his eyes.

"Is there anything to explain? Everything is clear to me!

Greed, I have always known that the Kong family has a greedy heart, but I did not expect that the Kong family would be so greedy!

The survivors of the pre-Qin Dynasty are also our people of China!

But what have you done? "

The soldier's voice was filled with anger. The next moment, he stretched out a finger and tapped the third elder Taishang in the distance!


The body of the Third Supreme Elder collapsed directly!

Facing such a scene, everyone was stunned!

The high-status Third Elder was actually killed by the leader of the army directly!

In this way, it is self-evident whether what happened today is right or wrong!

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