Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 464: Ridiculous! Ridiculous!

Lin Mo looked at the group of people standing on the city wall with cold eyes.

"Where are those people?" Lin Mo asked coldly.

"Who are they?" On the city wall, the leading man smiled sarcastically: "My Kong family is really in decline. Now, cats and dogs dare to come to Qucheng to run wild!"

A cat or a dog? !

A group of people in Rob Giant City had angry looks on their faces when they heard this, and they all wanted to take action now.

But this is Qucheng after all, the home of the Kong family.

The Kong family is one of the top three powerful inheritance families in China, and its status in China is also extremely high.

For countless years, the entire China has praised the Kong family.

How could anyone dare to lead people to intimidate Qucheng and the Kong family?

"You are a dog!" Suddenly, Lin Mo roared, and the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand was fired directly towards the top of Qucheng City!


The bright light shines endlessly, and the three-pointed two-edged sword is like a meteor, shooting towards the man with a roar with supreme power!

The man's eyes were cold and his expression changed drastically.

How dare you take action!


There was a loud noise, and the three-pointed two-edged sword hung directly in the air.

An invisible wall blocked the front. The man had a cold look on his face and opened a blood barrier with his hands.

The three-pointed, two-edged sword trembled a few times and finally fell.

At the same time, several cracks appeared on the barrier.

"That's awesome, boss!" Zhou Lu suddenly roared, and then took the initiative to punch the Qi-blood barrier fiercely!

After Lin Mo took action, all the people brought by Rob Giant City had excited expressions on their faces, and they shot towards the barrier regardless!

The man was very powerful, but he had only reached the level of a first-grade Martial Emperor.

Facing so many people taking action at the same time, the barrier they put up couldn't withstand it at all.

With a soft sound, the barrier shattered!

The faces of everyone in the Kong family behind the man were ugly. This all happened in an instant.

However, at this moment, as the screen was broken, what was also broken was the supreme golden body of the Kong family in everyone's hearts!

Now this golden body was directly shattered by Lin Mo's shot!

"Hahaha, good! Very good!" The man laughed angrily: "If you dare to act wild in my Kong family, you, Luobu Giant City, are the first and the last!

If I can't make you pay a price, how can I, the Kong family, lose face!

Everyone, the face of the Kong family is tied to you, fight with me! "

As this voice fell, the faces of everyone in the Kong family showed endless anger.

Then, they took action at the same time and ran towards Lin Mo!

Whoosh whoosh!

Lin Mo had a sneer on his face. Before he could take action, Liu Lei and others had already rushed out!

Chen Banzi took the lead, he was the most powerful, and when he raised his hand, the terrifying power came crashing down!

The expressions of everyone in the Kong family changed drastically. They never thought why Luo Bu Jucheng would use such terrifying means when it took action!

There are so many strong men at the level of Emperor Wu, they are really going to destroy the entire Qu City!

This thought came to their minds, and their whole bodies suddenly trembled.

How can we fight this!


The leading man was directly punched to pieces by Chen Banzi!

The remaining people were also directly set on fire by a group of Martial Emperors, and blood spattered out instantly!

The entire city wall began to be stained with blood, and large amounts of blood stained a large area of ​​the city wall red.

Within Qucheng, many people rushed out and looked at this horrific scene.


The Kong family members... are dead!

For how many years, only the Kong family has been responsible for killing others. When will it be someone else’s turn to kill the Kong family? !

The battle ended in a short time, and the entire city was filled with the smell of blood.

Lin Mo and a group of Martial Emperors stood there without moving even a step.

There was still the Kyushu Order hanging in his palm. He had not attached the power of the Kyushu Order to Chen Banzi and others before he took action.

Now, Lin Mo was very satisfied with the power they showed.

Such terrifying power, if the power of the Kyushu Order is added...

Lin Mo couldn't imagine what the scene would be like then!

Whoosh whoosh!

Chen Banzi and others returned directly and stood guard in front of Lin Mo.

"Master is mighty!" Lin Mo complimented with a smile.

"You kid, I've stopped here in my life. You have endless future!" Chen Banzi said with a smile, but he was very satisfied now.

If it weren't for Lin Mo, he wouldn't even be able to reach the level of Emperor Wu.

Now he has at least reached the level of Martial Emperor, or the third-grade Martial Emperor!

"What to do next?" After being excited, Chen Banzi quickly calmed down: "You should know very well what the Kong family represents to China.

Now that we have killed so many people directly, the pressure we will face..."

"Master, I have already considered all of this." Lin Mo smiled softly: "Besides, it's not us who should be feeling troubled now!

The Kong family has a high status, and now that we have killed so many people at once, what do you think the people in the world will think of them?

How powerful do you think the Kong family is now?

Can we directly destroy our giant city of Rob? "

Chen Banzi thought for a while and nodded firmly: "The Kong family's current power is unfathomable. It must be possible to destroy the giant city of Luobu!"

"But if they want to destroy us, they will have to pay a heavy price!" Lin Mo chuckled: "

With the blessing of Jiuzhou Order, you can kill as many Martial Emperor-level masters as possible.

How many Martial Emperor-level masters does the Kong family have?"

When Lin Mo's voice fell, Chen Banzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Lin Mo with a satisfied look in his eyes: "You are much stronger than your teacher. If that kid had half of your cunning, he would not have fallen to this point now!"

Although Lin Mo had given him a holy fruit, because his own power was destroyed too badly, he still has not become a Martial Emperor.

"Teacher has a bottom line, and although I also have a bottom line, the height of the bottom line is not that high!" Lin Mo smiled, then looked into the distance and said, "Master, when do you think the Kong family will react?"

"It should be soon!" Chen Banzi was silent for a moment and said, "What happened here will soon be transmitted to the core area of ​​the Kong family, and then we will know their attitude!"

"I think the Kong family can react faster!" Lin Mo thought about it and took a step forward.

Yan Xiangshu was performed, and Lin Mo walked step by step into the air, looking at the distance with a gloomy look.

That was where the main home of the Kong family was.

"Lin Mo visited the Kong family in Qucheng today, and asked the Kong family to hand over the people I rescued!"

"Otherwise, today, we will fight to the death!"

After two sentences, Lin Mo directly used the Lion Roaring Skill, so the sound waves accompanied by the power of blood and qi almost became a visible materialized trajectory, and directly soared into the sky!

The whole Qucheng was echoing with Lin Mo's voice.

"What does this mean? Lin Mo came to Qucheng to ask for someone?"

"Did the Kong family capture Lin Mo's people? That's impossible. After all, the Kong family is a family that has produced saints!"

"It's the way of heaven. However, the Kong family produced saints thousands of years ago. You don't know what the Kong family is like now!"

"When a family becomes big, there will always be two bad guys. I don't believe that the Kong family will do evil!"

Many people in Qucheng began to discuss it.

They were also very clear about Lin Mo's identity, so they still believed what Lin Mo said.

But they didn't know what was going on.

"However, today we can watch the show. This Lin Mo is really fierce!"

"Lin Mo was even more fierce back then. He killed several martial artists from the Beautiful Country in front of so many people. I remember that the school expelled Lin Mo directly at that time!

I almost laughed to death. This group of spineless people, it's okay for them to kneel down, but they don't allow others to stand!"

"I hope there can be more people like Lin Mo. In this way, I don't think any foreigner dares to run wild in China!"


Such voices were everywhere. Lin Mo stood in the air, his mental power swept out, listening to all of this, and a smile appeared on his face.


At this moment, the sound of breaking wind rang out, and then a red light burst out towards Lin Mo's face!

Martial Emperor! Third rank!

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, the Nine Provinces Order flickered and glowed, and several rays of light were added to his body.

At the same time, Chen Banzi, who had been observing Lin Mo from below, changed his face slightly and reacted directly!

He flashed and blocked Lin Mo directly.

"Master!" Lin Mo exclaimed, and then the light of Jiuzhou Order instantly transferred to him.

"Hahaha, good!" Chen Banzi felt the changes in himself, and a look of joy appeared on his face, and he laughed loudly.

"When did the Kong family play the trick of sneak attack!"

As he said this, Chen Banzi punched out directly!

With a sound of breaking, the light was smashed by Chen Banzi's punch!

Moreover, Chen Banzi did not intend to end it like this, but punched directly at the distance!

The power of blood and qi condensed and turned into a fist the size of a millstone and flew up directly.


With a loud bang, a small building not far away was smashed directly!

A figure flew up from inside, looking at Chen Banzi and Lin Mo with a gloomy face.

This figure was wearing a purple robe and a half mask on his face.

"Kong Qing!" Chen Banzi looked at him and said his name directly: "I didn't expect that Kong Qing, the famous Kong family, would become a sneak attack villain!

It's really a pity!"

Kong Qing showed an angry look on his face, raised his hand and pointed at Lin Mo and Chen Banzi and said sternly: "I don't know if Kong is upright or not, but you brought so many people to threaten my Kong family, aren't you a villain?"

"We are villains?" Lin Mo laughed immediately: "I want to ask, why are we here?"

Kong Qing's expression changed slightly, and he said coldly: "The Kong family is a heritage family. Since ancient times, the heritage family cannot be insulted.

Even if the Kong family did something inappropriate, you can't do such a treasonous thing!"

Hearing this voice, Lin Mo's face suddenly showed a mocking smile.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter!" Lin Mo bent over with laughter, looked at Kong Qing and said: "I was originally wondering if what the Kong family did was a misunderstanding.

Because in my opinion, the reason why the inheritance family is called the inheritance family is because they have inherited beautiful things!

I know what the Kong family did in the past, but now it seems that you guys are resting on your laurels and have completely fallen!

If that’s the case, what’s the point of keeping the Kong family? ! "

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