
Lin Mo thought of the so-called Amaterasu he met in Neon, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"You'd better be the real Amaterasu." If the real Amaterasu of Neon Takamahara appeared here, Lin Mo would definitely go all out to capture Amaterasu and force him to tell the location of Takamahara.

"Although it's my first time here, I like it very much!"

A voice sounded, and then a man in gorgeous clothes slowly emerged.

The man looked like a middle-aged man, but his voice was very soft, like a woman, and there was no flaw on his face.

Perfect human!

Such an evaluation popped up in Lin Mo's mind. The Amaterasu in front of him really deserves the word perfect!

"Amaterasu, welcome!" The birdman said with a smile.

"Here... there are humans!"

Amaterasu did not respond to the birdman's flattery, but looked at the many monsters in front of him and spoke slowly.

After the voice fell, the whole venue suddenly became quiet.

Many eyes began to look around, and even began to look at their companions with vigilance.

Many people also looked at Lin Mo, because they knew that Princess Yu'er brought a human man and let the man enter the tent and spend the night.

Facing the eyes of the crowd, Lin Mo's heart sank slightly.

Amaterasu's strength has reached the level of Emperor Wu, and I wonder if she can see through her disguise!

"Humph!" Lin Mo's mind flashed through many thoughts, but in the end he snorted coldly and retreated directly behind Princess Yu'er.

This action clearly told everyone that Princess Yu'er was his master, which was a hint of his identity.

Sure enough, after Lin Mo made such a move, some monsters nodded slightly.

It is common for them to capture humans as their slaves, and even one of the reasons they want to enter the human world is to snatch as many human captives as possible.

In this way, after returning to the abyss, humans can be used as slaves to do heavy work, or they can kill humans as food when they are full and hungry.

"Amaterasu, this is my captive, so what if he is a human? If my Jade Clan can't even protect him, there is no need to continue to survive in the abyss!" Princess Yu'er also stood up at this time, obviously standing on Lin Mo's side.

Amaterasu obviously didn't expect Princess Yu'er to stand on Lin Mo's side at this time, and her face turned green at that time.

"Since the reputation of the Jade Clan is guaranteed, I will trust this person for the time being!" Amaterasu smiled faintly, and when she was about to say something, she was interrupted by Lin Mo directly.

"If I remember correctly, Amaterasu is also a human!" Lin Mo said lightly: "You told everyone not to believe me, so can everyone believe you?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Amaterasu's eyes flashed with astonishment, and then suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, it's really ridiculous!

I am Neon Amaterasu, I don't belong to the human race at all. As a noble god, they can naturally believe me unconditionally!

What's more, I also hold the key to open the door to the human world!"

"So, will there be such a situation: you really have The key to open the door to the human world, but what if when we enter the human world through the space door you opened, a group of strong people are waiting for us?

Do you think we have a chance to survive?

I think everyone still remembers that you opened the exit of the abyss in the United States two days ago, and what happened?

All the monsters involved were almost wiped out!

God knows if you are still thinking of taking this opportunity to weaken the power of our monsters! "

"Full of nonsense!" Amaterasu broke out in a cold sweat behind her. What Lin Mo said really hit the point.

The most important thing is that many monsters do know what happened in the United States mentioned by Lin Mo.

Even Lin Mo linked this matter with Amaterasu. In this way, it is really hard to explain even if it makes sense!

"What this human said is right. If there are really ambushes waiting for us outside, we will be caught in one fell swoop, and that will be the end!"

"That's right. This human is not trustworthy, so the so-called Amaterasu is not trustworthy either!"


Lin Mo just said a few simple words, and Amaterasu changed her face from being calm at the beginning to her face now, and her eyebrows were constantly trembling.

Heart-breaking, Lin Mo's words were too heart-breaking.

Amaterasu was so regretful now that she wanted to slap herself twice: "Why do you want to trouble him when you have nothing to do? Isn't this courting death?"

Listening to the voices around him, Lin Mo smiled at the corners of his mouth and glanced at Princess Yu'er beside him.

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then slightly moved closer to Lin Mo.

"You are like this..." Lin Mo said in a low voice.

At this moment, the surroundings were noisy, and Lin Mo's lips hardly moved when he spoke, so even Amaterasu, who was staring at them, did not notice anything.

"I have a way to confirm whether Amaterasu is lying to us!" Princess Yu'er's voice sounded.

Because she spoke with the power of Qi and blood, her voice suppressed all the noises at once, and many monsters suddenly became quiet and turned their heads to look at her.

"Since Amaterasu said that he didn't set up an ambush outside, then we just need to randomly choose the location where the abyss opens!

This way, he has no time to prepare in advance! "

"Princess Yu'er is right. We can choose the time and place to open it ourselves. The entire Blue Star is so large, I don't believe they can modify it at any time."

"Yes, we propose the time and place ourselves!"

"Support Princess Yu'er!"

The voices of the crowd resounded, and Amaterasu's face became more and more ugly.

He really regretted that he shouldn't have provoked Lin Mo at that time.

Now it's good that others have killed him directly, and he doesn't even have a chance to counterattack!

"Humph, since I said I didn't lie to you, then naturally I won't worry about your so-called choice of place and time to open it casually!" Amaterasu said loudly.

Everyone got excited at once.

"This is great, I want to choose a place near the sea. I like to eat seafood!"

"I want to choose a place close to the mountains. My way of cultivation is related to the mountains!"

"I choose! "

Many monsters spoke at once.

And Lin Mo, standing aside, was already very happy, because when Princess Yu'er asked this question, he had already thought of this step.

So, when the discussion became more and more intense, Princess Yu'er came out directly and said loudly: "I have an idea about the choice of opening location and opening time!"

All the voices fell silent again.

Amaterasu looked at Princess Yu'er, and the smile on her face disappeared little by little, and a very bad premonition came to her heart.

"It's over!" Amaterasu thought so in her heart.

Sure enough, Princess Yu'er said: "Amaterasu has always emphasized that she is a god and has nothing to do with humans!

Then we might as well choose the opening location of the abyss in Japan!

At that time, we just need to see Amaterasu's attitude towards Japan!

In this way, if Amaterasu really did not collude in advance, then we can definitely catch the human world off guard! "

After Princess Yu'er's voice fell, many monsters showed thoughtful expressions on their faces, one by one.

"That's great! This idea is great! Kill two birds with one stone!"

"Indeed, this is really the best solution!"

"Princess Yu'er has always had her own ideas since she was a child. I didn't expect that she is still so smart now that she has a boyfriend!"


The voices around her rang again. When she heard someone say that Lin Mo was her boyfriend, she was startled and shook her head repeatedly, waving her hands and saying, "No, he is not..."

But now that the atmosphere is intense, no one has time to listen to what she said and did.

In fact, even if they heard it, they would show an unfathomable look: "I understand, Princess Yu'er, you don't need to explain, I understand everything! "

Sighing lightly, Princess Yu'er felt that she was really tricked by Lin Mo, but at this time, there was really no way out.

And Amaterasu looked at the many monsters with a pale face, and finally moved her eyes to Princess Yu'er's face little by little.

Anger, hatred, resentment..., a variety of complex emotions continued to intertwine and converge in his eyes, and finally a smile was squeezed out of his face: "Princess Yu'er, are you kidding?

The place we are discussing to open now is China, and we can't open other places!"

"Why can't it be opened? Is it because your fathers in the beautiful country don't allow it?" Lin Mo's slightly sarcastic voice sounded.

"It can't be opened, it can't be opened!" In the end, Amaterasu simply stopped pretending, and pointed directly at Princess Yu'er and said coldly: "You are making things difficult for me in order to protect the human beside you!

You are now with humans, and the final result will be eliminated!

You will be slaughtered and enslaved like the Aryans! "

All kinds of resentful words came out of his mouth, and for a while, many monsters had hatred on their faces.

"Are you angry out of shame?"

Xiao Lu, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, but after she appeared, Lin Mo felt that it was not Xiao Lu standing there, but an empty shell.

Until now, Xiao Lu spoke, and she spoke in an authentic foreign accent.

It was only then that Amaterasu recognized that the woman in front of her was Xiao Lu.

"Saint, you are so beautiful, your appearance makes me addicted and fall!

I want to ask you to be my wife!"

No one expected that Amaterasu would be mentioned at this time.

"I feel disgusted with the Japanese!" Xiao Lu glanced at him and refused directly.

And after hearing the reason for the refusal, Lin Mo felt that he had vomited out all the depressed air in his heart.

"If you really want us to believe you, you should do as we say, and open an exit in Japan now! "

Xiaolu added again.

Amaterasu looked at the countless comments, a thoughtful look on his face, and then seemed to have made some important decision.

He raised his head and looked at Princess Yu'er, and slowly said: "Princess Yu'er, we accept your suggestion.

This time the abyss is opened, and the location chosen is Neon!"

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