"Princess Yu'er, please look lively. Please remember that in this team now, you are the one who talks. I am just a poor human captured after showing off my power. After being confused by your beautiful appearance, I decided to treat you as my hero. Lord, when you counterattack the world, be the one who leads the way!”

Lin Mo followed Princess Yu'er with a smile, and there was a ray of energy and blood hanging on his fingertips. If someone carefully sensed it, they could notice that there was the same ray of energy and blood in Princess Yu'er's heart. Power.

As long as Lin Mo gently touches the power of Qi and blood, Princess Yu'er's heart will explode.

"If you go inside alone, there is no possibility of survival." Princess Yu'er said softly: "Let me go, and I can promise not to leak any information about you.

Xiaolu and the martial arts clones will not be in any danger, because they are very important to the Alliance Army! "

"Confederate Army?"

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he heard such a name.

"..." Princess Yu'er glanced at Lin Mo and didn't explain anything.

"Princess Yu'er, please recognize the reality." Lin Mo slightly pulled the power of Qi and blood in his hand, causing her to moan, tremble all over, and almost fell into Lin Mo's arms.

Just this moment of pain made her face pale, and she glanced at Lin Mo with a look of unwillingness on her face.

"The opening of the exit of the abyss last time gave us hope of entering the human world, so the creatures of the abyss formed an alliance and selected nine leaders to lead us to attack the human world!

The nine leaders of the Alliance Army are called the Nine Kings!

Among them, the little green saint should be called the Holy Mountain King! "

"Xiao Lu agreed to lead you to attack the human world?" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. He instinctively felt that Xiao Lu would not do such a thing.

"The Little Green Saint will definitely agree!" Princess Yu'er nodded firmly: "Our family sent me as the family representative to fully support the Little Green Saint!"

"In that case, let's lead the way, just in time to see who the other nine kings are." Lin Mo said softly, and then the muscles on his face began to squirm, slightly changing his face.

Soon, Lin Mo's face became extremely gloomy, and his eyes even shone with a cold light, which didn't look like a good thing at first glance!

Yu'er turned around and glanced at Lin Mo, with a flash of surprise in her eyes. This method of being able to change her appearance at any time was very powerful.

Two hours later, Lin Mo followed Yu'er and saw the entrance to the camp from a distance.

Xiao Cang on the side glanced at Lin Mo, but the latter's eyes were gloomy, as if he was thinking of some despicable trick.

"If Lin Mo's identity is revealed now, he will definitely die!" Such a thought came to Xiao Cang's mind, but he quickly suppressed it.

"Stop, check your identity, and report the password!" The two monsters guarding the gate are very powerful, and have actually reached the first-level Martial Emperor realm.

He stopped Lin Mo and others.

Princess Yu'er expressionlessly took out a sign made of black jade and waved it in front of the two guards.

Seeing the black jade token, the two guards had a look of fear on their ugly faces. Then they knelt on one knee and said respectfully: "Welcome to the Jade Clan!"

Jade clan?

Lin Mo glanced at Princess Yu'er and remembered her family.

It seems that some powerful abyss creatures, like ordinary humans, will be directly divided into some powerful races.

Similar to the Heritage Family, the Jade Clan should be very famous throughout the Abyss.

"They..." The guard looked at Lin Mo and Xiao Cang.

Among them, Xiao Cang still maintains the form of a goshawk, while Lin Mo has that gloomy face, but his whole body is full of human aura.

The two guards were not fools. After discovering Lin Mo's identity, they were bound to interrogate him.

"One subordinate and one prisoner." Princess Yu'er raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "Why, you still want to stop the people brought by this princess?"

The two guards were so frightened that they trembled and quickly lowered their heads and said: "Don't dare, don't dare, please... please come in!"


Princess Yu'er snorted coldly, walked past them with her head held high and walked in.

Lin Mo followed Xiao Cang and acted as a guard honestly.

"Now that I have brought you in, can you let me go?" Princess Yu'er said softly.

"Do you think we are fools? If we let you go, but you turn around and sell us, who should we ask to reason with!"

Lin Mo chuckled: "Okay Princess Yu'er, just admit it, now you and we are a grasshopper on the same rope!"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Princess Yu'er was so angry that her teeth itched, but she had to admit that Lin Mo's words were right. She had no other choice now but to follow Lin Mo's path until the end.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know where they are now. It's impossible for you to find Xiaolu and the martial arts clones through me!" Princess Yu'er was the first to identify what she could do.

"You don't know where they are now, so why are you here?" Lin Mo looked at her: "You have so many abyss creatures gathered here, don't tell me, you don't have any purpose!"

Princess Yu'er sighed softly in her heart and said: "Tomorrow morning, they will hold a meeting to summarize the direction of the future opening of the abyss exit and make an attack plan!

Finally, the Little Green Saint will appear in front of all the creatures of the abyss and accept their worship. She is our leader and is responsible for all the people! "

"So, in this way, I can see Xiaolu!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Okay, since this conference will not be held until tomorrow morning, let's rest now, after all, it's not too early "

Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo's expression and was speechless.

"What are you doing standing still? Take us to your tent quickly!" Lin Mo said with a smile as if he didn't care.

Princess Yu'er was going crazy. The entire camp had a limited area, so even though she was a princess of the Jade tribe, she was only assigned one tent.

Now Lin Mo also wants to follow her into the tent... What is going on?

"You... since you are my prisoner, you can't sleep in the same tent with me. You have to keep vigil outside for me!

Otherwise, people will find out! "Princess Yu'er had an idea and thought of an excuse.

Lin Mo thought for a moment and nodded: "In that case, I'll stay outside and watch!"

Princess Yu'er had a proud smile on her face. After knowing Lin Mo for so long, she finally defeated him once!

This gave her a sense of honor, and she couldn't help but hold her head high when she walked, like a general who had won a battle.

Lin Mo followed behind, speechless for a while. This woman is really... easy to satisfy!

"Ahem, you two stay safe outside and no one is allowed to come near. If you disturb this princess's sleep, you know the consequences!"

Standing at the door of the tent, Princess Yu'er coughed lightly, then raised her hand to pretend to pat Lin Mo on the shoulder, opened the curtain and walked in.

Lin Mo and Xiao Cang stood directly at the door, guarding it seriously.

There were many abyss creatures in the entire camp. Lin Mo originally planned to use his mental power to explore, but his mental power only spread out a small area before he felt another force pouring out, instantly defeating Lin Mo's mental power.

This made Lin Mo's heart sink. These abyss creatures were indeed not simple. They actually had such terrifying mental powers.

This made Lin Mo no longer use his mental power easily. After all, if he was really caught, his life might really be lost here!

However, just because Lin Mo didn't use his mental power didn't mean that no one would come to him based on the mental power he just exerted.

Lin Mo and Xiao Cang stood at the door of the tent. Less than ten minutes later, a figure walked out of the tent not far away.

This is a monster with a human body and a dog's head. He holds a steel fork in his hand, and a pair of dog eyes flashes with blue light, which looks a bit scary.

Lin Mo's expression was as usual. When the dog approached, he took a step forward and stopped him: "The princess is resting. No one is allowed to approach, otherwise... she will be killed without mercy!"

With a mocking smile on the human body dog's face, he stared at Lin Mo, and after a moment: "Princess Yu'er, these two people you brought are quite interesting!"

"Human dog, you have nothing to do. How dare you talk about the people I brought?" Princess Yu'er's voice sounded.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the monster in front of him was actually called a dog...

"Get away, otherwise you will be against our Jade Clan!" Princess Yu'er's voice sounded again: "The Human Clan should not be our Jade Clan's opponent!"

The human-shaped dog did not expect Princess Yu'er to be so direct. A look of displeasure suddenly appeared on her face, and the light in her eyes looked even more terrifying!

"Haha, good! Very good! The Yu clan has finally become tougher now!" A smile appeared on the human dog's face: "In that case, I don't care, but I want to remind Princess Yu'er that the man you captured I just tried to explore the entire camp with my mental power!

You live here yourself, so you should know very well that no one is allowed to explore in any way in the entire camp!

The people who came to the Alliance Army’s conference this time must not be leaked out!

I will report this matter to the host of the conference. I can’t guarantee what the consequences will be! "

The man-human dog had a cold expression on his face, and turned around to leave.

"So, I want to prevent you from reporting it..." Lin Mo's voice suddenly sounded from behind the human dog.

The human dog turned around and looked at Lin Mo, with a mocking look on his face: "So, you want to stop me? Who are you, what qualifications do you have, and what ability do you have to stop me?

Just a piece of trash! "


Before the man-man-dog had finished speaking, he felt as if something had disappeared from his body.

Glancing down, I immediately realized what had disappeared.

At this moment, where the human dog originally stood, there was only a headless corpse standing there.

Next to the corpse, there was a black dog head, and the blue light in the eyes had mostly dimmed.

"So, if I want to stop you from reporting...the only way is to chop off your dog's head!" Lin Mo shook off the blood on the three-pointed two-edged knife and said softly: "I hate this person the most. The thing is, when I was talking, someone interrupted me!”


Just after Lin Mo finished speaking, a wave of energy and blood suddenly came.

Inside the tent where the man and the dog were, a terrifying aura came.

"It depends on the owner when beating a dog. Does Princess Yu'er want to go against our dog clan by attacking my pet?"

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