Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 444: Kill if you want

"Are you finally going to take action?"

After hearing the news, Lin Mo's eyes turned cold, and he glanced calmly at the elder of the Tang family next to him, and found that the latter's eyes were dull, but there was a look of surprise on his face.

"Is the beautiful country crazy?" Boss Shi, the pillar of the country, said with an angry look on his face: "Do you really think that we, China, are afraid of them?

Everyone, come out with me to meet them! "

The pillars of the nine kingdoms left at the same time, and all the people who attended the celebration banquet behind them also followed.

Just outside the Ministry of War, a dozen figures stood there quietly.

The leader was a white man. He looked at the Chinese people with a cold look on his face.

"Are you guys coming here to have a complete battle?" the boss of the Pillar of the Country said, his voice cold and cold, accompanied by the power of Qi and blood that instantly rippled out.

"The beautiful country has no intention of fighting with China, but I heard that Mr. Lin was threatened, so he must come forward to protect him!" The white man said coldly: "He is a friend of our beautiful country! No one can threaten him!"

Lin Mo's eyes turned cold, and he immediately understood the wishful thinking of these people.

"Lin Mo has not been under any threat in China." The boss said: "In addition, Lin Mo is a member of China. Even if he has any grievances, it is not your beautiful country's turn to seek justice!"

Lin Mo glanced at the boss, feeling slightly gloomy.

Is it possible that there are people among the pillars of the country who have crooked butts?

However, he never spoke, just quietly waiting for things to develop.

"Your Excellency, Lin Mo has not received any threats!" The elder of the Tang family said: "And you keep saying that you represent the beautiful country. I would like to ask, why do you represent the beautiful country?"

"I am Benjamin from the Luke family. These people behind me come from various families in the beautiful country. The family behind us is the beautiful country!

Of course we can represent our beautiful country! "

The man named Benjamin said loudly: "Okay, hand over Lin Mo, and then I want you, China, to make a statement that you will never do anything against Lin Mo!"

We must give Lin Mo the highest treatment and make him the next choice for the army leader!

Also, the giant city of Luobu where Lin Mo is located will slowly be developed into the next base of the Ministry of War! "

Benjamin mentioned more than a dozen conditions in one breath. If each condition is met, it can be said to be a huge help to Lin Mo.

However, if such a condition is raised in front of so many people, what will everyone think of him?

"Is this what Lin Mo means or what Beautiful Country means?" the elder of the Tang family asked gloomily.

"Of course that's what Lin Mo meant!" Benjamin said calmly: "Lin Mo got along very well with us during his time in the beautiful country. We talked about these plans. All of these are Lin Mo's true thoughts.

He is kind to our beautiful country, so we naturally want to help him realize his wish!

Lin Mo, don’t be embarrassed, just fight for what is yours!

If you don’t fight, we will help you! "

His words were so righteous that they even blocked Lin Mo's retreat.

Now even if Lin Mo said that he had never said such a thing, no one would believe it.

"Lin Mo!" The eldest elder of the Tang family said sternly: "You are just the leader of the team this time. Even if you win first place, we will naturally give you the rewards you deserve. But you are so arrogant that you want to put forward these conditions. What to do?

Do you respect yourself by supporting troops? "

Support your troops and respect yourself...

Lin Mo smiled helplessly. Not even one of the pillars of the Nine Kingdoms could bear such a big hat from the Tang family.

Now such a hat is placed on his head.

"You really think highly of me!" Lin Mo shook his head and walked out step by step.

"Lin Mo, it's great that you are okay. Don't worry, we will help you fulfill your wish!" Benjamin's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Lin Mo walking out, and he said excitedly: "If China doesn't agree to our On the condition that you come back to the beautiful country with us!”


As soon as he finished speaking, a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared in Lin Mo's palm, and the cold sword light slashed out from a distance of more than ten meters!

The terrifying power of energy and blood shook the surrounding air, which was constantly shattering!

Benjamin's expression changed. He didn't expect that Lin Mo wouldn't even defend himself and would just take action!

And it’s a killer move right from the start!

"Lin Mo! What are you doing!" Benjamin yelled, raising his hand to resist.

But Lin Mo's mental power had spread overwhelmingly, covering several beautiful Chinese people.

While entering it, Lin Mo initially tried to use the methods in the Huangdi Neijing.


The roar resounded, and the Five Beast Fist was used in the spiritual world, and its power was doubled!

The huge five-headed ferocious beast stands tall against the sky and the earth. Among them, the silver dragon is entrenched between the sky and the earth. Its whole body is shining with silver light. The power of the dragon ripples, and many people can't breathe!


A loud noise exploded in the spiritual world, and Benjamin only had time to scream before he was directly swallowed by the silver dragon!

As for the other people in Lin Mo's spiritual world, they were no match at all. After a devastating attack, these people fell directly to the ground.

When Lin Mo's spiritual realm dissipated, everyone in the beautiful country lost their life and lay there one by one.

Lin Mo stood alone in front of the corpses, his expression calm. He did not put away the three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand, but turned around to look at the others.

Everyone in China was stunned, because although the strength of these people from the United States was not at the level of Martial Emperor, they were all above the eighth level of Martial Emperor.

But Lin Mo killed so many people in one breath as if he was chopping melons and vegetables!

The face of the Tang family elder changed again and again, and finally he stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Lin Mo, dare you kill them?"

"Why can't I kill them?" Lin Mo chuckled: "They slandered me and provoked the relationship between me and China. I killed them to prove my innocence and use it to make a break with the United States. What's wrong?

It's Elder Tang who feels that I killed a few people from the United States, just like his father died. Something is wrong!"

"You fart!" The face of the Tang family elder sank. He didn't expect Lin Mo to directly take the blame back. He quickly said in a stern voice: "I'm just worried that your actions will bring trouble to China!

Several people from the United States died in China. Do you know what this means?"

"They are all going to fight here, and you don't dare to fight back. Is your Tang family really a family of inheritance?" Lin Mo responded in the same unceremonious manner.

"You're right. These people dare to be so arrogant here. Just kill them!" Li Fengchun shouted: "If the Tang family is used to comfort, why not give up the position of the inheritance family, and our Li family can take over!"

"You bastard!" The elder of the Tang family pointed at Li Fengchun and cursed: "If your grandfather knew that you talked to me like this..."

"What's wrong with me talking to you like this? My grandfather said that he fully supports me. If you don't accept it, I will call my grandfather now and let him scold you directly?"

The elder of the Tang family didn't expect that Li Fengchun was even tougher than Lin Mo, and he was going to call someone to confront him directly.

"The pillar of the country, please make a conclusion!" The elder of the Tang family simply turned around and looked at the pillars of the nine countries: "Lin Mo's killing can be explained in two ways:

First, Lin Mo and the United States are in collusion, otherwise they would not risk offending China to do such a thing!

Second, Lin Mo killed people, it is obvious that he has something to hide!

I suggest that all honors on Lin Mo be revoked, and the military leader should take the lead and conduct a direct investigation. If it is found that he has colluded with the United States, he should be killed directly to set an example!

Tell everyone that China will not protect geniuses!"

"I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such a shameless person!" Lin Mo chuckled, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife and stepping forward.

The mental power behind him was like a substance, condensing into the shadows of five fierce beasts.

The roar of dragons, tigers, phoenixes, and wolves... resounded at the same time at this moment.

"What are you going to do?" The elder of the Tang family has already stepped half a foot into the realm of the Martial Emperor, but facing Lin Mo, he is extremely guilty and feels that he is not Lin Mo's opponent!

"Kill you!"

Two simple words, and after the voice fell, he started to act directly!

The pupils of the Tang family elder suddenly shrank. He didn't expect Lin Mo to attack him in front of the nine pillars of the country!

The nine pillars of the country looked at this scene, and when some of them wanted to take action, they suddenly trembled all over!

It seemed that there was a gaze looking at him!

The nine pillars of the country silently looked in a certain direction, where there was a vague figure.

The Lord of the Army...

After seeing the figure of the Lord of the Army again, the nine pillars of the country closed their mouths at the same time and stood there honestly.

The battle with the Tang family elder ended just as quickly.

After the mental power retreated, Lin Mo's three-pointed two-edged sword had already been inserted into his chest.

Behind the elder, the three young strong men of the Tang family just stood there, looking at Lin Mo, their faces pale, and no one dared to step forward!

"Tang family...tsk tsk!" Lin Mo shook his head and pulled out the three-pointed two-edged sword.

Blood splattered on the ground, and the elder also lay directly on the ground.


Lin Mo's mental power crushed out again and fell on the three Tang family's strong men.

More than 700,000 points of mental power covered, and the three young strong men could not bear it at all.

They just felt that their heads were about to explode. Such pain exceeded the limit they could bear!

"Do these people have any relationship with the Tang family!" Lin Mo asked in a deep voice.


The three young strong men struggled to speak.

"I can kill a great elder, so I can kill you too!" Lin Mo said coldly: "Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish!"

After that, he was about to use his mental power to completely destroy the spiritual platforms of several of them.

Feeling Lin Mo's murderous intention, the three young men trembled all over.

"I... I don't know if it has anything to do with us, but Benjamin knows the elder!

Before coming here, the elder had met him!"

"The elder gave Benjamin a copy of the Tang family's martial arts!"

"The elder..."

The three young warriors rushed to speak, and told everything they knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Lin Mo listened quietly, his expression calm.

But these words fell into the ears of others, but they were like thunderbolts!

The elder of the Tang family has a high status in the Tang family, but he actually colluded with the United States!

So this so-called inherited family, the Tang family... is it still worthy of this title?

The pillars of the nine nations looked grim. After a long pause, they looked in the direction of the Lord of Arms.

At this moment, the Lord of Arms had disappeared.

The pillars of the nine nations sighed and said, "Bring your bodies with you. Everyone, follow me to the Tang family!"

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