"You are just lucky. Otherwise, you would be a corpse now!" Diana's face was cold and she spoke slowly.

Vina's expression was normal. She stepped forward and whispered, "You should know very well that if I had told you my identity at the beginning, based on what you did before, these two guards should have attacked you directly when they appeared now!

It's hard to say who will be the corpse by then!"

At this point, Vina suddenly showed a faint smile on her face, but such a smile looked like a mockery no matter who saw it.

Diana's expression was cold and she wanted to kill Vina directly, but at this time, this idea was not realistic at all.

The strength of the two guards far exceeded hers. If they attacked, she would definitely die!

Diana's expression changed, and finally she snorted coldly and didn't want to speak.

Vina and her had been fighting for the flower room for so long, and now it seems that Vina is slightly better in the end.

"Diana, don't worry, I will help you win the glory you need little by little!

Some people have it now, but it doesn't mean they will always have it in the future. This world is changing!

The Eye of Zeus is not as simple as we think. If you really enter it, life and death are not up to you!"

A voice sounded, and a figure slowly emerged from the purple thunder entrance not far away.

"George!" Vina said with a serious look, and looked at Diana at the same time: "Did the president give him special approval to enter?"

Diana smiled and nodded slowly: "It seems that you are also concerned about me!

You are right. I did not apply for the qualification to enter the Eye of Zeus, so the reason why George was able to enter the Eye of Zeus was entirely because the president gave special approval!

You should know what this means, right?"

Vina also showed an inexplicable look on her face, but in the end she said nothing.

She slowly stepped back two steps, stood beside Lin Mo, and said in a deep voice: "Lin Mo, George is in the Eye of Zeus, I advise you to give up this trial of the Eye of Zeus!"

"Why? I don't know when I will come to the United States next time, I don't want to give up this opportunity!" Lin Mo shook his head decisively: "Is George very powerful? What power in the Eye of Zeus is the decisive factor?"

"George's strength is very strong. He has reached the peak of the eighth-grade martial emperor realm. The most important thing is that he is also a mind master!" Vina said in a deep voice: "So far, no one knows what spiritual realm he is in now!"

Lin Mo thought about it, smiled and nodded: "I know, don't worry, there will be no problem, such a good opportunity, I don't want to give up!"

Vina looked at Lin Mo's firm eyes, finally nodded, and sighed softly: "Since you have made a decision, then I will never do anything to stop you!

Lin Mo, I hope you can give me a surprise!"

Lin Mo nodded, then frowned at the Eye of Zeus in front of him.

"You are so arrogant, wait for George to make a move inside and kill you!" Diana sneered and said, her voice was extremely cold, and her eyes were full of mockery.

But Lin Mo's expression did not change from beginning to end. He took a step forward and stood at the entrance of the Eye of Zeus.

George's face stared at Lin Mo, his eyes were full of murderous intent: "You are Lin Mo, I will kill you..."


Before he finished speaking, Lin Mo raised his hand and slapped George's phantom.

So, George screamed, and his whole body became ethereal.

Seeing George's figure finally dissipate at the entrance of the abyss, Lin Mo chuckled and jumped directly into the abyss.


The moment he entered the abyss, Lin Mo felt like he had entered a sea of ​​thunder. All he could hear was the roar of thunder. Such a sound was like the creation of the world. Thunder that was hundreds of feet long fell directly from the sky, leaving traces of charring everywhere. Even a trace of illusion appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes. It was the scene at the entrance of the abyss.

A majestic figure stood between the stars, holding a lightning-shaped spear in his hand, and threw it fiercely at the distant void!

The lightning spear burst out and entered the void, followed by a shocking roar that resounded throughout the blue planet!

The beast in the void was directly shattered!

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: This old man is so strong that he can manipulate the power of thunder and kill a monster directly!

He stared at the old man's shadow, and finally understood that the shadow in front of him was most likely the legendary Zeus!

"This is the male god with the widest hunting range in the universe.

He transformed into various beasts and poultry, just to satisfy his desires, and thus created various demigods.

Now, you are finally in my hands!"

Lin Mo looked at the scene in front of him and spoke slowly.

"Everything is illusory after all. If you want to attack us, you must find out whether we are real or fake!"

A voice sounded, and the clouds in the distance actually gathered together, forming an indescribable phantom.

Lin Mo looked at the phantom in front of him, without any fear on his face, and the Thunder Breathing Method was directly activated, and then the whole person ran wildly!

Outside world!

"How is Lin Mo?" Vina looked at the hazy entrance to the abyss in front of her, with a worried look on her face.

At the same time, she looked at the two guards: "Can you two help me show Lin Mo's current location? I want to see what's going on with him now!"

Facing Vina's request, the two guards nodded.

Then they stepped forward and slowly stretched out their hands. The blood and qi of the two began to surge, and then began to reorganize in just a few seconds.

A huge screen appeared in front of everyone.

The first person to appear on the screen was a young man with yellow hair. He was at least two meters tall, and his blue pupils were full of coldness at the moment.

"George! It's George! He's in such a good condition now!" Diana said with a smile.

The young man was naturally George. In the endless thunder of the Eye of Zeus, he was not affected at all and remained intact. This made Diana extremely excited. She couldn't help but shouting: "The thunder in the Eye of Zeus can destroy all martial artists below the Emperor Realm. Even if your physical strength is lower than the Martial Emperor Realm, entering it is a dead end!

Do some people really think that they are very strong and can ignore the rules and enter the abyss without authorization?"

"I don't believe that Lin Mo will get into trouble. I want to see where Lin Mo is now!" Vina said loudly, with an incredible look on her face.

The two guards sighed and said, "Miss Vina, we just explored the living creatures in the Eye of Zeus. In the end, only the two of them were shown, so..."

Neither of them continued to speak, but the meaning in their voices was already very clear!

Lin Mo didn't make it. The moment he entered the abyss, he died!

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