Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 415: Kill the White Elephant Instantly

"Ah! Let me go!"

The young man punched Wang Cai in the stomach one after another. His whole body bulged due to the force, and his eyes became bulging due to the tremendous pain.


Blood spurted out from the corners of his mouth, but his teeth were still biting the white elephant man's neck.

At the beginning, the man from Baixiang Kingdom was still roaring, but soon, he felt fear, because the mouth still did not relax, and he could feel his blood flowing, as if he could feel his own vitality. Like flowing.

As death approached, his fists slowed down a lot, and even their strength became lighter.

Gradually, a look of fear appeared on the man's face, and his fists no longer moved. Instead, he continued to struggle, trying to break free from Wang Cai's mouth.

But it was useless. Those teeth bit him tightly. The more he struggled, the more unbearable the pain of tearing was.

Moreover, as the intensity of the struggle increased, the wounds became more torn, more blood spurted out, and the scene was bloody and violent.

"Admit defeat...I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

Finally the young man roared loudly: "Let me go, I have already given up, you won! Madman! You madman!"

"Let me go quickly, people will die! I beg you!"

The man's voice changed from complaining to panic, and finally to pleading.

"In the first game, China wins!" After someone announced the result of the game, Lin Mo dodged and rushed onto the stage and hugged the person down.

Wang Cai's chest had been deformed, and his ribs had been shattered into pieces. The most important thing was that the punch after punch directly shattered Wang Cai's spiritual sea.

"I won!" Wang Cai chuckled: "I didn't embarrass China!"

"No, you are good! All of us think you are good!" Lin Mo's eyes were slightly red and he finally said this.

Zhou Lu and others gathered around, with worried looks on their faces.

"What the hell, why are you trying to be strong? You only have so little strength. Wouldn't it be better if we just admit defeat earlier? We are fine now. So what if we win? We are still like this! All our strength is gone. , Aren’t you going to be useless in the future? Don’t expect us brothers to take care of you!”

He said harsh words, but tears were already flowing down his face.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and felt a little emotional in his heart. Their team was actually formed temporarily, but who would have thought that at this time, they would get together because of their faith.

"Let me do the next game!" Another person behind Zhou Lu said.

His name is Liu Mi, and his strength has reached the peak level of the Sixth-Rank Martial Emperor. He is considered a good strength. The most important thing is that his combat effectiveness is also very strong.

"Liu Mi, if it doesn't work, just admit defeat and don't be like Wang Cai!" Lin Mo looked at Liu Mi and spoke loudly.

Liu Mi chuckled, but did not agree.

Lin Mo could only sigh in his heart. In this situation, it would be even worse for them to admit defeat than to kill them.

If there was nothing he could do in the end, Lin Mo was already prepared to yell and surrender.

The battle started, and on the Baixiang Kingdom's side, the person who made the arrangement this time turned out to be a woman. However, this woman was dressed simply and stood almost naked in front of Liu Mi.

When the battle started, Liu Mi took action and exploded, but he showed no mercy because the latter was a woman.

Because Baixiang Kingdom had lost a game before, this time it directly sent stronger people to fight. The consequence of this was that his attack was controlled in a short period of time.

This woman is tall and looks like a man, and like the previous man, she has infinite power.

Liu Mi accidentally caught the flaw and punched out.

What followed was a series of fist and kick attacks, which made Liu Mi dizzy.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Baixiang Kingdom had smiles on their faces, and the woman struck harder, her fists falling like raindrops.

Liu Mi had a determined look on his face. He wanted to be like Wang Cai, but because the other person was a woman, he had to give up.

"We admit defeat!" Lin Mo looked at this scene and finally spoke loudly.

Rather than letting Liu Mi be beaten to death, it would be better to admit defeat directly. In this way, at least some strength can be retained.

After the game ended, Zhou Lu chose to play third.

This time, Zhou Lu absorbed his previous experience and struck with thunderous speed, directly beating his opponent without any ability to fight back.

So what if he holds terrifying power, it is still not enough in the face of absolute strength.

"As long as we win one more round, we will win!" Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo with an expectant look on his face: "If you fight with these people, you must try to use the fastest attack method. With their strength advantage Win directly before you even show it!”

"I understand!" Lin Mo nodded, stepped onto the stage step by step, and looked at Amir in the audience.

Sensing Lin Mo's gaze, Amir's eyes flickered, and finally he sneered and said: "Since you want to fight me, then I will help you!

Let you see what the real power of the Elephant God is! "

Saying this, Amir had already stepped onto the ring.

"Colossus runs wild!"

As soon as he got on the stage, Amir attacked directly.

He ran wildly, and his entire body expanded several times in the process of running wildly, looking like a giant elephant!

The most important thing is that his speed is extremely terrifying, and a shadow is formed in a short moment.

With such a speed and Amir's size, if he really hits Lin Mo, it is estimated that he can be smashed into pieces in an instant.

Ghost Shadow!

Facing such a blow, the best way is naturally to ghost.

Lin Mo's figure disappeared from the original place in a few flashes.

Five Beast Fist!

When he appeared again, Lin Mo's Five Beast Fist had already blasted out.

At the same time, the roar of the white elephant sounded, and a huge elephant trunk constructed by the power of blood and qi was thrown out at once.

The terrible speed directly brought the sound of breaking wind, making the surrounding air begin to explode.

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and there was a flash of light between them. That was the enhanced brilliance of Jiuzhou Order. Lin Mo's blood and qi power surged instantly.


It was still the plain Five Beast Fist, but this time, it was blasted with the domineering and destructive power of a calamity.

In just a moment, the trunk was torn apart.

Lin Mo did not stop at all, and his fists fell like a storm.

"Didn't you say you like to use fists? Keep using them! I want to see what your so-called powerful force is!"

Lin Mo roared, and the dragon roar resounded through the world at the same time. Among the Five Beast Fists, the dragon fist was the one that Lin Mo mastered the most proficiently. At this moment, the dragon roars seemed to break through the world!

Amir's face showed a look of fear, because the power displayed by Lin Mo had exceeded his cognition, and he felt that he was not Lin Mo's opponent at all.

"The power of the elephant god!"

"Lin Mo, you forced me to do this!"

A roar of a giant elephant sounded, and then Amir's face began to change.

The trunk, ears and face of an elephant appeared directly in front of Lin Mo, and behind him there was a giant elephant body that was completely constructed by the power of qi and blood.

This body was ten feet tall, and a pair of eyes were staring at Lin Mo.

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, Lin Mo felt uncomfortable all over.


The air trembled, and the giant elephant slowly raised its front hoof and pressed down towards Lin Mo's head.

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and a flash of light flashed in his hand. The three-pointed double-edged knife was already in his hand, and then he roared and rushed forward.

Lin Mo's speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye he pointed the tip of the gun at the foot.

With a scream, the shadow of the white elephant disappeared.

And Lin Mo had already covered several positive gains and rushed towards the elephant god.


Lin Mo's attack can be said to be merciless, and his fist as big as a casserole smashed down directly.

Amir's face was originally very handsome, but under Lin Mo's fist, it quickly changed shape, and was finally beaten black and blue.

"Are you admitting defeat?" Lin Mo looked at Amir mockingly and asked.

"Give up? How could our White Elephant God Clan be as lowly as you..."


Amir had no chance to say the rest of the words, because Lin Mo had already kicked him out, kicking Amir directly into the air.

"Since you don't want to give up, there's no need for me to hold back!"

Lin Mo said, and he was even more unscrupulous when he attacked.

At the beginning, Lin Mo had not tried to use his mental power, but now, there was nothing to say, and the mental power directly enveloped him.

The moment he was enveloped by the mental power, Amir's body trembled, and for a short moment, he lost his specific judgment of Lin Mo.

Although he quickly woke up, he knew very well in his heart that he was no match for Lin Mo.

"Kill!" A roar resounded, and Amir rushed directly towards Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo seemed to have calculated these things long ago, and the mental realm seemed to have been waiting for a long time and directly enveloped him.

Amir fell on his back!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Lu and others cheered immediately. At least Lin Mo and his team won the ring match in the end.

The most important thing is that with Lin Mo, even if they are injured, they can recover in a very short time.

"Lin Mo is great!"

"Boss is awesome!"

"Boss, I love you!"

Several people looked at Lin Mo with respect on their faces.

Amir's strength is unquestionable, but Lin Mo defeated him in the most traditional way.

"The second round of draws is about to begin!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and Lin Mo also stood up and walked towards the draw.

He also wanted to know who would be the opponent of the second ring match?

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