Both women have learned a lot about Gengjin Qi. In other words, their talents are actually higher than those of Zhou Lu and others.

Now that Gengjin Qi is manifesting, after the two of them merged their own energy and blood with Gengjin Qi, their murderous intentions were immediately covered!

The expressions of Zhou Lu and others changed drastically. Facing such an attack, they felt that they were no match at all!

"Do it! Stop them!" Zhou Lu yelled and rushed forward.


The light of the sword flashed, and Muying used Gengjin energy to strengthen his weapon, further improving the properties of the weapon, and slashed one of them in one fell swoop.

Blood spattered, and the man's arm was cut off directly. He flew backwards and screamed.

As the battle began, many people behind Zhou Lu were seriously injured and fell to the ground screaming.

"Lin Mo is mine, you can't do anything to him!"

Seeing that Zhou Lu and others were already dying, Li Fengchun could only grit his teeth and stand up: "You can give up your position as the team leader, but you can't attack him!"

"Li Fengchun, right? Just stand aside and don't get involved in this matter, okay?" Chu Xiong's faint voice sounded, and his eyes fell on Li Fengchun.

Li Fengchun's expression changed slightly. Feeling this terrifying pressure, he already had the intention to retreat.

"Chu Xiong, I know you are very powerful, but Lin Mo did not do anything out of the ordinary from beginning to end. The people who died in the temple were all because of you. You are going too far now by asking him to give up his position as the team leader. , but also hurting his life, isn’t it a bit too cruel!”

Several thoughts flashed through Li Fengchun's mind, but he finally gritted his teeth and stood up.

At this moment, Zhou Lu screamed, his whole chest was pierced, and he was kicked out at the same time.

Muying sneered, now only Lin Mo was left sitting there, no one could stop them anymore!

"See, your presence has caused trouble to many people, so you might as well die!" Mu Ying said lightly, and stabbed Lin Mo's neck with the dagger in his hand!

"Lin Mo!" Li Fengchun's face changed slightly and he raised his hand to stop him.

"I said, Lin Mo is dead!" Chu Xiong also took action directly to block Li Fengchun's methods. At the same time, Gengjin Qi exploded, cutting the latter's body directly open, and blood continued to flow from the wound.

Li Fengchun stood there, dressed in blood, looking as if he had stepped out of a pile of dead people!

At this time, Muying's sword is unstoppable!

In their opinion, Lin Mo must die!

"Lin Mo!"

Someone shouted loudly, trying to wake Lin Mo up.

But it was no use, Lin Mo just sat there cross-legged, not waking up at all.

A smile appeared on Mu Ying's face, as if she saw Lin Mo's miserable appearance after being pierced by her sword, and as if she saw herself becoming the number one member of the new generation of the Mu family after returning to the Mu family.


At this moment, a crisp voice sounded.

The sword that Muying had thrust out was directly clamped between two fingers.

The smile on Muying's face froze immediately, and then she showed a look of horror.

Lin Mo's eyes were still closed, but he stretched out two fingers and clamped the dagger that was thrust towards him!


The crisp sound sounded again, and the two fingers exerted slight force, and the dagger that was originally filled with Gengjin Qi was broken directly!

This force caused the dagger to deflect, and it stabbed naturally against Lin Mo's body without hurting Lin Mo at all.

But there were still screams.

Muying had a horrified look on her face and let out a scream.

There was a broken dagger head stuck in her heart. Although it was only nine inches long, it was enough to kill her!


Muying fell directly to the ground, and her vitality disappeared instantly.

When the other woman saw this scene, a cold look appeared on her face, and she shouted coldly and came over from behind Lin Mo to kill him!

There were finger tigers on her hands, surrounded by Gengjin energy, which made the spikes on the finger tigers sharper. When she waved them in the air, it seemed that she could hear the roar of the tiger.


The woman punched Lin Mo in the back of the heart. If such a punch really hit the body, a huge wound would be left on the entire back of the heart, and the concussive force would definitely break the heart. !


There was a trembling sound in the air, and a token appeared in Lin Mo's back.

The flashing token glowed, blocking such a terrifying blow.


Then the token flew out directly, as fast as lightning, directly piercing the woman's forehead!

The woman still maintained her forward posture, and then threw herself into the street!

In an instant, both women died beside Lin Mo.

Zhou Lu and others looked at Lin Mo with excitement in their eyes.

"so amazing!"

"Lin Mo is invincible!"

These people were cheering in their hearts and felt that their persistence was right.

"Hmph, what are you pretending to be in front of me? Do you think you are powerful with your eyes closed?" Chu Xiong said coldly, and then suddenly took action, causing Li Fengchun to retreat several feet, and finally half-knelt on the ground.

Chu Xiong's strength is too strong. He has reached the eighth-grade martial emperor realm. Li Fengchun is no match for him now.

Seeing Chu Xiong walking towards Lin Mo step by step, Li Fengchun struggled for a few times, but finally gave up.

"Lin Mo's strength is stronger than mine. If he can't stop him, it's useless even if I take action!" After thinking this through, Li Fengchun simply sat cross-legged on the ground and began to recover from his injuries.

He had already thought about it. If Lin Mo really died here, he would find a way to go back directly. As for the United States, it would be better not to go.

If someone like Chu Xiong led the team, it would definitely be a disaster, at least for Li Fengchun, it would be a disaster!

When he made up his mind, he separated a ray of mental power and fell on the battle between Lin Mo and Chu Xiong.


With the sound of breaking wind, Chu Xiong directly condensed several short blades with the energy of Gengjin and shot them towards Lin Mo's heart!


Lin Mo suddenly opened his eyes, and the Jiuzhou Order that had flown out was suspended in front of him again, and began to spin rapidly.

The sound of ding-dong continued, and the short blade was directly knocked away by Lin Mo.

At the same time, Lin Mo slowly stood up, glanced at Zhou Lu and others around him, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Did you send people to do these people?" Lin Mo looked at Chu Xiong and asked lightly.

"My people did it, do you want revenge?" Chu Xiong said lightly, without any fear of Lin Mo.

"Want to try!" Lin Mo chuckled, and the light of the Jiuzhou Order kept flashing, part of it fell on Chu Xiong, and part of it fell on Lin Mo.

At this time, Lin Mo's momentum began to rise, while Chu Xiong's momentum was rapidly reduced.

"It's interesting to weaken my strength and then increase myself. I like this Jiuzhou Order very much. When you die, I will keep it well!" Chu Xiong said coldly.

Then he rushed towards Lin Mo.

Buzz! The spiritual realm!

Lin Mo directly opened the spiritual realm and covered it in advance!

In a short moment, Chu Xiong's speed slowed down a lot.

"Spiritual attacks are not very useful to me!" Chu Xiong sneered, and there was a ball of light flashing at his brow. It turned out to be a green insect, only the size of a thumb, but it exuded a strong spiritual breath.

Like the spiritual seed, it can provide spiritual power?

Lin Mo looked at the little insect in front of him, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"No, it's more magical than the spiritual seed. It can be directly superimposed with Chu Xiong's own spiritual power!"

Lin Mo immediately understood the advantages of this insect.

"After you die, this insect will belong to me!" Lin Mo also spoke directly.


The two of them directly bombarded each other. Chu Xiong, who had mastered the Gengjin Qi, made a sharp move. Every method had a cutting effect. Many wounds began to appear on Lin Mo's body, and blood kept flowing out.

But Lin Mo was not panicked at all, because such a wound was actually not a big problem, and Lin Mo's current self-healing ability could recover quickly.

Lin Mo's face was cold, and he kept attacking.

It must be said that Chu Xiong was indeed very strong, and he crushed Lin Mo in terms of realm, but under the effect of Jiuzhou Order, Lin Mo narrowed the gap a lot!

The Five Beast Fist was constantly blasted out, and in Lin Mo's hand, the three-pointed two-edged sword could be long or short, and he used it to perfection.

Silver Dragon Spear Technique!

Lin Mo finally tried to use this spear technique, and finally he really performed it.

Canglong roared and rushed out, and Chu Xiong's face became much more serious, and he went all out to meet such a terrifying blow.

The Gengjin Qi was indeed very powerful, but it was still not enough to face Canglong.

"Chu Feng!"

Chu Xiong spoke coldly, and actually performed a martial art.

As his voice fell, a strong wind formed around his body. These strong winds were completely condensed by the power of blood and qi. The terrifying breath flowed and contained the energy of Gengjin!

This is equivalent to placing countless blades in a tornado, sharp and terrifying, just like a meat grinder.

Lin Mo sneered, waved his fists, still using the Five Beast Fist, and killed with all his strength!

"The energy of Gengjin is just an ability mastered by a small character under Xuanwu. In your hands, it is treated as a treasure!" Lin Mo sneered.

After accepting the inheritance of Xuanwu, the energy of Gengjin could not pose a threat to him at all, even...

Lin Mo punched out, and the energy of Gengjin disappeared instantly!

"I have mastered the real inheritance of Xuanwu, so the little guy in the temple can only be regarded as my little brother. How can the power of the existence controlled by me pose any threat to me?"

Lin Mo sneered, and at the same time, the three-pointed two-edged sword swung.

The Gengjin Qi was actually controlled by Lin Mo to attach to the tip of the knife. In a short moment, the sharpness of the three-pointed double-edged knife became even more terrifying!

"Come on, let's see who is stronger!" Lin Mo shouted coldly, and directly slashed the weapon in his hand at the tornado!

With a tearing sound, the tornado dissipated directly!

And the terrifying Gengjin Qi, driven by the three-pointed double-edged knife, continued to spread out!


A muffled sound came, and Chu Xiong's body suddenly stood there, his eyes widened, looking at Lin Mo.

Soon, a line of blood appeared on his forehead, and then spread downwards little by little.

Finally, Chu Xiong's body was directly split in half from the middle!

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