Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 400 Revenge! The Kong family was demolished

"Grandpa, Lin Mo...Lin Mo, he..."

After Li Yan sent Lin Mo to Kong's house, she directly increased her speed to the extreme and returned to Li's house.

"What's wrong with Lin Mo? Are you unwilling to ride in your car again?" Li Zong looked indifferent, with a high-quality purple clay pot in front of him.

This teapot is his favorite, and he uses high-quality Dahongpao to maintain it every day. Even if he only adds boiling water, the tea poured out has a strong tea aroma.

At this moment, he was squinting his eyes, picking up the tea cup in front of him, and savoring it carefully.

The other hand is rubbing the purple clay pot, trying to make the pulp form on it.

"He got into my car, but he ran into trouble on the road. Someone wanted to kill us!" Li Yan gasped.


Li Zong drank the tea in the cup directly, looked at his granddaughter, and said with a smile: "What do I think it is? It's not a big problem. The fact that you can stand in front of me now proves that they can't kill Lin Mo." !

This guy actually has some conscience and asked you to come back and report the news, and he will stop there.

Tell grandpa where Lin Mo is now and I will save him! "

He took some time to straighten his collar, then brought the teapot to his mouth and took a sip.


"After Lin Mo killed those who attacked us, he asked me to send him to the Kong family. Now he is probably..."


The precious purple clay pot fell to the ground and shattered instantly.

Li Zong's face immediately became extremely shocked.

"Why did this unfortunate thing end up at the Kong family?"

"You girl are just messing around. If he wants to go, you just send him off?"

"Although the Kong family in Beijing is not the main family, it is not weak at all. If this kid dies there, some people will be unhappy!"

Li Zong didn't even look at the purple clay pot on the ground, but took two steps back and forth in the room, and then made up his mind.

"No, I'm going to Kong's house now! As long as this kid is still alive, I must save him!

You go and send a message to a few elders and tell them where I am. As for whether they are willing to rescue me, it is up to them to decide for themselves! "

After saying that, he hurried out of the door and headed towards the direction of the Kong family.

On the other side, Lin Mo stood at the gate of Kong's house, thinking silently.

When he came here before, he prepared gifts for the Kong family, and the heads of the two people who attacked him were in the storage space.

To be honest, Lin Mo still doesn't know what the reputation of the Kong family is here, and is worried that innocent people will be hurt if he takes action later.

But now, Lin Mo didn't hesitate much.

Because he just asked a few families around him and finally proved one thing. The branch of the Kong family in the capital may be broken to the core from top to bottom.

Teenagers even dared to commit murder in the street. Because with the support of the Kong family, nothing happened. Instead, the victim's family was forced to move away.

"The way to death!"

Lin Mo let out a long sigh and had already made up his mind. Since the commander of the army had given him instructions, he had to make some achievements early to show him!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo took out the two heads from the storage space, carried them one on the left and the other with his hands, and walked swaggering towards the direction of the Kong family.

The two guards guarding the gate of Kong's house had already noticed Lin Mo when he first appeared.

When he saw Lin Mo asking his neighbors about the reputation of the Kong family, he sneered in his heart and prepared to give some trouble to those neighbors who were talking nonsense later.

As for Lin Mo, since he dared to blatantly investigate the Kong family, they naturally wanted to give him some color.

But before they had time to take action, Lin Mo walked towards the door of the Kong family again.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo is still holding two heads in his hand.

Moreover, these two old bags are still acquaintances to the two guards!

The two direct descendants of the Kong family are very active in the Kong family on weekdays, and they can be regarded as mischievous on this street and have done a lot of bad things.

But that's a member of the Kong family, so what if he did something bad?

Someone dares to kill them now? !

"Do it!" The two guards looked at Lin Mo, roared without hesitation, and rushed towards Lin Mo.

These two people are both at the level of martial saints. As guards, they have really high standards.

But in front of Lin Mo, such strength is really not enough.


Lin Mo waved his fist, and the two dragons went out to sea. The two figures flew out like cannonballs and hit the door of Kong's house heavily.

The concussive force shattered the door together with the Kong family's plaque.

The movement here directly aroused the attention of many people around. Some people looked at Lin Mo with admiration on their faces.

But footsteps sounded, and the Kong family had already heard the sounds outside, and they were rushing out in groups.

Hearing the footsteps, the faces of the neighbors changed drastically. Some even pulled Lin Mo's sleeve and whispered: "Young man, run quickly, you won't be able to run if it's too late!"

Lin Mo shook his head, and the person who spoke immediately turned around and ran towards the distant room.

Many of the remaining people were also hiding in the room, looking in Lin Mo's direction through the windows with regretful looks on their faces.

"Did you kill Lao Wu and Lao Qi?" A middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo and said calmly.

"Don't you ask me why I killed them?" Lin Mo said lightly.

"What are you asking? You're going to die anyway! Asking one more question will only waste time!" The middle-aged man said calmly, then looked at the group of people behind him: "After killing, hang the body at the door, make a high pole, so that everyone can see it!"

Hanging the body after killing is a means of deterring the enemy that only existed in ancient times. In civilized society, such means have been banned.

But the Kong family calls themselves Confucianists, and they still want to do this!

Lin Mo's eyes were cold. If it was hearsay before, now it is really a way to die!

With a slight movement of his mind, a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared in his hand.

With a buzz, the Jiuzhou Order also hung above Lin Mo's head.

Ripples flashed, Lin Mo's mental power continued to gather, and the three-pointed two-edged sword began to emit terrifying power.

"Kill!" In the direction where the Kong family was, a group of people roared and rushed towards Lin Mo.


The three-pointed double-edged sword slashed, and an unparalleled sword light flashed and shot out.

The flame and frost merged together in a very harmonious way. After the white and red flames merged, they became a very special golden color!

Extreme coldness and extreme heat!

The sword light instantly exploded in the crowd. Frost first appeared on everyone's body, and then the flames swept over, making the frost disappear while the people stained with the flames turned into ashes!

When everything calmed down, there were more than a dozen piles of ashes in front of Lin Mo, which were blown away by the strong wind.

Lin Mo still held the three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand and looked at them coldly: "Just a few of you are not enough for me to kill!

If the Kong family now has only your little power, then starting today, the Kong family in Beijing will perish!"

Lin Mo's tone was flat, not like a threat, but like a statement of fact.

"There are many people who want to destroy the Kong family, but most of them are dead now!"

"Boy, you should know how high the Kong family's position is in China. Even the current military leader is from my Kong family.

Do you think you can destroy the Kong family by yourself?"

Inside the Kong family, some people looked at Lin Mo as if they were looking at a fool.

Lin Mo's expression was extremely calm, but his aura began to rise little by little.

After just a few breaths, Lin Mo's aura had risen to a terrifying level.

After the meridians were widened, the mental power and the power of blood and qi could be superimposed at the same time, achieving a doubling of the output of the power of blood and qi!

At this moment, Lin Mo had already stood up in the air step by step, holding the three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand and slowly raised it.

"The Kong family in the capital has repeatedly attacked me, and I can't stand it anymore. Today, I must destroy the Kong family!"

Lin Mo's voice resounded over the entire Kong family.

"Lin Mo, you dare! Get out of here!"

An old voice resounded, and it was actually a powerful warrior at the level of a martial emperor.

With a loud bang, a hand stretched out from the house that the Kong family extended.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed slightly. After superimposing the Jiuzhou Order, his strength still couldn't take the blow of a powerful warrior at the level of a martial emperor!

"Damn it, is the old Li family reliable or not? Li Yan should go back to inform the old Li...

This woman won't go out to play again."

Lin Mo thought so in his heart, and then suddenly raised his head and looked not far away.

There was another figure flying over there, and he shouted coldly at a long distance, and then attacked.

The same palm slapped down, the blood and qi were surging, and the terrifying sound produced by the collision of the two forces directly caused the houses deep in the Kong family to fall down in pieces.

And, there was a figure flying out there, standing in the air, staring at the distance.

"Li Zong! Do you want to be enemies with my Kong family?" The old man scolded coldly.

"Old man, don't talk so much to me. Your Kong family's bastard attacked my good granddaughter and almost killed her. I will not feel happy if I don't take revenge!"

Li Zong said, but his hands did not stop at all.

Whether it was fists or weapons, he used them skillfully, punching out one after another, and slapping down one palm after another.

The old man responded calmly, but Lin Mo took this opportunity to attack again, and with a knife, most of the Kong family was destroyed!

The remaining houses also became dangerous buildings in an instant.

"Damn it, I will kill you!" The old man looked at the fallen Kong family house, and his eyes were about to spit out flames.

"Your opponent is me!" Li Zong said coldly: "Lin Mo, what do you say today?"

At this point, Li Zong had no way out, so he might as well ask Lin Mo what his plan was.

"What else can you do? Just kill him!" Lin Mo said lightly, his eyes full of coldness.

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