Spiritual Eyes!

Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face. If such a thing really existed, it would indeed be the most suitable thing for him!

"How dare you kill our people!" The two people who appeared later looked at Lin Mo with murderous intent on their faces.

"Do it!"

The other people didn't want to talk nonsense. Lin Mo had already shown his strength when he took action again. They didn't take it seriously at the mere Martial King level!


When the two of them wanted to take action, Lin Mo was faster than them!

Silver light flashed, Lin Mo pulled out the red blood sword from his waist and slashed it forward!

Instant killing sword!

The sword light flashed past like a sword, and the person who wanted to take action first showed a shocked look on his face, and then a line of blood appeared along his forehead, and then spread downwards little by little...


A large amount of blood spurted out, and the man fell directly to the ground!

The face of the remaining man changed drastically, and when he was about to retreat, it was already too late!


The light of the sword lit up, and Lin Mo drew out the Soul-Slaying Sword and slashed it towards the man!

Fear filled the man's heart. He couldn't avoid this knife!

In less than five minutes, the two men fell next to the woman.

The remaining two fourth-grade Martial Saints stared blankly at this scene, with horrified expressions on their faces.

As if Lin Mo hadn't seen them, he walked towards the three corpses, squatted down, and started groping on them.

Not long after, a smile appeared on Lin Mo's face.

On the three of them, he found thirteen high-level Qi and Blood Pills and twenty-one mid-level Qi and Blood Pills!

In addition, Lin Mo also felt a mark on the woman's body.

This mark exists deep in the woman's mind, and as the woman dies, the mark slowly dissipates.

Lin Mo tried to use his mental power to copy the mark, but after trying again and again, the mark continued to dissipate!

"No, this mark can last for five minutes at most..." Lin Mo looked at the other two people: "Where did you get the mark!"

The two hesitated for a moment, but they honestly told the place where the woman got the mark!

Lin Mo estimated the distance. From here to where the mark was found, at Lin Mo's speed, it would take at most three minutes!

Five minutes is enough!

Lin Mo judged the direction, picked up the woman's body and swept away into the distance!

Because he was worried about the mark dissipating, Lin Mo used his maximum speed as soon as he took action!

In less than three minutes, Lin Mo saw a stone wall suddenly appearing in the primeval forest from a distance!

The entire stone wall covers an area of ​​about thirty square meters and is as high as ten meters!

The stone wall is so smooth that it looks like a mirror.

Lin Mo threw the body under the stone wall. After thinking for a while, he punched the woman in the head!

With a pop, his head exploded!

A group of pale golden light slowly rose!

Lin Mo breathed a long sigh of relief. He was still a little worried whether his punch would break up the mark. Fortunately, the mark was strong enough and flew out of his mind!

Seeing the mark flying higher and higher, Lin Mo became more and more nervous.


Just when the mark was about to fly out of the stone wall, the entire stone wall suddenly emitted a light!


The light condensed into a beam and shone towards the mark!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo's eyes flickered. The next moment, as if he had made up his mind, he jumped up suddenly and flew into the air!


The light flickered and shone directly on Lin Mo's eyebrows!

Buzz, for a moment, Lin Mo heard a vast sound, as if countless eminent monks were chanting Buddha's name in his mind!

Feeling this vast power, Lin Mo gathered all his energy and supported it with all his strength!

I have to say that the whole process was very difficult, and the light seemed to tear his mind apart!

Feeling the terrifying power, Lin Mo could only passively accept it and grit his teeth silently and persist!

This feeling is simply extremely uncomfortable!


Just when Lin Mo was receiving the rays of light, two other men appeared at Lin Mo's feet!

They looked up into the sky. When they saw Lin Mo being illuminated by the light, they looked at each other and saw a greedy look in each other's eyes!

I have to say, this is the right time to take action!


One of the figures was the first to take action!

He flashed and came directly in front of Lin Mo, and then punched Lin Mo in the head!

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, he had already expected that the two of them would take action at this time!


The spiritual world!

Lin Mo mobilized his mental power with all his strength and displayed his spiritual martial arts!

The person who took action was suddenly shrouded in the spiritual realm!


As soon as he entered the spiritual world, Lin Mo used his mental power to condense a terrifying giant sword and slashed it towards the man's forehead!

For a moment, the man's face showed a look of horror, and then his mental power began to dissipate like a destructive force!


In the spiritual world, the man's body was cut off directly by Lin Mo's giant sword. At the same time in the real world, the man's eyes suddenly became dull, and his whole person fell from the air and was hit hard. On the ground!

I don’t know whether I will live or die!

When the other person saw this scene and instinctively wanted to leave, he heard a whistle in the air behind him!

The beam of light had disappeared, and Lin Mo slowly descended from the air and stood in front of the man!


He first walked in front of the man whose life or death was unknown, raised his foot and stepped hard!

After a muffled sound, the man's head exploded, and red and white things splashed everywhere!

The other person looked at this scene and trembled all over.

"Brother... Don't be impulsive, everything was the idea of ​​the previous person, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"So, I'll leave now and promise not to say a word about what happened here, how about it?"

The man looked at Lin Mo, thinking frantically in his mind, and finally spoke quickly!

Lin Mo didn't speak, just looked at the man coldly.

The man was trembling all over when he was looked at by Lin Mo. The next moment, he roared and rushed towards Lin Mo regardless of everything!


With a loud bang, Lin Mo directly performed the Five Beast Fist!

A golden dragon appeared behind Lin Mo and met the man's fist!

After a muffled sound, the man's body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily to the ground!

The man's arms were bloody and shattered by the terrifying power of blood and qi!

Just when he wanted to get up, Lin Mo had already appeared in front of him!

"I believe that the dead can keep secrets!"

Lin Mo's voice was cold, as if it came from another world!

The most important thing was that his eyes turned into a weird gray-white!

"You... you... your spirit was taken away?!"

Blood and fragments of internal organs flowed out of the corners of the man's mouth. Looking at Lin Mo, his face showed an ecstatic look!

"Hahaha, if I die, you can't live either!"

The man showed a desperate smile on his face, and after laughing twice, the sound stopped abruptly!

Because Lin Mo had stepped forward and stepped hard on the man's stomach!

In an instant, the place collapsed, and the man was completely killed!

Blood splattered, some of which splashed directly on Lin Mo's face.

A warm feeling came, and Lin Mo's eyes suddenly had a touch of the original consciousness!

"Get out!"

Lin Mo roared with endless pain!

"Hehe, I finally met a body that is a fusion of flesh and spirit. I won't give up so easily!"

Another voice came out of Lin Mo's mouth, with a completely different tone. The voice revealed a weirdness that made people feel cold all over!

"So, the Eye of the Spirit is completely deceptive, right? Its function is to choose a suitable body for you?"

"It's not a lie, after all, I really mastered the Eye of the Spirit... just like now!"

The weird voice and Lin Mo's voice kept alternating, and then the voice fell, and a bloody light began to emit from the center of Lin Mo's eyebrows!

Then, Lin Mo's spirit began to gather towards the center of his eyebrows!

A painful and suppressed voice came out of Lin Mo's mouth!

But at the same time, there was also an extremely excited voice: "Hehe, it's about to open, the eye of the spirit!

Don't you want the eye of the spirit? I'll give it to you now, okay?"

This voice was extremely excited and crazy.

A stream of blood flowed out from Lin Mo's brow, and the countless lights there gradually converged, and finally formed an upright eye!

This eye is completely made up of energy. Lin Mo felt that all his mental power was condensed together!

Forming this pair of eyes!

And in his mind, another mental power began to emerge!

What shocked Lin Mo was that this mental power was even more vast, at least more than twice that of Lin Mo's mental power!

Lin Mo's original mental power had reached 8,000, and more than twice the mental power, that is, almost 20,000!

With such a terrifying mental power, how could Lin Mo be his opponent!

"Hehe, too weak, this body is very strong, but the blood power is too weak..."

Lin Mo's voice sounded again, and then Lin Mo took out all the blood pills from his body and swallowed them directly!

"Although it's just a drop in the bucket, at least the Qi and Blood power can be increased a little!"

The man's voice spoke.

The Qi and Blood Pill entered his mouth, and a force directly pulled the man's mental power into the dream!

The game is loading...

"Loading failed, the soul cannot fit, now start to destroy the invading soul!


The mental energy is too huge, the body can't bear it...Start to seal the mental energy...

The seal is successful, unlocking 10% of the mental power!

The mental power is increasing...

The mental power is successfully increased, and the current mental power is 9999!"

In his mind, such a voice disappeared, and Lin Mo opened his eyes instantly!

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