
Such emotions suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone present!

Some people looked at the people from the Education Association, with evil looks on their faces.

"Hmph, they are all unfamiliar things. Then when Ye Qing was kicked out by the Ye family, if we hadn't taken her in, what would have happened to her?!

It's better now. Does she feel like her wings are stiff? It's time to leave school!

I suggest that the school come forward and issue a killing order directly to her. If they cannot bring her back, then kill her directly! "

Someone from the Education Association spoke, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes!

A group of people looked at this man and couldn't help but frown.

Are you going to be killed just because you don’t want to stay in school?

This is really too much!

"If you don't have any objections, just do what you just said! The school has been very troubled recently, so everyone should be careful!"

Finally, Wang Qiang spoke, finally bringing the matter to an end.

At this moment, the protagonist who caused all this is walking on the road with a bag on his back.

He was in a good mood, so he still had a smile on his face.

"Destroy life with one strike!"

"Instant killing sword!"

Lin Mo recalled these two martial arts, and the smile on his face became stronger.

These two martial arts are very powerful, and the emphasis is on killing people in the shortest time!

In the secret realm, Lin Mo got a sword. Although it was not as good as the sword in his hand, the quality was not bad.

Lin Mo already understood that the name of this sword was Soul-Slaying Sword, which belonged to the ninth level of the Xuan level, and was only a hair away from the Earth level!

"It's a good thing, at least it's not too bad for me!" Lin Mo took out the soul-killing knife behind him, flicked the blade, and a slight trembling sound sounded, and Lin Mo's face suddenly revealed smiled.

"I have the soul of the ice dragon. If I smelt it into this sword, wouldn't it be possible to directly raise the sword to the earth level?" A smile suddenly appeared on Lin Mo's face.

After killing the ice dragon in the dungeon, he got the ice dragon's soul.

It just comes in handy now.

"The Chinese Martial Arts Museum is in Tianjing City. It is said that the best weapon refiners are also there, so they can help smelt the ice dragon soul into it!"

As for the Red Blood Sword, Lin Mo had no intention of smelting the ice dragon soul into it.

Because the Ice Dragon Soul has ice attributes, while the Red Blood Sword has fire attributes, putting these two different attributes together can easily cause problems!

One day later, Lin Mo arrived at Tianjing City. Looking at the tall city gate in front of him, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

After taking a deep breath, he walked directly in.

"Is someone following me?" As soon as he arrived here, Lin Mo's mental power sensed something abnormal.

Not far away, there were three figures following him quietly.

This made Lin Mo have a sneer on his face. Regardless of the purpose of these people following him, Lin Mo already regarded them as enemies in his heart.

He pretended not to notice them and entered Tianjing City silently.

After searching on the Internet, Lin Mo found the top weapon refining place in China.

"Baigongtang!" Lin Mo looked at the introduction on the website with a solemn look on his face: "This Baigongtang has actually refined heaven-level weapons!

This is simply too outrageous! "

"Hiss, the current master of Baigong Hall actually controls a large cauldron, which can improve the quality of the weapons he refines. After refining many weapons, their grades will be improved!"

Lin Mo looked at these introductions, and the look on his face became more serious.

This Baigongtang is so extraordinary.

"The name of the leader of Baigong Hall is Ou Yeneng. He is not very strong, but with his super high talent for refining weapons, not many people in China are willing to offend him!"

"This time, if you want to smelt the ice dragon soul into the soul-killing knife, it's best to ask Ou Ye to take action!"

After reading the above introduction, Lin Mo immediately made up his mind that he would let the master of Baigong Hall smelt his weapon himself!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo headed directly in the direction of Baigong Hall!

Secretly, the people following Lin Mo had gloomy smiles on their faces: "This direction seems to be Baigong Hall. Is he planning to let people from Baigong Hall take action to help him refine weapons?"

"No, we must stop him. If the stone is refined, the master will definitely blame us!"

Several people followed him hurriedly with worried looks on their faces.

They are all wearing black robes, and on their chests, you can see a secret word!

There is no doubt that they are all from the Dark Blood Society!

Whoosh whoosh!

Just when Lin Mo was still some distance away from Baigong Hall, the scenery in front of Lin Mo disappeared quickly.

Lin Mo, who noticed this, stopped slightly and looked around: "After following me for so long, I finally can't bear it anymore. Come out. What's the point of hiding all this time!"

After the words fell, three figures slowly walked out from the darkness in the distance.

They were all shrouded in robes and couldn't see clearly, but they all exuded a terrifying aura.

"Lin Mo, hand over your stone, and also hand over the inheritance you got from the secret realm to me!"

The three of them were very domineering and actually wanted all the benefits Lin Mo could get from the secret realm.

"If I hand it over, will you let me go?" Lin Mo looked at the people in front of him and suddenly spoke.

"Of course, as long as you hand over these things, we promise to give you a way to survive!" One of them looked at Lin Mo's expression and said with a smile.

His voice was kind, and even Lin Mo could imagine the gentle expression on his face when he said these words.

"Well... I am willing to hand over the stone..." Lin Mo seemed to have compromised. He pretended to fumble around on his body for a while, and then took out a piece of cloth wrapped in something.

"The thing is in here. Do you want to take it, or should I send it over?"

Lin Mo raised the thing in his hand to the few people.

None of them spoke, but they all looked at Lin Mo indifferently.

The meaning was already very clear-we want the thing, but you have to deliver it to us in person!

Lin Mo naturally understood what they meant. When he saw that no one responded to him, he walked towards the few people with the thing in his hands.

Looking at Lin Mo's attitude, the few people nodded slightly. At least so far, Lin Mo is very honest and sensible!

It's a pity...

The few people sneered in their hearts. When they got what they wanted, it would be Lin Mo's death!

"Very good, Lin Mo, you are very good, don't worry, leave the things to us, you..."

One of them saw Lin Mo approaching, and the smile on his face became more and more intense. He couldn't help but open his mouth and wanted to say something.


At this moment, something strange happened!

Lin Mo, who was holding the things in his hands, suddenly had a flash of light in his hands, and a red sword appeared in his hands!

As the sword flashed, the man in black felt a hot stream spurting out of his neck.


The sound of the head falling to the ground sounded, and the man was killed directly by Lin Mo!

The remaining two people were about to take action, and Lin Mo suddenly roared at them!

Tiger Roar Impact!

After Lin Mo's strength increased, the power of the Tiger Roar Impact also increased to a terrifying level.

Accompanied by a shattering sound, the remaining two black-clothed men in front of Lin Mo suddenly showed a look of pain on their faces, holding their heads and wailing desperately.


Two muffled sounds came, and Lin Mo cut off the heads of the two men without any hesitation.

At this time, the scenery in front of him changed, and the original city appeared in his vision again.

In front of Lin Mo lay three figures, with no wounds on their bodies. Lin Mo held a sword in his hand, and there was no blood on his sword!

But all three were dead, and Lin Mo was fine!

"A bunch of trash!"

Lin Mo spoke lightly, then turned and walked two steps in the direction of Baigongtang, and stopped again.

He returned to the three bodies, bent down and groped on their bodies.

Soon, Lin Mo took away everything he could take from them.

At the same time, he found a few Dark Blood Society signs. These signs were made of different materials, and they should represent different permissions.

"Maybe one day, I will have a chance to get in!" Lin Mo thought so, and collected all the tokens.

At the same time, Lin Mo also found a lot of Qi and Blood Stones on them. In many cases, Qi and Blood Stones are more useful than cash.

"Five hundred pieces of Qi and Blood Stones, such pure Qi and Blood Power, these stones are worth at least 100 million!"

Lin Mo smiled, all these Qi and Blood Stones should be useful when he arrives at Baigongtang later!

"Hello, welcome to Baigongtang!"

When Lin Mo entered Baigongtang, the two guards spoke with smiles on their faces.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, Baigongtang actually had such an attitude?

Just when Lin Mo was stunned, a figure ran out from the inside of Baigongtang.

"Hello, dear guest, I am your service staff this time, my name is Xiaoqing..."

The person who came was a beautiful woman, she looked at Lin Mo with a sincere smile on her face.

"Hello, I want to ask, Baigongtang, does it not restrict outsiders from entering and leaving?" Lin Mo looked at Xiaoqing and asked the question in his heart.

After hearing what Lin Mo said, Xiao Qing laughed: "Sir, you don't know that although Baigongtang is a force, its main job is to create weapons for martial artists.

As long as you have money, you can create any grade of weapons in Baigongtang!

So, no matter how strong you are, you are our guest once you enter Baigongtang!"

Xiao Qing's smile did not diminish, and she explained to Lin Mo seriously.

After listening, Lin Mo nodded slowly. Baigongtang was indeed very far-sighted to do this.

"I don't know what grade of weapon you want to create this time. You can tell me your ideas and I will give you a quote!"

Xiao Qing smiled and said.

"I want to melt a beast soul into my weapon!" Lin Mo took out the Soul-Slaying Sword: "This is my weapon!"

"Xuan-grade nine!" Xiao Qing just took a look at Lin Mo's weapon, and a look of shock appeared on her face.

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Qing with some surprise. You know, she didn't touch the weapon, but just relied on her eyesight to see the grade of the weapon.

This woman is not simple either!

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