Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 184: Too much bullying!


The dagger trembled slightly, the aftermath of the blood and qi lingered, and the cracks on the ground continued to spread, like a spider web!

The man's face changed slightly, and a solemn look appeared in his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was stronger than he thought!

"Lin Mo, if it weren't for the school as your backer, do you think you would have the opportunity to enter the secret realm?" The man tried to be calm: "Also, you caused a lot of trouble in the mountain city, don't you know?

If it weren't for the school to help you block, do you think you could still be alive?"

"I say it again... Get out of here!" Lin Mo's eyes turned cold, and a blood-red dagger was held in his hand.

Red Blood Sword!

The man took two steps back and was about to speak when a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

"Back off!"

The man was a middle-aged man wearing a black suit and a faint smile on his face.

"I am Xue Ning, the president of the Huaxia Military University Education Association." The man stepped forward and spoke with a smile.

His eyes fell on the dagger and he took a step forward.


The dagger broke directly!

So strong!

Lin Mo's face changed slightly. Xue Ning's strength had at least reached the realm of the fourth-grade martial saint!

"How about a business deal?" Xue Ning walked in, looked at Lin Mo, and smiled faintly.

"Give me the stone you brought out of the secret realm, and I will protect your life." Xue Ning said, and stretched out his right hand to Lin Mo.

"Stone." Lin Mo smiled: "You said it in a high-sounding way, but it's not for the stone?

If the teacher was in school, would you dare to enter this door?"

Xue Ning smiled faintly: "Old principal? We have laid a net, you don't really think the old principal has a chance to come back!"

"What did you say?!" Lin Mo's face sank, and murderous intent spread instantly.

The old principal taught him the way, and now he heard that someone wanted to harm him, how could Lin Mo bear it?

"Young man, be calm!" Xue Ning stood up, and a force of blood and energy pressed towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo frowned, and the sound of thunder sounded in his body, resisting the pressure from Xue Ning.

Xue Ning raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face became more intense.

"It's interesting. The old principal is famous, and his disciples are naturally outstanding..." Xue Ning stepped forward.

Every time he took a step, his momentum became stronger. After seven steps, the blood and qi power of the fourth-grade martial saint covered Lin Mo without reservation!

Lin Mo's face was pale, his whole body was trembling, and the pressure was terrifying, but he did not retreat.

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish!"

The smile on Xue Ning's face disappeared, and when he looked at Lin Mo, the murderous intent in his eyes flashed.

Lin Mo's strength was beyond his imagination! Just a fourth-grade martial king, he could withstand his pressure!

"This time, I have offended him. If his strength becomes stronger in the future, I will definitely be retaliated!

So, this person cannot be left!"

In just a moment, Xue Ning made a choice in his heart!

"Kill!" He uttered the word gently, and then he rushed towards Lin Mo in a flash.

His speed was too fast, and cracks spread on the ground, reaching Lin Mo's feet in an instant!


The moment Xue Ning disappeared, Lin Mo raised his hands and crossed them across his chest to resist.

The moment he made this move, a huge force surged and hit Lin Mo directly!

He flew out like a kite with a broken string, spitting blood in the air!

"Lin Mo!" Ye Qing in the room rushed up desperately, trying to hug Lin Mo!


A mouthful of blood spit out from her mouth, and Ye Qing fell directly to the ground, her face suddenly turned extremely pale.

"Tsk tsk, it's really touching. Is this your girlfriend? I heard that she is researching Qi and Blood Pills in school?

When did a little girl take charge of the research work of Qi and Blood Pills in our great Huaxia Military University?

From now on, the Qi and Blood Pill Research Department will be managed by the Education Association!"

With just one sentence, Ye Qing's hard work in researching for so long was taken away!

Ye Qing looked ugly, but she couldn't say a word.

The smile on Xue Ning's face was full of sarcasm. He looked at Lin Mo and felt much more relaxed.


He pulled out a dagger from his body and walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

"Die..." Xue Ning grinned, and the dagger in his hand stabbed Lin Mo's heart fiercely!




Three sounds sounded almost at the same time.

The grim smile on Xue Ning's face solidified, and a blood line appeared on his neck, and blood kept spurting out.

And the dagger in his hand had broken into two pieces!

Ye Qing widened her eyes, and she saw everything that happened before.

As for the man behind Xue Ning, he was stunned, because he didn't expect the final result to be like this!

In the room, Xue Ning fell on his back, holding his neck, while Lin Mo stood there gasping for breath with the Red Blood Sword in his hand.

The man trembled, and his eyes were full of horror when he looked at Lin Mo.

Xue Ning was a fourth-grade martial saint, but he was killed by Lin Mo's sword!

"Lin Mo! killed the president of the Education Association, you..."

The man pointed at Lin Mo and screamed loudly.

But the next scene...


Blood spurted up, and the man's head rolled directly to the ground.

"Let's go!" He turned and looked at Ye Qing, his expression grim.

Ye Qing covered her mouth, then quickly came to her senses: "Are you okay?"

She rushed to Lin Mo, looking worried.

"I'm fine, do me a favor..." Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing: "I need Qi and Blood Pills, a lot of Qi and Blood Pills..."

"I, I'll get them for you now!" Ye Qing nodded repeatedly.

A new batch of Qi and Blood Pills has been refined, but it has not been shipped yet. Now that Lin Mo wants them, she will naturally give all the Qi and Blood Pills to Lin Mo!

"After you get them, send them to the central square!" Lin Mo said this and turned to leave.

Ye Qing nodded and left quickly.


Xu Bing'er, who was sleeping, was awakened by the phone call. She glanced at the contact and her face immediately showed an excited look.

"President Lin, you're back!"

"Do me a favor! Find a way to get as many students as possible to the central square!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mo was silent for a moment, and then called Feng Xuan: "Do me a favor..."

After doing all this, Lin Mo came to the central square alone.

He sat down cross-legged quietly, and after a little hesitation, he took out all the Qi and Blood Pills on his body.

In the dream, a lot of Qi and Blood Pills have been consumed, so now he only has ten intermediate Qi and Blood Pills left!

Without any hesitation, Lin Mo stuffed all ten Qi and Blood Pills into his mouth!


A strong sleepiness came over him, pulling him into the dream.

"I have limited time, I must get out of the dream as soon as possible, so..."

Lin Mo closed his eyes instantly.

The game is loading...

After entering the dream, Lin Mo directly selected the latest map.

Based on past experience, ten intermediate Qi and Blood Pills are enough for him to pass the entire dungeon!


He held the Blood Sword in his hand, and as soon as he entered the map, he swung it fiercely!

In front of him was a group of white worms, wriggling constantly, looking extremely disgusting.

With one swing of the sword, all the worms were killed!

But the green juice splashed out, turning into mist and instantly wrapped Lin Mo in it.

"Poisonous!" Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and he swung the Blood Sword in his hand again!

The raging flames directly separated a path!


Lin Mo flashed directly into the next room!

Boom boom boom!

A loud noise came, like thunder!

It was a wild boar with a black body, like a hill, with two sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth, shining with cold light.

Instant Kill Sword!

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and rushed up directly.

The Instant Kill Sword is very powerful, but it also consumes a lot of energy!

After two consecutive swords, most of the blood and energy in Lin Mo's body had dissipated!

Fortunately, while killing monsters, Lin Mo's blood and energy will also be replenished.

After killing the wild boar, when Lin Mo was about to enter the next room, a ball of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Is there an unexpected gain?" Lin Mo was a little surprised. After putting away the things, he entered the next room again!

The instant kill sword has almost become Lin Mo's main means of clearing the room.

It must be said that the instant kill sword is too powerful. Lin Mo arrived outside the lord's room in the fastest time!

Then he took a deep breath and rushed in directly!


In the dark room, a green light flashed.

It was a purple-black giant sword, and a purple-red vertical eye was just where the hilt and the sword body touched. At this moment, it was still blinking.

The giant sword was sending a mental wave, and the sound just now was made by it!


Just when Lin Mo was about to make a move, the giant sword slashed violently!

The purple sword wave rushed towards Lin Mo along the ground, like a huge wave, with amazing pressure!


Lin Mo dodged directly, and then the sword in his hand slashed fiercely at the giant sword!



The two swords touched, and the terrifying power surged. Lin Mo was blown away by a huge force and hit the wall!

"So strong!" Lin Mo couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.


Before he could react, the giant sword slashed again!


This time, Lin Mo simply gave up the Red Blood Sword and rushed up with his fists.

The powerful combination of Ghost Shadow and Five Beast Fist finally played a role at this moment!

Although the giant sword was terrifying, Ghost Shadow could completely avoid all sword moves.

The Five Beast Fist was even more powerful. Lin Mo's blood power and perception ability even doubled with the blessing of the Five Beast Fist!


Finally, Lin Mo punched out, and the tiger, giant wolf and other ferocious beasts pounced directly on the giant sword!

With a loud bang, the giant sword turned into a ray of light and completely dissipated!

A ball of light hung there. After Lin Mo felt the warmth absorbed by his body, he went forward and took the ball of light, then opened his eyes.

"Half an hour!" Lin Mo glanced at the time. It had only been half an hour since he entered the dream!

"The instant kill sword is too terrifying. I want to improve my proficiency in the instant kill sword as soon as possible!" Lin Mo made up his mind and looked around. No one came yet.

He took out the two balls of light in his mind.

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