Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 165: Game interface changes!

Xu Bing'er's eyes fell on Lin Mo, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

"What an interesting man, with sophisticated means, so many people are played in your hands..."

She thought silently in her heart, and her evaluation of Lin Mo improved a lot.

"If everyone has no objections, you can go back now!" Lin Mo clapped his hands to indicate that the meeting was adjourned.

A group of people stood up quickly, thanked him and turned to leave.

Qin Lan tilted her head and looked at Lin Mo, with a flash of enlightenment in her eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?" Lin Mo asked with a smile.

"You are so powerful!" Qin Lan said. She was not very interested in the scheme, but she could feel that everyone's attitude towards Lin Mo had changed in a short while.

Especially Cai Kun, who should be the one who hated Lin Mo the most, but now he seemed to be full of gratitude to Lin Mo.

"If you don't do it, you won't know how you died!" Lin Mo chuckled and stood up: "President Qin, I'll take my leave now!"

When I met Ye Qing yesterday, she mentioned that today would be the day when the first batch of Qi and Blood Pills would be shipped out of the factory. Lin Mo didn't want to be absent at such an important moment.

Although he rejected the good intentions of the shareholders, he asked for a lot of Qi and Blood Pills as dividends every month.

The Qi and Blood Pills of the student union group were the dividends from Lin Mo.

"According to the original agreement, I will probably take out thirty Qi and Blood Pills, and the remaining seventy intermediate Qi and Blood Pills will be mine!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he smiled.

According to the final result of the conversation, Lin Mo can get one hundred Qi and Blood Pills from Ye Qing every month. After giving out thirty, he will keep seventy for himself.

The Qi and Blood value of the intermediate Qi and Blood Pill is 10 points, and I can only replenish 700 points a month... It's still too little!

Lin Mo showed a regretful look on his face. In fact, if his thoughts were known by others, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

How can I increase my Qi and Blood value by 700 points every month? This is already a terrifying speed, okay?

The place for refining pills is inside the school. Lin Mo called Ye Qing before he went there, so Ye Qing had been waiting outside the door early.

"Let's go, the first batch of pills is almost ready!" Ye Qing pulled Lin Mo to the elevator.

"The school attaches great importance to this matter and has approved the entire building for us!" Ye Qing glanced at Lin Mo, and there were some words in her heart that she didn't say.

She knew very well that the reason why the school was so generous was largely because of Lin Mo!

Thinking of this, she had to sigh that Lin Mo was indeed very different. He walked out of Jinling and soared all the way up!

"What a rich Qi and Blood power, the intermediate Qi and Blood Pill should have been made!" Lin Mo couldn't help but speak as soon as he reached the third floor.

The rich Qi and Blood power had spread to the outside. The pill formula was provided by Lin Mo, so he had a good grasp of the temperature of the pill.

"It's done!"

At this time, a burst of joyful shouts came from not far away, followed by several cheers.

"Let's go and have a look!" Ye Qing pulled Lin Mo and walked directly there.

In the refining place, several people were looking at an alchemy furnace. At this moment, the flame under the alchemy furnace had been turned off, and blood-red pills poured out from it.

"Quick, test the medicinal properties!" An old man spoke with an excited look on his face.

Someone immediately put the pill under an instrument. Not long after, a line of numbers appeared on the instrument.


"Hahaha, I didn't expect the medicinal power to be so high!

A pill can provide 10.8 Qi and blood value. Such pills can be called top-grade... Miss Ye, you are here!"

The old man looked at Ye Qing and Lin Mo, and the excitement on his face did not decrease at all, but walked towards the two of them.

"Professor Chen, congratulations, you finally succeeded!" Ye Qing stepped forward and spoke with a smile.

"Miss Ye, if it weren't for the recipe you provided, we wouldn't have succeeded. Besides, you were the one who built the alchemy steps at the beginning. We just patched it up at most..." Professor Chen waved his hand modestly: "But, at least I didn't disappoint your expectations!"

Ye Qing nodded and looked at Lin Mo: "How about it, do you want to try it?"

Lin Mo nodded, took one of the pills, and swallowed it.

"Very good!" A warm current flowed through the body, instantly turning into pure energy and merging into Lin Mo's dantian.

Unlike before, Lin Mo did not enter the dream.

"Please pack a hundred Qi and Blood Pills for me according to the previous agreement, and I'll take them away!" Lin Mo smiled and looked at Ye Qing.

"Miss Ye, who is he?" Professor Chen looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled look on his face.

"He is the one who provided the recipe!" Ye Qing spoke and directly stated Lin Mo's identity.


A group of people looked at Lin Mo in shock. After a long time, Professor Chen bowed deeply to Lin Mo: "Thank you for giving me the recipe. Your name will definitely be on the list of merits for the human race to fight against monsters in the future!"

"Professor Chen, you are too polite. I don't dare to keep such an important recipe privately!" Lin Mo waved his hand: "Besides, I still hope to get some pills from here every month to replenish my body!"

Professor Chen looked at Lin Mo and laughed: "Take it!"

After Lin Mo returned to the dormitory, he had a big smile on his face. He really didn't expect that this time he would gain so much.

Professor Chen obviously has a very high status in the alchemy department. In his joy, he actually approved 200 Qi and Blood Pills for Lin Mo. That is to say, even if he handed over 30 pills every month, Lin Mo would still have 170 pills in his hand!

You can take medicine at will, no need to worry!

Lin Mo had a smile on his face. The next moment, he rushed to the bed and sat cross-legged.

The power of the medicine that had been suppressed for a long time could no longer be suppressed. His eyes were blurred for a while...

The game is loading...

Entering the dream, he found that everything in front of him had changed again. The original broken walls and ruins disappeared. He was now standing in the center of a cyberpunk-style city.

In the distance were towering skyscrapers. It was night time. The lights on the buildings were bright. There were intertwined tracks in the air, and trains were whizzing past them.

Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face. He didn't expect that after the number of Qi and Blood Pills he carried changed, the scene in his dream also changed!


Just as Lin Mo was about to explore here, a roar suddenly came from his ears.

Lin Mo was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat. He turned his head and almost cried out.

A terrifying corpse was standing not far from Lin Mo. At this moment, he opened his mouth and bit towards Lin Mo.

"Oh my god! What kind of a hell is this place? There shouldn't be monsters in this interface!" Lin Mo dodged sideways, and at the same time, he drew the Red Blood Sword from his body and slashed at the corpse fiercely.

An unpleasant smell emanated, and the corpse fell directly to the ground without a sound.

"This hell is wrong. I haven't chosen the copy yet, and a monster has appeared!" Lin Mo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. This was not because he was tired, but because a voice suddenly sounded just now, which scared Lin Mo!

"Choose the copy!"

Lin Mo made a choice directly and rushed into a door not far away.


As soon as he entered the copy, a loud bang came out.

In the distance, a high tower suspended in the air collapsed directly, and countless black figures flew out.

They flew in all directions, and some of them were particularly tall, exuding a terrifying aura.

"This is... a monster at the peak of the martial king level, and it can fly!" Lin Mo spoke slowly with a look of shock on his face.

It is very difficult to kill a monster in a violent state. If the monster can fly, then the difficulty of killing it will be doubled!


At this moment, a scream sounded, and one of the black shadows actually rushed towards Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo was standing in the woods. The dense forest should be able to block his body, but he was still discovered by this figure.


Lin Mo made a lightning-fast move and directly grabbed the small figure in his hand. After looking up and down, he showed a look of shock on his face: "This... is actually a dragon!"

In Lin Mo's hand was a giant western dragon, and its two fiery red wings kept flapping, stirring up gusts of wind.


The Western dragon bared its fangs and claws and bit towards Lin Mo's face, but Lin Mo would not tolerate it and directly broke its neck with force.

What Lin Mo did not expect was that just this one action caused a huge disaster.

In mid-air, several huge figures suddenly looked in the direction of Lin Mo.

Then the whole forest was shaking, and those dragons flapped their wings and swooped down!

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and was almost scared to death. These dragons were very powerful and close to martial saints!


Ghost Shadow!

Lin Mo directly used this martial art and rushed into the distance like a ghost!

Although his body movements were strange, the dragons were also very fast, not to mention that they seemed to have born intelligence and actually wanted to besiege Lin Mo!

Four dragons surrounded Lin Mo from four directions, and at the same time they opened their mouths, and four flames burned at the same time!

"Fire dragon!" Lin Mo's face was filled with shock. At the same time, he did not dare to be careless. He circulated his Qi and blood, and endless frost quickly formed around his body!

"Freeze!" Lin Mo spoke coldly, raising his hand and grabbing forward!

He wanted to fight the dragon's flame!

At this moment, Lin Mo was at a dead end. If the power of frost could not match the power of fire, then he would become ashes!


At this moment, endless frost actually spread around continuously, and in an extreme time, it froze the flames!

Fear flashed in the eyes of the four dragons, and it was too late to retreat!

The ice swept through like a hurricane, and the four dragons were directly frozen!

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